Friday, May 30, 2008

Under Armour Commercial On Bus

and hierarchies of the world spill

MARGUERITE BARANKITSE . Diocese of Livorno and the community of St. Egidio in the day when they remembered the bombings of May 28, 1943 in Livorno have given the "mother of ten thousand children," Pacem in Terris Award in 2008.

call it the Angel of Burundi . Or "the mother of ten thousand children " Why in the hell of the Great Lakes of Central Africa from rotting corpses of ethnic war has taken into his Maison Shalom thousands of children. In the House of Peace, with Hutu and Tutsi children and children of the perpetrators of massacres, child soldiers, sick with AIDS, abused children. They gave reasons to smile again to life, the world did see the face of a new humanly possible.
A parade next contend that most would say has the bearing of a princess, so serene grace and elegance radiates in his bright green clothes. Then you just meet her eyes lit up, injected with God just to hear the blare of her joyful laughter, especially, just to let light from the revolution of his words to understand that Marguerite Barankitse really two wings to make you fly. One is called faith, the other hope. "I will not tell you the grief - he says - but the love stories in the war. Television tells you about the horrors of war, and you have no need of horrors. You need hope. "

people (a lot) flocked to hear her in the church of San Giovanni Battista, where the Diocese of Livorno and the Community S. Egidio have given the prize Pacem in Terris the 2008 pay an applause lasting nearly ten minutes. His message of love and hope is disruptive. He speaks French, there is need of a translator, but has a warm voice that sticks it to you straight in the heart. Even if the horrifying scenario puts you ahead of the slums of history. "I'm first women - he says - and the vocation of women is to give life. "recounts the massacre of October 24, 1993 She, Tutsis, Hutus trying to protect. It 's the day of the assassination of President Melchior Ndadaye, the first Hutu democratically elected. began to insult him, to tell you that is a traitor. "Criminals have asked me: why do this? I said, because before being Tutsi belong to the human family, which is a noble family. And no one can snatch this belonging. "

With stubborn courage begins his adventure of hope. The Hutus massacred before his eyes 72. Only 25 children survived the carnage . And she takes them with them. "Despite everything I believed that love would triumph. No one believed me, except the children. I 25 I saved I hope donavano. The first night of the massacre I wanted to sleep in the cemetery. But a child said to me, Maggy, not sleeping in a cemetery! The children are the lights in the darkness of war. "

words that sound like a child wakes up hope. But I do not know where to go: he has children with them Hutus and Tutsis. An explosive mixture. "Eventually I was greeted by a German friend of mine cooperating - he says - and from there the adventure began to do Maison Shalom. So I did not believe that 25 children would arrive in ten thousand. Journalists from around the world said to me: You're a crazy, not going to make it. Yet they have also begun to take the children survived the massacre in Rwanda. Before long we reached 400, then 2000. Then I realized that God had given me a special vocation. "

is forced to steal food to feed her children. Even within the Archdiocese." I told the bishop. I will not stop stealing until they help me. Soon I became mad the Great Lakes region. UNICEF did not understand me, the big aid organizations did not understand me. Everyone told me that sooner or later I would give my children. But I've never abandoned them. And I think how many atrocities have become love stories. You can not imagine how children can give hope to the world. I've helped them to reconcile, Hutu and Tutsi children of victims and executioners, it became the new generation, the generation of the sons of God 'this hope. "

It' s the revolution of the cross filing and the assets of the resurrection. When the hierarchies of the world are overturned. "It 'the judgments of others that allows us to move forward. But rather we must go forward. Today - Marguerite continues - some of the first children I have received more than 20 years. Many took to visit the killers of their parents. And some have asked: want to become our new parents? I saw his eyes fill with tears of the killers. And 'this hope. "

Read more:
- The site of Maison Shalom
- Maison Shalom
Project - The book of ten thousand children mother, Christel Martin, Ed Piemme 2007

premiums received by Marguerite Barankitse
March 18, 2003 - Award for the defense of persons issued by the CEAR (Spain)
April 27, 2003 - Nobel Prize in Stockholm in children presence of the Queen of Sweden
February 2, 2004 - Honorary Doctorate in Law from the University of Louvain la Neuve
April 30, 2005 - Nansen Refugee Award in 2005 and promoted the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Pacem in Terris 2008

survived the genocide in Burundi in 1993, Marguerite Barankitse (pictured during the prize by Enio Mancini, dell'eccidio witness of St. Anna di Stazzema ) has saved many children from different ethnic groups During the terrible days of the civil war and wanted to offer their " maximum possibility of life .

He then founded the Maison Shalom , organized a home for small families, where he greeted the young victims of genocide, curandole, offering their assistance, education and instruction.
In these 14 years, ten thousand children, "ten thousand children", as named Marguerite, have passed through the House. They are the first victims of the genocide, but also hunger and the scourge of AIDS in a country that is ranks third in the world for the spread of HIV and has 660,000 orphans (of which 200,000 of the virus).

Despite the enormous difficulties and the serious situation in Burundi, during the long and arduous process of peace, for the sake of "her" children and his country, Marguerite has never stopped fighting, hoping beyond all reasonable logic, in the constant search for peace through dialogue , reconciliation, forgiveness, the promotion of human dignity and the universal common good.

In 2003 he received the Nobel Prize in 2005 for children and the Nansen Prize of the High Commissioner for Refugees. The

is then awarded the "Pacem in Terris " 2008
- for having saved hundreds of lives during the terrible days of the genocide of 1993 and those that followed, until today
- for believing in the sacredness of every human life , even the weakest or meanest, without distinction of ethnicity or of wealth, and for the work of reconciliation and peace , by virtue of that conviction, he pursued with patience and tenacity of faith among the children involved in the conflict and their families, including the killers and the victims' families, between Hutus and Tutsis,
- the joyful witness of a life torn with war and peace given


YESTERDAY AS TODAY. The priest was able to transform a Livorno experience excruciating pain in a path of hope lit the eyes of children

the day dedicated to the memory of the devastating Allied bombing of Livorno on May 28, 1943 the mixture of past and this is very strong. Besides the testimony of the Community of St. Barankitse Giles wanted to remember, not surprisingly, the figure of Don Roberto Angeli . Their stories are both very different and very similar. As also the Angel of Burundi Angels Don was able to transform the terrible hell of an experience of inennarabile pain and suffering as that of the Nazi concentration camps on a path toward hope. And he did it by sharing their children suffer most from the ravages of war.

various relief assistance of the Pontifical Commission (ACC) and the Committee Livornese Assistance (CLA) for children their greatest efforts. "The love for the needy children and youth in need of human goods and especially evangelicals - Don Renato Roberti wrote for the forty years of priesthood of Fr Angels - it passes from its rational prudence than the risk when are concerned they will not give peace '.

Immediately after the war were then established the Afterschool (in shacks and tents: 12 in 1948-49 and then 80 for 4,500 children in care, then 85 per 5,000 children in care), then kindergartens in areas depressed city. were immediately organized camps for students and free school lunches (Campiglia, Castagneto, Suvereto, Sassetta, Inland Riotorto). And then the colonies (600 Antignano children only in 1946) and social care . Finally, the preventor of Castelnuovo della Misericordia for children predisposed to tuberculosis or frail, weak, lymphatic, delayed physical development.
"The CLA - Don Renato Roberti wrote in 1968 - was born of a priestly heart pressed by barbed wire, in a time of suffering, hunger, aberration moral action, of non-existent social protection that - first of all - the children were affected. If the scene is moving to the Jesus that caresses the children, see Him, He Jesus, lost and shivering in abandoned children, and that no one collects no caresses, rather than moving is heartbreaking. "

"was urgently then - continues Don Roberts - in front of a youth, more contestaria today, by reason of his tacit drama, put Part fisionamia any particular organization, and unite all those who believed in the Gospel and therefore man to ride to the rescue of those small, pleading, without knowing it, the help of those who still believed in the aftermath of so much hate, in ' love humanity. And the lay of the various Catholic associations, ahead of the times, joined in the same assembly of Charity. And you saw in the slums and shanties of Piazza Lavagna and courage, in fetid shelters war, come, to the amazement wary of the poor, the envoys of the CLA to raise children and start them at nurseries, settlements, centers assistance " Leigh

Between the darkness of totalitarianism
"The person at the center, always

died on 10 February 1959, Monsignor Giovanni Picci oni, Bishop of Livorno 38 years. So next year will mark the 50 years since the death of the bishop who led our diocese for the longest period of time. A forty year full of dramatic events and radical social and political changes. Fascism is born and dies, set the monarchy and the Republic rises, sets out a contrast between the blocks. In the Church slowly soaring new enzymes that will lead to the Council.

"In this time of the fall volcanic landslide - Don Renato Roberti wrote for the 30th anniversary of death - the figure of the Bishop Piccioni is even greater for the clarity and foresight of his choices, for that intuition prophetic that large have to discern what they really worth more than the demagoguery of tenders, in recognizing the humble bee that makes honey from the buzzing of wasps unnecessary. "
Much has been written (see bibliography) on this great figure of the bishop, very probably, it remains to be written. Here we have chosen to evoke a particular aspect of his episcopate and delicate, that relationship with Fascism and the Resistance Livorno Catholic in some ways emblematic of the whole style of Bishops. With the hope that it is only a first contribution to a broader re-enactment in the upcoming anniversary.

Gospel factory
There is a picture (below ) dated May 6, 1943 which is very suggestive. At first glance you would say that is a boxing match: an attentive audience crowded around the ring. But on that "ring" are the Bishop of Livorno and Pigeon John Don Roberto Angeli ; to the 'corner' two leaders of the OTO shipyard and below, a crowd of workers. A picture tells more than beating about the bush: to that Easter of '43 - shortly before the allied bombing in Livorno swept away buildings and hopes - Pigeons had wanted Don Angels along with other priests arrange meetings for the workers. Result: more than 100 lectures in 18 factories Livorno, more than 10,000 workers achieved. 'S. Excellence - Angels Don wrote on "Fides" - spoke of Christ's love for the workers, the efforts made by the Church to give workers the freedom and justice and peace, pointed to the most recent Pope's words in defense of the proletariat against all forms of oppression and injustice. And had strong words against the war. "

Books illegal
Another snapshot. This time, obtained from a witness. We are in the middle of an ni 30s, censorship fascist creeps its tentacles everywhere. But there's still Livorno certain books banned in the bishopric. Why? Simple, Ulysses Piccioni, brother of the bishop, is superintendent of Turin. It is therefore in charge of auditing the books. "Well - he said Harold Figara , partisan with Don Angelo - The superintendent of Turin when he saw that there was a political book, which was? If you took it away and sent him to his brother bishop and the bishop Piccioni passed the book Angels Don, you know? Was some form of clandestine activity. " That way, often reminded Don Angel, "were among the first in Italy to read the integral humanism, in the first draft in French, Jacques Maritain (photo). Never use from fascism.

Arm in arm with Ajello?
Two episodes to say what? Piccioni a bishop who was publicly anti-fascist and "partisan"? No, you can not say. But of course the bishop Piccioni was among the artists most stringent in the defense of "his" Church in the scheme but in the inevitable compromises that the time required. When he arrived in '21 found a Livorno soaked in anti-clericalism and a seminar yet. Then he put all his energies to the revival of the diocese, "always acting with pride - Angels Don wrote - if it was to protect religious values \u200b\u200bor defended - against the powerful - the faithful entrusted to your pastoral care." And several episodes of the chronicles tell of the time.

to browse through the newspapers of the time but it seems that at least until 1939 between the Federal Livorno Umberto Ajello Piccioni and the bishop there was a "good agreement". Yes, the facade of a deal, because the objective was to provide a Christian education to the people. Beating Fascism where fascism had no weapons to fight : the formation of consciences. Pigeons had occasional moments of praise to Fascism, told his seminarians in an interview, but "you can not really say that we opened the pro-fascism. The scheme directs us to a mentality as opposed to a humanistic culture and the profound meaning of living and human dignity, beloved doctrine of the Church, the admiration of Christian knowledge. " Centered on the individual, always. Not the state.

In defense of anti-fascists
And then one last item. Decisive. Pigeon said that full support of the clergy blatantly hostile to fascism. He allowed the Cenacle of St. Giulia Don Angel, a 'public school anti-fascism. " Gave notice of this business on the Diocesan Bulletin, official organ of the diocese, careful not to advertise too much incriminating topics. As Cardinal Elia Dalla Costa of Florence with the anti-fascist La Pira (pictured right), so Piccioni knew what architect the antifascist Don Angeli. And - with great caution - and agreed to allow her to act. "Don was an Angels La Pira - once said an authoritative voice as that of Paolo Emilio Taviani - Monsignor Piccioni played the role of protector of all the discordant voices of dissent and Fascism: it was very clear in defending his priests. The Bishop stopped the fascists to the junk uncharacteristically harsh in respect of progressive Catholics. "

Resistance: choice "theological"
And when most of the authorities crushed by bombs left Livorno, Pigeons remained in the city, Montenero, as defensor urbis. And there in the convent received Catholics with the band and partisan Committee for the Liberation of Livorno . "Monsignor Piccioni - Figara remembered - he knew that even the Catholics are active in front of Livorno illegal. Very often in a piecemeal, the Bishop received us in the Sanctuary of Montenero. We were young, inexperienced political things, and He willingly put at our disposal the baggage of their memories, reminiscences of his time, when he was fighting the political battle. " Pigeons, like a Don Murri or Albertario Don, a young priest in Pistoia had fought in the nascent Christian Democrats, had made the opposition councilor, helped organize the first Catholic Social Week of 1907.

That passion could not pass it to his people. "Taking part in the Resistance - Angels Don wrote - not for anti-fascist tradition (we had grown up with fascism), not for a sense of honor or an instinctive reaction to the violence (as could happen to many Italians especially military), nor to nationalist patriotism but suffered deep ideological conviction gained in the study : even more so because it seemed that there was no other way to witness to the Gospel and live in accord with our Christianity. " "Being anti-Nazi and anti-fascists appeared clearly as a Christian need." The choice of the Resistance "was not so much a choice but rather moral and patriotic - sometimes - theological." Pigeons could never prevent this?

short bio

Monsignor Giovanni Piccioni ( pictured with Archbishop Urban left the Angels in 1951 and Don ) was born in Longone Sabino (Rieti) May 30, 1876. He studied in Pistoia, where he was ordained priest 18 December 1898. He graduated in law Apollinare of Rome. He was professor of Canon Law and theology at the Seminary of Pistoia. He taught Latin and greek at the Royal High School of Pistoia. He occupied himself intensely the social movement of Catholic and Christian . He led the Catholic weekly "The Defense." He participated in the battles of the nascent democracy by contributing to the flourishing of Christian Speakers Rural Pistoia and representing the territory for six years as a Catholic city councilor.
In 1909 he was appointed Canon of the Cathedral of Pistoia, and then Vicar General of the Diocese . On July 24, 1921 was elected Bishop of Livorno. From 1924 to 1933 was also Bishop of the Diocese of Massa Marittima and Populonia. He was appointed by the Holy Father in view of its great merits, Count Romano, Assistant and Domestic Prelate to the Papal Throne. Since 1955, when years and the great pastoral labors began to sap his energy, was assisted in the ministry by the Administrator Apostolic, Monsignor Andrea Pangrazio. He died at Leghorn on February 10, 1959 .

Minimum Bibliography

John Piccioni, a leading figure in the history of Livorno in its civil aspects and moral higher , Supplement paragraph 12 of the Diocesan Bulletin, Livorno, Tip. Star of the Sea, 1977
L. Bientinesi, A priest on the run, Roma, Edizioni Lavoro, 1995
G. THE HIGHER, Don Roberto Angeli, bold interpreter of Christian social thought. A priest from Livorno Resistance and Reconstruction, Thesis, University of Pisa, Faculty of Political Science, academic year 2006-2007
L. Litrico, the consensus was to disillusionment, the ministry of Msgr. Pigeon John, Bishop of Livorno, in the years of the regime (1929-1940), in "Oecumenitas Civitas' Notebook II (2002)
E. NEVER, Bishops in Livorno and their teaching , Part V, by the Archives Diocese of Livorno, Editasca, 2004
A. Zarganar, Bishop G. Piccioni Bishop of Livorno (1921-1959), in further broadened, by A. Tintori, Florence, Pagnini, 1997

( published in "The Week - Toscana Oggi" of February 24, 2008)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Start Sarees Business


S. Egidio. tomorrow a day to remember May 28, 1943 and all other cities devastated by war.
Prize Marguerite BARANKITSE (pictured) , the Angel of Burundi

"Livorno for peace. A journey of memory and hope. " With this theme opens May 30 the day dedicated to the memory of the war that came to our city from the sky. On May 28, 1943 Livorno was devastated by bombing in two months almost completely destroyed, leaving in memory and in people's lives, deep scars and unforgettable even if, today, perhaps less visible. It was destroyed a secular co-existence between different people and completely changed the social fabric.

65 years have passed but the memories are now memories. The Community of Sant'Egidio along with many others Livorno, associations, institutions and friends, it worked because this day also become a memory of this, many of the city when war comes again today, and the common search for ways peace, so necessary for learning to live together despite their differences and social upheaval.

During the march which will move at 17 May 30 from the town square will be heard some evidence of that May 28, 1943, but then voices of contemporary wars in Africa and Asia. They will also remember all those that, as ordinary citizens were spent to save many lives despite the material difficulties and the violence of war. It will be recalled the figure of Don Roberto Angeli , which marks the 30th anniversary of his death, and who even now fight to wrest men, women and children to the violence of war.

At the end of the day in fact, will be awarded the "Pacem in Terris", 2008, established by the Diocese of Livorno in 2003 and has become a national event, expected and significant. A will receive Marguerite BARANKITSE . Survived the genocide in Burundi in 1994, Barankitse saved many children from different ethnic groups During the terrible days of the civil war between Hutus and Tutsis.

Since 2004, when the Community of Sant'Egidio began collecting signatures for May 28 to become the town of Peace Day, many elderly people have written their memories . It re-emerged, lively, and the great tragedy of that day: the pictures, the lives, the remaining places long forgotten, the first of the Scali d'Azeglio where many were imprisoned under the bombs. There are now about 300 tales collected and preserved in the church of San Giovanni Battista. And the collection continues ... who wants to send their memories of May 28, 1943, can send it to the Community of Sant'Egidio by mail to: via Carraia 2, 57100 Livorno, via email at , or by phone at No. 0586.211893.

17:00 pm - Route memory
The stage: Town Hall Square - Greetings initials;
II stage: Via della Madonna-Testimony;
stage III: Via Santa Giulia - Testimony;
stage IV: Piazza Cavour-reading of the call of peace
V stage: Scali D'Azeglio - Homage at the plaque in memory the victims of the bombing (The place housed during the war, one of the shelters that were hit by bombs; memory of the civilians who were killed, many of whom do not have a name yet)

19.00 pm - Delivery Prix Pacem in Terris-Church of San Giovanni Battista
(The Prize will be delivered in the church of San Giovanni Battista, spared by the bombing of the city center, which now houses the memorial to the victims of the war in Livorno. Their stories gathered from relatives and friends are laid, together with evidence of conflicts of other countries, the crucifix on the altar in memory of the pain of all wars and in the hope of peace). Introduction. Greeting by Bishop Paul Breeze - Deposition of memories of the victims of the bombing of Livorno and all wars - Testimony of Marguerite BARANKITSE - Minute of silence in memory of the ongoing conflicts - Allocation of the prize "Pacem in Terris": reading motivation and the award presentation. The award will be delivered by Enio Mancini, witness dell'eccidio of Sant'Anna di Stazzema - Conclusion

21.00 pm - Festival in the square: "W Peace" with the children for the peace of Livorno - Piazza Pio Logo - songs, stories, suggestions for children and young people on peace and war.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

After Waxing Itchy Rash

DON ALFREDO NESI, Korea 40 years after

to remember the figure of Don Alfredo Nesi, I put these two articles appeared on "The Week- Toscana Oggi" January 23, 2005.

It 's the first day of spring 1962. A priest Florentine Opera del Grappa Madonna takes the road to Livorno its destination is the northern outskirts of the city, the neighborhood that residents had called Korea because the Aurelia, which separates it from the rest of the city, seemed insurmountable as the 38th parallel, which marked the boundary between the two Koreas. It is the neighborhood of the many displaced persons of war, there rebuilding effort with their new home and their new future.

That priest, Alfredo Nesi (pictured above is the first right, next to Monsignor Alberto Ablondi ), in that district will build a new church and above all give a new face to the hope of the people through a process that intertwines pastoral activities, education and culture. Don Alfredo, as it had done in Florence, together with Don Giulio Facibeni between the workers and orphans of war and Rovezzano Rifredi, mingles among the people of Korea, begins to love her, she sees the vices and virtues, the poor "are uncomfortable and scomodanti "but, say, is with them that" you learn God. "

From nothing creates Village School and there, a whole series of socio-educational-cultural experience that will feed into the national debate of those years. The periphery becomes the center: from Korea part of an experiment of national importance. The concept is innovative: to give a chance of emancipation to the youth of district through a "global educational proposal 'in a single structure are kindergarten space, but also evening classes for adults, study for the University and help in studies of the neighborhood boys.

The activity of the village is three hundred and sixty degrees, there are sports activities, educational, recreational, tourism. And then the famous debates on issues of major social impact in the 'Meetings of Korea "to which Don Nesi able to involve the big names of the culture and politics of the time; Publications libertarian pedagogy and education, the creation of a library public.

Nesi Then in 1982 Don decided to start over. Again, with the same enthusiasm, he left for Brazil, it is assigned a parish in the outskirts of Fortaleza , and there in 1992, in the favela of Jurema, create Socio-Educational Center-Health Madonna del Grappa. Even with the poor, where there is God Don Alfredo died in Brazil February 14, 2003. And a month after former students of the Village of Korea agree that it is already time to leave.

DON NESI : man of dialogue

Don Alfredo Nesi, Oltrarno basket in the seminary, was mate bench Don Lorenzo Milani. Friendship most intimate and profound that it retains until the death of pastor Barbiana. But throughout the life of Don Nesi is characterized by meetings, by the fruitful dialogue with leading figures in the secular world of Catholic renewal and open: from Giorgio La Pira to Father Ernesto Balducci , by Archbishop Alfred Ancel to Peter Ingrao . This dialogue-style, set to open but deeply Catholic confessional, the open many doors, it will be many awards, but it will also be showing a lack of understanding and closure.

us to investigate, at least for a while, the complexity of the figure of Nesi, is Fixed Don Roberto (died in September 2007 pictured right), pastor at Our Lady of the Rosary, linked by a long friendship with the pastor of Korea and now one of the two "guarantors" together with Professor Henry Colombini Association Don Nesi / Korea " I believe that Don Alfredo - says Don Roberto - was presented to Monsignor Pangrazio by Father Ernesto Balducci. Balducci for me, and for the young priests of the time, was one of those figures, along with Turoldo, to Mazzolari, there were impassioned and we hope for a different church. He then presented with a "sponsor" respectable. "

For the church Leghorn Don Nesi meant then buy more breathing wide.
"We immediately struck by organizing a Lectio Divina in which we presented the spirituality of the Prado: the work of Bishop Ancel and the worker priests of Lyon. I remember you very angry with us young priests: I was accustomed to my reading rationalistic philology of the page instead of the gospel and he put us in the middle of the word, trying to make us understand what the Lord wanted to say here and now. But I also remember that we met with him the experience of Don Enzo Mazzi Isolotto of Florence and the Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire. Put us in contact with a church that opened to the world. "

In the pure spirit of the Council.
"Yes, he brought forward this idea of \u200b\u200ba strong church as a community and a dynamic commitment to the ripening of man. Search and poor, the two cornerstones of its action: the word to feed the Church becomes a community in the service of men. The poor have to make them self-promoting economically and culturally. "

Some people, however, accused him of neglecting prayer.
"Not true, because Don Alfredo prayed and prayed in earnest. The Word nourishes the Church, a Church community lives of prayer, so the Eucharist is the center, but does not stay there, is sent to the poor, the poor with indifference. "

Unselfishness in what sense?
"In the sense that no one use the service to the poor: I bear witness to the Gospel, they, if they want, choose it. Commitment to the Church was the foundation of his commitment to the promotion of man, and the aging man came first. "

a maturity that ran through the dialogue with the world of politics?
"Korea was an important place for reflection and dialogue with all. In par ticular , although this was difficult in the '70s, Don Nesi was convinced that it was necessary to stop with the option of choosing one policy for Catholics: he thought a pluralistic church. Promoted dialogue Christianity, Marxism, which is now taken for granted, but then it was prophetic. "

But this also brought him some problemuccio.
"I remember a controversy over the" Candide ", the magazine of the right, where Don Nesi was presented as one of the goldfish planted by Bishop Guano Fuci and movement with the graduates."

Leghorn and clergy welcomed as these openings?
"With some misunderstanding. The dialogue in Livorno had to measure the cultural poverty of the political world in which they engaged. Our priests were accustomed to confrontation rather than meeting with the Communist Party. Don Nesi instead came from Florence and Balducci's Last Supper: There was a hotbed of Catholic culture that was confronted with major political figures of Marxists. Don Alfredo tried to reproduce here the dialogue fruitful but difficult. "

What then of the experience of Don Nesi can be drawn for today?
"I think the most important aspect is the tension continues to stand tall culturally, never get tired to think deeply, to focus on culture, human advancement and commitment to a school for everyone. And then the commitment never failed over the life of Don Nesi, because Christians have a big heart for the poor. To give the poor things better. "

- Opera
Madonna del Grappa - Don Foundation Nesi / Korea
- Center Don Nesi: a flower in the desert of poverty from Tuscany Today

Does Iced Tea Have The Same Benefits As Hot Tea


Province was held in the award ceremony which was attended by students from Livorno. First prize to a movie and a poem

During the Thirty Years of the death of Don Roberto Angeli (May 26, 2008), the Office of Pastoral Care for the School in collaboration with the Diocesan School for Social Communications Office, CLA (Livorno Assistance Committee), under the auspices of ' Provincial Education Office, the Directorate of Educational Policies and Social Services and the contribution of the Province of Livorno, opened the competition "Don Roberto Angeli (1913-1978), a priest from Livorno in the Resistance" , reserved for students of the third The secondary school degree; fourth and fifth high school grade II.
From reading the book Angels Don "in the camps Gospel", the competition would contribute to a better understanding of the figure and work of this priest, to foster better understanding of the characters who contributed to the human and spiritual growth of the civil and ecclesial community and Livorno enter the concentration camp story of Don Angel in the context of Italian and European history of the '900.

Following the competition were also activated training courses in ser vice for teachers of Religious
appointed Diocesan Ordinary and meetings with school groups. Not a high number of entries submitted but really good quality.
Monday, May 26 at the Ceremony Hall of the Province who have been invited KutufĂ  George, Laura Bandini, Roberto Gori, Carla Roncaglia, Enrico Sassano, of Gianluca Maggiore.

Jade Gallotta won the first prize ex aequo (Journey to Monaco Munich - Dachau organized for the Diocese July 21 to 24). E 'included in Class III of F' Comprehensive School No 1 (Via delle Sources n.39) that from next academic year 2008/2009 will have its own title "Don Roberto Angeli." "I created this DVD to people who see it can understand how lucky they are to have a life in this world because they attach less and less the fair value write-Jade in the information the elaborate -. I hope - still - all serve to learn how to go live every moment as if it were the last, because they know that there is nothing and nobody can tell whether there will be others, if that moment that you will continue or end forever. "
The DVD, which the Commission has judged the entries received, has an original creative value and presents the history of Father of the Angels and then deported to concentration camps with a variety of well-articulated languages \u200b\u200bof communication between them. The teacher contact is prof. Luca Paolini.

1st Prize ex aequo to Lorenzo Menga, class 3B entered the State School "G. Bartolena" with the poem "Don Roberto Angeli" (Professor of Italian representative, Prof. L. Giannetti): The poem by L. Menga expressed in an original and evocative evocative images of the deportation.

Federica Castellano (Inst. Comprehensive 1, Class III F), Irene Rossini (IIIB, State School "G. Bartolena"), Karen Precan (III F, Ist Includes 1) other awards with a voucher to purchase school supplies. Recommendation for the best work out of competition and plate 5C High School Class of Education (teacher at Professor R. Brown): Valentina Baccelli, Balzano, Veronica Barcala, Jessica Basile, Veronica Busoni, Carolina Dani, Silvia Fasulo, Irene Guerra Irene Valentina Mannocci Masino, Lisa Parlanti, Gerardo Pieroni, Alice Simonetti, EleonoraVallini.

Reporting for the best paper that reflects on the experience of Don Angel in the light of other sources on the events of the Holocaust in Alessandro Izzo (Inst. Incl. 1, IIIC, teacher at Professor T. Bertarelli) and signaling the potential for a photographic and sound Leo Frank and Irene Bellanova (Inst. Incl. 1; IIID), and in the premium DVD of the film "Sophie Scholl-The White Rose" by Marc Rothemund (Berlin Film Festival 2005).
were presented certificates of participation and a pen: Cerisola Elena, Martina Milella, Alessandra Favino, Silvia Ferretti, Greta Drive, De Filicaia Jennifer, Giulia Filippi, Bartolozzi, Giada Alessia Di Carlo, Sara Elia, Silvia Darvigneti Rusadin Chiara Barbieri Christian, who sent a short essay processed (article), poems and DVDs. In the coming weeks we will put the work in these pages (articles, poems, reflections) to enhance the commitment of these students and reflect on educational issues.
Enrica Tala
diocesan pastoral office manager for the school

the winner:

Poetry winner:

Nobody knew where he was on those trains
understand him maybe smell
that they were going to heaven and a gate

created the junction between life and death. The cooks of men
never stop:
always came from those chimneys smoke and souls. A priest for
twist of fate
called Angels
escaped the ovens

to tell his story the story of a man who looked to the sky paint fumes.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How To Transfer A Debt To Another Person


ANNIVERSARY. 30 years after death will be remembered the priest courage of Nazi concentration camps. Montenero led to the cuff as a votive offering with its serial number in the Dachau concentration camp
(An article that appeared on the Tyrrhenian Sea on 26 May 2008)

This afternoon, on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the death of Bishop . Roberto Angeli, ( photos from the Tyrrhenian ) 18 will be celebrated at a Mass in "his" church of San Jacopo da Don Luciano Musi, one of the few priests who have known the figure of a priest Leghorn.

newly ordained priest, the young Don Angel, had been for the parish of tower before settling in San Jacopo and become subsequently proposed Chapter of the cathedral. The "fighting for love," Don Roberto Angeli was born in Schio (Vicenza) July 9, 1913. The family moved to Livorno, from an aunt in 1926 with four children: Maria Ausilia (then shewn a nun), Renata, the only one still alive, and Luisa. He studied at the seminar under the leadership of Bishop John Piccioni and the Rector Giuseppe Stefanini .

After he graduated in philosophy at the University Gregorian, where he made important international friendship. The memory of Don Angel is still alive to its ideals of peace, freedom and justice. For these ideals, not to bow to the demands of the Germans was imprisoned in Nazi death camps. In the sanctuary of Montenero is still vow to the Madonna: 134,352 (the number in Dachau) , the red triangle for political prisoners and the bracelet, "the Blessed Mother in heaven, a priest gives his son the signs of his slavery '.

liked to say that he was "raised from the death camps 18 May 1945." He was arrested by the Gestapo May 17, 1944 in the villa where he had fled to Montenero. A spy Roman had been arrested with her father Emilio.
in 1945 when he returned from the hell of the concentration camp at Dachau, found in Livorno another hell. Not granted rest and rolled up his sleeves. In 1948 gave birth to the Committee Leghorn assistance: there was so much to help poor people, unemployed, homeless, with nothing to eat. Among his works, the "House of boys' and the printing school" Star of the Sea. "

" Gospel in lager is his best known book. Printed for the first time in 1953 under the title "Since Italy has risen" collected writings which had published the diocesan weekly (and many dioceses Tuscan) ' Fides' which he founded, a Christian flag in the information field. The latest edition, in collaboration with the Province and the Office of the diocese school, is 2007, distributed in high schools.

A had the displeasure of Uranus Sarti (Pappa) the columns of the 'Hammer': the journal of the workers on the site attacked him hard. The biggest disappointment was when he forced the closure of the Fides for alleged sympathies to the left. The years of peace came with the bishop and Msgr Guano. Ablondi that surpassed all the misunderstandings. The Jews of Livorno had bestowed a first recognized in 1956 when the Chief Rabbi Toaff Alfredo handed him a parchment recall the work "courageous and humanitarian, animated by a spirit of charity and justice." Frida Misul had written, "who suffered for giving us freedom." Some hoped that he had recognized the title of "Righteous of Israel."
Gianfranco Grossi

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four figures: two priests and two lay people who lost their lives fighting the Resistance

"We were motivated by a profound decision : we wanted to implement the charge of human brotherhood and justice which is in the Gospel. " These words of Don Roberto Angeli perhaps give the fullest meaning of what has been the participation of Catholics in the Resistance. Certainly many acted without thinking too much, by pure instinct Gospel (participation in cultural heritage was founded by small elites), as many were those who did not act at all. The story - as always - we return the faces and deeds of those who have been unable or unwilling to tell, who can talk through the documents. Here, for starters, we should remember four figures (two priests and two lay persons) and for the cause of liberty perished. Witnesses of the Gospel, rebel for love.

Don Italo Gambini ( photo next ) . He died at the age of 25. Priest for a year. "It was the support of the population of Castiglioncello, during the terrible years of war," writes Don Angeli. "The passage of the front - Don Renato Roberti writes on Fides - with the increase of danger became bolder, more generous, more peaceful. Rained gunfire and the Don Italy continues to comfort the families still hidden in various houses in the country. " It was in accompanying are to protect a family that was killed by a landmine. It was July 9, 1944.

Don Renzo Gori. In a document dated CLN di Camaiore reads: 'We know that the Sac. Renzo Gori was marked by dedication and courage, not sparing himself and defying every danger in order to bring help to the population and assist the victims of Nazi savagery. " He was evacuated from Livorno Lucca. On September 6, 1944 - Angels Don writes - "on his way to bury yet another victim of the Germans, was arrested and taken to prison Malaspina of Massa Carrara. He was shot on 10 of the same month for "intelligence with the partisans'." He was 24 years.

Anna Maria Enriques Agnoletti ( next photo ). In Livorno, there are a street and a school dedicated to her. Liceo Scientifico Enriques the titled the Great Hall. But who knows how many students know the intense history of this woman-courage, gold medal of the Resistance. Livorno's Jewish parents, she chose Catholicism, and was a companion of the Angels for Don fight irreplaceable 'tireless propagandist (including Rome, Florence and Livorno) ideas of freedom and justice in the program of the Christian Social Movement. " She was arrested and shot by the Gestapo in Cercina June 12, 1944 in Florence. She was 37 years. At the time of the hand were found in many copies of "Rebirth", the underground paper of the Christian Social Livorno.

Renato Pini. Engineer Solvay. It was part of CLN as an inspector of the Province of Livorno partisan and representative of the Christian Social Movement. He participated in providing especially heavy fighting at the head of partisan groups that were formed between Castellina and Suvereto. He died July 14, 1944, hit by friendly fire of the advancing allies to leave Livorno. He had gone to warn not to shoot against the chalk quarry where they were sheltered dozens of displaced persons. Mistake him for a German.
( published in "The Week-Toscana Oggi" No. 15 of April 20, 2008)

Friday, May 23, 2008

How Much Is Cineplex Tickets

Action Catholic Livorno between 1938 and 1945

presented the latest work by Andrea Zargani

There are voices within the , the faces, the stories "of those who are often the big story was put aside." Through the wire of the testimony and thorough research into the documentary is "difficult inner journey of renewal and awareness of all those Catholics who rebelled against the totalitarian making an important contribution to the liberation struggle with the torch of courage and hope '.

these are probably the most valuable aspects of the last well documented work of historiography Andrea Zargani . Moreover, the title already explains a lot: renewed consciousness. Religious identity and cultural commitment of the laity of the Catholic Diocese of Livorno, the racial laws of Liberation (1938-1945).

The deputy director of the Diocesan, after years of careful research, has published the "Papers of Labronica" a book that opens up great flashes of light on a story often neglected or (worse) forgotten and that all projects educational strength of the memory found on the present and the future.

concepts emerged clearly last May 15 meeting to present the volume in front of so many people saw in the hall of Villa Fabbricotti. In addition to the author and moderator of the debate Chiara Domenici, were the Bishop Simone Giusti, the vicar general and Alderman Paul Breeze to the cultures of the Municipality of Livorno Massimo gloves.

The Bishop Simone Giusti scrutinizes the past looking to the present ("the story of Catholic - he says - only a confirmation that more education in our city can find a driver for its development ') and cites Don Robert Angelo to understand the most important aspect of the book Zargani: "When you can know - Angels Don said - through the figures and documents, the contribution of Catholic Action for liberation, then many who are out of wondered, and perhaps better understand that education in the very heart of Christian life that need to buy it, it is logical to also die. "

Zargani And in the book is this: figures and documents. Above all there is hidden inside the route that led most of the Catholics of the '30s and '40s - who played in mass between the file associations of the Church - to "Open their minds to contribute to justice by the heavy path of Christian social renewal."
Monsignor Paul Breeze - and elated after quoting the reference figures for the laity of the time (the Bishop Don Giovanni Piccioni and Angels) - explained in a few words the profound significance of the work of Zargani " Andrea - he says - has not only collected the testimonies, stories, histories, but has raised above all the spirit that inspired those who told him the facts and the spirit of hidden Fedde documents. He told other words the yearning for justice, solidarity, brotherhood, that drove the Catholics at a time when fascism would obscure all people who seek the truth in the assertion utter and complete. "
( published in "The Week-Toscanaoggi" of May 25, 2008)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Does Mcdonalds Hire 15 Year Olds In New York

PAUL Giuntella the life as a fire, a star
The memory of journalist and writer, died May 22, 2008

In life there are meetings that will indelibly mark. E 'when you are lucky enough to run into "vendors of hope, dealers sense, justice and freedom." Paul Giuntella came to Leghorn in March 2006 invited by the Social Communications of the diocese (in the photo a moment of ) and passionately explained his vocation as a Christian and a journalist. In words that are difficult to forget: "My real board - he said - are the poor of the world, my CEO is Jesus Christ and my master is the Lord our God. It is clear that if I translate this in terms fundamentalists, clerics, religious, I ruined everything: starting with my Lord. "

Flashing other then the audience with words of fire: "The press offices of real Church are the witnesses, not ten seconds for a declaration of a cardinal or a bishop. Enough with the shields to defend our identity! Christianity is seen as a geopolitical and regional reality is not universal and therefore is no longer Christianity. That's why we need more blood than whining. The unique identity temporalistic idolatrous and that we should be able to communicate is that of love. Why is it that we recognize. "
who then wanted to" meet "again in his books found in in its rhapsodic prose, rhythmic from the heart and music, the paths of spirituality in a dynamic equilibrium between the sky and perfect and sidewalk. Giuntella so careful to pass on the memory of the witnesses was himself a witness of faith "on fire". "They love the witnesses because of their gestures - he wrote in one of his last books - by their deeds and their words we hear clips from grace, the embers of the firebrand, the red flower."

Here Giuntella want to remember him because he was very close to Livorno (a month ago he had given his willingness to participate in the celebrations for the thirtieth anniversary of the death of Don Angeli). His father Vittorio Emanuele , Returning from town famous Nazi concentration camps, was a close friend of Don Roberto Angeli and the knowledge and passion for this figure of the pioneer of social Christianity had also passed to his son.

Giuntella So Paul wrote on the occasion of the new edition of the Gospel the camps in 2007: "Angels Don was one of those Tuscan priests who anticipated that the Council had names, fixed references to my house. That patrol men, each so different and yet seemed to be a flowering of new revival of Christianity, as if the Tuscany and France of those years were their favorite locations from the Lord for his avant-garde. I remember, as I get in mind: Facibeni don, don Nesi, Cardinal Dalla Costa, Don Milani, Don Bartoletti, Father Ernesto Balducci, and the Christian Social don Angels, in some ways, it was a bit 'the precursor of all. "

- guess there are welcoming him playing the sax B. Scaramucci
- A reminder on the White Rose site F. Caneri
- of Christian humanism apologist of our time P. Cerocchi (L'Osservatore Romano)