Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ultrasonic Transducer 24 Khz

died in Swaziland 50 years ago
"first fruits of paradise"
On May 13, 1928 was born in Rosignano Solvay Lido Rossi, the son of Lino Rossi - a worker of the company Solvay - Fierabracci and Leda, a woman of great faith. Fatherless as a child, wants to become a doctor "to heal the sick fathers' and will do so at the University of Pisa, graduating in 1954 in medicine and surgery. During his military service he served at the Celio, the Cecchignola, the School of Health in Florence and then to the hospital Military Bolzaneto in Genoa, where it completes the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming a medical missionary. In 1956 he married Elena
Fallen, (pictured above with Lido in 1958) known university in 1951, both were Fucini - an active faith in the university would say today, with whom he had gained the missionary vocation .

So Lido and Elena leave from the port of Venice, 5 dicemb King 1956, on the ship destination Africa hospital Steg, in Swaziland, founded a mission and a clear by the Servants of Mary Province of Tuscany ( on the opposite Lido in Africa).
Lido is one of the pioneers of CUAMM (University College for aspiring doctors and missionaries), established in 1950 in Padua, at the behest of Bishop Jerome Bortignon to prepare Italian and foreign medical students who want to serve the poor in developing countries of development, as they say.
No need for adventure, is fond of saying, but to do good, and day after day you hear more and more docile to the will of God and peace in your soul has confirmed that he had found his way.

true poet, Lido down in verse her thoughts turned to his girlfriend who will become Hellen Cloister, imagined "Sitting on the floor to teach the greek fireflies." His service took place among the brethren blacks in whose veins flows the blood red, his eyes to the Lord who makes them go because our security is Your every street of this little world, "the veneration of Mary accompanying his life from birth to death. "He who makes us sick docile handmaiden of humility rewarded with the greatest of joys," he wrote a few days before he died. On August 16, 1958 Lido
Rossi died from fulminant nephritis. The widow returned to Livorno, where he still lives and is buried in Lido di Castellina Marittima, native country of their parents.
"Africa Lido was black for what was the dark night to the great mystics. " wrote him Ernesto Balducci. And again: "The approach of Lido with the Black world is immediate, passes through the roots. This is where you measure the authenticity of his faith the proof of which is closed years before the great prophetic voices within Christianity woke up a new consciousness and a new style of presence. Who says God is one, says that humanity is one, wrote a mystical Islamic Middle Ages. "
We worship one day in the company of saints Leghorn? But why the diocese should start the process of canonization ... "Lido Rossi, groom and medical missionary, lived the Christian virtues heroically up to the gift of life. " A true witness of faith and charity. A life devoted to God and to others.

Renato Rossi, deacon

Elena Falleni
"I still love Lido. My marriage is not over '

is one of those stories that would go crazy novelists. Or even more: the poets. Yes, because this story is so beautiful, so pure and gushing love of faith, which should be entrusted to the loving hands of the poet. Who knows how to handle and return the scent of delicate flowers, without breaking them. Sa guess what is not said in the silences and to speak. Dating Elena Falleni (photo by side in a recent photo ) and immediately understand why Lido Rossi wrote that she was "the one" who knew how to read the "Braille" of his "blind melancholy."

In these 50 years, from that August 16, 1958 that tore the life from her young husband, Elena has preserved as a precious treasure of his love for Lido . Faithful beyond death. A love that was never turned off. "Through the love you wanted me, I understand the love of God." It tells you very simply. It is as if between the gorges of the many poems dedicated to the Lido could still hear her breathing. Do you sense that Christ is indeed still there in the middle to keep their marriage together. "When I was alone - he says - I felt I had to stay alone, because I'm clinging to the higher values. To be united with him and spend my whole life for him, for his spirit. Really my marriage has not ended 50 years ago. I never left the communion every day because it just might suffer his soul up there, which is close to God That was my goal. "

Elena has a sweet smile, is sparing of words and occasionally stops to avoid going over immeasurably. He never told too much about himself and Lido ( on the opposite page, along in 1956). Perhaps to keep, to preserve its purity. "Lido always told me:" Ah, thank goodness you're not a woman who chats a lot, because it let me think. " Instead, the women talk talk, but I like that. " Almost apologizes if he has "great stories to tell."

And if you ask him to Africa and how to react when the Lido announced his intentions she says, "I cried so much for the surprise. Before I fall in love and then tells me takes me to Africa. I did not have the vocation to be missionary, I had the vocation to be a wife. So I blessed Africa because our dream of young couples could become reality. " She pauses, apologizes, smiles "Look, these things but I do not feel I tell you."

He is right when he recalls that his sister Zita operators CUAMM call them "invisible doctors" are so 'in character and style, never do justice to their mission. " "This is Elena - Zita says - was the perfect wife of the doctor invisible." And then maybe just a poem by Helen Lido to sense a bit '"invisible." Yes called "modesty." "Mite heavenly transparency / white two languid eyes, / soft voice of sweetness / hidden / sweet thought, / Purity International / flame-confident and free. / If you only knew how I love you / I could not more vulgar / s column / every night / fearing to see me. "

Monsignor Luigi Mazzucato:
"For CUAMM is already a saint"
Why not start the canonization cause?

He defines Lido Rossi "our patron saint." And "he" is not any one. You Monsignor Luigi Mazzucato (photo at right), director of Doctors for Africa CUAMM until June last year and for over 50 years. In 1955 he was already in charge of what is today the largest Italian organization for the promotion and protection of the health of African populations (56 projects and 94 doctors scattered throughout Africa). The moment of encounter with Lido Rossi and his wife, in February 1956, has in the minds . "He came here in Padua is immediately struck me for his great modesty, but also for the poetic soul that shone from his every move." Today Don Luigi confesses to pray "Lido several times a day." For CUAMM is indeed "the ideal model to look at." On the other side of the receiver, took the opportunity to send clear messages to our diocese. "And his new bishop."

related to the opening of a cause of canonization for Lido, Monsignor eh?
"Yes, I say this for some time. And with me are really so many to hope so. Lido has really, in my opinion, all the requirements for it to be a process of canonization. One of the criteria the Church uses to proclaim a holy and blessed is that it can become not only an example to be invoked, but a model to imitate. And what good would a figure like that especially for young people, students, doctors! His openness to the problems of the Third World, service to the poorest of the poor, free of charge, hard to choose the good, his missionary vocation in marriage, are all values \u200b\u200bto be proposed and disclosed. In today's world, for the youth of today, there is a dire need of strong evidence and I believe that the figure of Lido Rossi could have very great significance. I am convinced. "

The first step in our diocese it then?
"Yes, it is the diocese of origin to promote the cause. It would be a great sign during the 50 years after his death. Of course, we in the CUAMM then we could give a big contribution with evidence, documentation or doing a support in any manner that might be useful. And surely it could also give aid to the Diocese of Swaziland Lido where he served and gave his life. It is important to note that fortunately has survived a lot of documentation: letters, poems, even postcards. And it is a treasure that constantly confirm the splendor of this figure. "

She wrote that the first doctors CUAMM have in some ways anticipated the achievements of Vatican II. What role did Lido Rossi in this?
"The original idea of \u200b\u200bCUAMM was to raise since the early 50s missionary vocations of the laity in the Church. The idea was already discussed in the Italy of the time but had not yet materialized. The CUAMM gave substance to this phenomenal idea, it can be said to have discovered and given impetus to the missionary vocation of the laity long before the Second Vatican Council. I remember very well that just before the end of the Council was November 14, 1965, Pope Paul VI granted a hearing, and emphasized the great value of the calling of these doctors. Missionaries through their profession and with the testimonies of their lives. "

E Lido?
"Lido, for me, is the ideal model of this type of laity. He was a pioneer, because among the first promoters and producers of this prophetic insight. Lido also because, remember, had already developed the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing medical missionary long before you know the body .... "

There is a poem written by a Lido that you think gives us a more profound sense of life to Lido?
"It's the poem that he wrote on the ship Africa that led him to the small hospital in Swaziland (see box opposite). Lido's in it all, trusting in his God, his almost ascetic view of time that was considered every precious moment. And every time an opportunity to read God In those 20 months in Africa was not spared a moment, he consumed all his energy, forgetful of himself. It is true that the Lido, as he said our bishop Monsignor Girolamo Bortignon of Padua, was a "first fruits of Paradise."

initiatives for 50 years

A Rosignano: "To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of Lido - the deacon says Renato Rossi - the Town Council of Maritime Rosignano voted already in ' October 2007 to name a street in our neighbor, because its short life is an authentic testimony of "volunteers", who can still say something to our young people and not only. The street is located in the "subdivision Gambini," the new development still under construction between the street and away Villana Di Giacomo, Rosignano Solvay. I would therefore like to thank the council for the willingness in accepting the request. "

In Diocese: "For the anniversary happened in a period less" popular ", - says the deacon Falleni Fulvio, director of the Pastoral Mission - we decided to make memory during October with Missionary two parts: one calling someone CUAMM of talking about him, the other (a night) where they will read his poems and some of his writings. The date will be expected around October 27. "

Al CUAMM (Padova): "This year, we made sure it was stated on many missionary magazines and Marian -" Don Luigi Mazzucato, former director of CUAMM - for October we are putting in a yard number of initiatives to raise awareness of her figure, especially among young people and students. "

in a Nursery School "Lido Red '(Salvia): " Missionary As part of October - Gigliucci said Sister Gabriella, the congregation of Teachers Venerini - we are organizing a meeting in memory of Lido involving parents, teachers, children and friends from the neighborhood. "

A poem is the poem that he wrote the Lido Rossi December 11, 1956 aboard the ship that took him to Africa Swaziland.

"Even if this ship had not
had no rudder propeller
would be safe to go
because our - Lord
Thine is every street in this small world"

An unpublished letter
Here is a yet unpublished letter that Smith wrote Lido Africa. We thank Elena and Zita Falleni choice that you granted the publication.

"Do you think that here in Africa there are more materialistic than in Europe? I did not, I think so, because here the bodies are more in danger, the penis, the sores, are close to each and everyone thinks maybe a little Jesus, a medical healing. And what St. Thomas said the Corps and the Spirit, come true, in my opinion, this Africa, just inherently unpredictable and dangerous, and the jump is so short that even if we do not speak, our medical activities, is including as Caritas emitted directly from the Lord. For this I am moved so much, when, with the convalescents, combining them with my hand, in the evening in the church, Jesus, thank you so much. "

Two books to read
F. CANOVA, short life of a missionary doctor. Lido Rossi, Bologna, Emi, 1991
L. ROSSI, Africa, a land of God is a journey of love won , Torino, Gribaudi, 1981. With the presentation of Ernesto Balducci
(Published "The Week - Toscana Oggi" September 7, 2008)