Friday, November 14, 2008

Sale Agreement Template

born 1948 CLA
"Charity, the only thing the world needs"
Since 1945, an emergency, the incredible growth of the welfare projects, created by Don Angeli
had passed it was not ten days since his return to Livorno after the terrible experience of the camps of Mauthausen and Dachau. Yet already there on 11 June 1945 Don Roberto Angeli to preside over the rising section of the diocesan Pontifical Commission of Assistance, and national level - after the war - was of great importance in assisting refugees, veterans and those most in need. In the three years of the Commission sprouted shoots for the birth of Committee Livornese Service, which this year marks the 60th anniversary of its foundation. Together with Don

Angels in the PCA (see photo below in sde Via Roma 13 ) are six counselors Balzini Bishop, Don Spagnolo, Luigi KutufĂ , Cesare Sinibaldi, tertile Casini, Erminia Cremoni. A first set of which then becomes a real car care: nerve and irreplaceable piece in the mosaic of complex reconstruction of Livorno.
The PCA was a creature of Pius XII, whose legs gave rapid and impressive development of the tireless Monsignor Ferdinando Baldelli , which entertained angels always don a thick letters.
that there was not much to beat around the bush: in that theater the rubble - especially Leghorn - the requests were urgent pressing needs. Yet to 'reduce' from the death camps was not immediately easy: indescribable pain and suffering could lead to clothe it in a thick shell of cynicism and indifference. But it happened for Don Angels' a decisive event that saved him, a true event, and very decisive. " The letter received by Monsignor Piccioni (reproduced on this page), was a refreshing balm. There were no more doubts, no hesitation: the letter 'him feel confident that its terrible past was held in God's plan. " The narrow passage was needed: the inhuman suffering of coal camp could turn into diamond preziossimo of love: "the only thing the world needs and that it persists in rejecting."
From this 'turn' a crescendo of impressive works: a practical spirit and imagination, organization, resources Don Angels were bottomless. But nothing comes by chance: the deep culture of Don Angel, as well anchored to the pioneers of social Christianity, gave a deeper breath in its activities, gave strong roots and branches to its innovative work. Toniolo on all but the Quilici, Mgr. Ketteler, Bishop. Mermillond, Leon Harmel : all figures to be drawn on to make smart, "more industrious charity. " A schematic
guide the work of the PCA (1945-1948) - published in 1961 - hints at the scale of the work: "Far knocking cash to friends, to local authorities, asking aid to the Presidency Central, opened an office daily via Rome requested and sent - especially through the Secretariat of State of the Pope - a overwhelms news of refugees, combatants, dispersed, grants and information to people passing through and left the camp to read; distributed bags shoes, clothes, milk powder, 240 tons of pasta and 2 tons of margarine, set up: 1. 'Refectory of the Pope " coming to convey any 600 days good food in the city, 2,000 hot soups throughout the diocese for a total of 175,800 in soups three years; 2. Cologne Antignano day for two years for 700 children. "
In 1948 they leave the Americans dropped the demand for news of family members decreased the phenomenon of people passing through the urgency of the dining halls for adults, but the situation worsened, however: were tapered aid from Rome, became a concern, especially, the problem of youth. times change, needs change here, again, very sharp intuition of Don Angel: the creation of the Committee Livornese Service.
acute why? Why was the result of a careful thoughtful analysis of the context in which it operates. The pitfall atheist-communist increasingly bold, the religious feeling of the masses numb (if not deaf) present with a "purely ecclesiastical label too" often created insurmountable difficulties. Hence the intuition. On 8 September 1948, applauding the bishop Piccioni, comes the CLA, a de facto association (from the '61 non-profit organization), which joined the various Christian institutions to charitable (CIF, PCA, ACLI, AC), put into effect 'a modern Christian social work ' formula unit avoided duplication, competition and waste of energy. Goals? Remove children from the streets, fighting malnutrition and disease, put the seeds of a Christian education: do not stop care then, but from assistance to start a journey that would lead to human development.

Natural dell'escamotagé beyond that of the 'official secular aspect, "the spirit of the works of CLA was" always deeply religious ", but - as explained Don Angeli -" to offer to the civil authorities, demonstrating that help take the opportunity to do so in removing their fears that they faced, they can be criticized for partisanship or 'clericalism' was chosen a name, a formula, something 'neutral', which were especially popular and did not show the side by controversy. "
The then Interior Minister Scelba (pictured above) cited repeatedly as a model of CLA provincial welfare association. But the CLA would not have been possible without John Gronchi (pictured below with the Angels and Bishop Don Guano) , then Christian Democrat deputy of cirscocrizione Livorno, then President of the Republic (1955-1962) and tied by Don Angel a sincere friendship. Gronkowski was, by its constitution, President CLA's fee, and is also thanks to him that the committee eliminated "by the Communists virtually welfare field 'Leghorn. So did the CLA policy? Dry the response of Don Angel: "Someone may have thought that the CLA has served politically to some person that would be entirely false and constitutes a grave injustice. All the people who worked for the CLA, I have only ever served, as dutiful hearing good work to be done. "
Livornese Assistance Committee : assisted more than 100 thousand in 30 years

intensely since his rise to the work of the CLA were the first implementation Afterschool , made in the poorest districts of the city and arranged in shacks disconnected. Then arose Kindergartens. were therefore established Camps for Teens and organized school meals, especially in agricultural areas of the province. Do not miss the Summer Camps , gradually more and more organized, and was founded in 1953 also Printing School 'Star of the Sea. " As the Committee stated, increases in working class areas City the social care . One of the most brilliant of the CLA was in 1952, the preventor for Minors in Castelnuovo Misericordia (photo below). But the highlight of the development of human services to the promotion came in 1960 with the House of Children, where accommodations were boys aged 14 to 18 years. Today, the CLA "resist" with Retired "Providence" Baciocchi street.

It was an experience of pain for you ...
The letter from the bishop Pigeons:
was the spark of commitment Angels Don postwar

Livorno, 24 June 1945

Dear Angels,
With many expressions of good wishes and affection with which I present to you and that moved me. Fear not displeased with me: this alone, if ever, been in a lot of concern and anxiety for your fate, which for a long time I could not hear anything ... but that did not depend on you. On the other hand, what was more painful uncertainty, I feel more alive now consolation.
was for you an experience of pain, which in vulgar souls can start or deepen hatred and desire for revenge, for anime as gently as the Christian makes it more active and feel your love, the only thing the world needs and that it persists in rejecting.
God bless you, dear angels, as with an affection that can not be said in words I will bless you and wish you well. Now
rest to recover his health, how you want all those - and they are many - who love you and among them, even among the first, is the
Your + John Piccioni

CLA: In 1948 I was there ...
Father Giuseppe Spagnolo, born in 1917, was one of the "founding fathers" Assistance Committee of Livorno in 1948. Very active in the Resistance with Don Angel, was secretary to the bishop after the war Piccioni (1945 to 1959, the year of death of the Bishop). Seven Holy Founders of the Community of Florence, where he now lends his service, wrote this beautiful letter to the current president of the CLA, Bruno Mascagni which we gladly publish. A watercolor valued on the foundation of the Committee, brushed by a direct protagonist.

Florence, October 23, 2008

Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the CLA remember how it was originated.
Bishop Piccioni, already called several times by Monsignor Ferdinando Baldelli to establish the Diocesan section of the Pontifical Work of Support - not knowing what to call holy - to the glory awaiting the return of Don Livorno Angels, preached the same, but to which he had written: "Get her going ... make a good recovery where you are ... '.
But never mind ... How the Angels wanted to come back, just as the pigeons had to use it! So on June 16, 1945 appointed him chairman of the POA and that we are set up: the refectory of the Pope; distribution of food and clothing, etc.. from Rome, with the only provision of clumsy, heavy, gray bike with "fixed wheel" American (I bought a Velosolex, there are more?).
It is also the President, October 3, Institute for religious education and moral assistance to the youth IERAMG (which owns the building via Baciocchi ... time for the daughters of Providence Providence, and now for old ladies . Just as an example).
... But here's the epochal date ... like thousands of years before Mary was born SS. was born on 8 September 1948 the Committee Leghorn assistance, happily this!
No longer constrained by the post-war emergency aid and thinning of the direct POA, Don Angel knew that with great insight needed to deal with so many guys off the streets, especially the young care creating after-school, nursery schools - including parochial - schools, recreation centers and professional colonies. Monsignor
Pigeons not only supported, but said: "These are the ways forward." If so
IERAMG as the ecclesiastical legal entity had offered some legal structure ... was not enough. We wanted a wide-ranging body of perhaps reunite the CIF, the AC, the ACLI, the same Pontifical Assistance, a body-secular private citizen to public assistance. Don Roberto Angeli
So he founded the CLA. He is the creator, the sole founder, in the persons of different (I alas - the last -): no listing of guests of honor, but effective.
entrusted its honorary president Hon. John Gronkowski, who from 1955 to 1962 was president of the Republic. His contribution is very useful. Was achieved thanks to him the legal status and recognition in non-profit organization (April 3, 1961). I think what was said to be the first award of its kind granted in Italy. It remains high
Patron, the Hon. Gronkowski, deep and devoted admirer of Bishop Piccioni, convinced and enthusiastic admirer of Lord Angelo, aid also directly from Mario Scelba become a friend, Minister of the Interior, or by the Prefecture of Livorno ... do not miss it!
[...] I expect a documentary of all activities of the glorious CLA loved well, maybe next year for the 50th anniversary of the death of Monsignor Piccioni, possibly as recorded in the life of that bishop.

Father Giuseppe Spagnolo, OSM

( published in "The Week - Toscana Oggi" of November 9, 2008)