Saturday, January 10, 2009

Can You Get Money For Recycling Milk

Anna Maria Enriques Agnoletti
woman courage

He offered his life for not putting undermine that of his companions

How often those who have studied at school Enriques Street Lower will glanced absently at the photograph reproduced on this page. It was impossible not to notice: camping in prominently in the wall of the main assembly hall. Many (like me) have spent five years in high school thinking it was a famous old headmaster who watched strictly on student discipline.

Yet it would be enough just to read the large plaque placed next to the image: "Aula Magna Anna Maria Enriques Agnoletti Gold Medal for Military Valour shot at Florence on 6/12/1944. Interesting history lesson that would come out if a professor had taken the trouble to devote an hour to tell the intense story of this woman's existential origins Livorno. The little story that catches the big story and makes it close: a history of great universal values, history of the Resistance, Livorno history, history of high school.
THE THIN WIRE ERI. would have sufficed from very small high school history. Since that May 12, 1980 (not a random date) that the then president Luciano Merlini chose to title the Great Hall at Anna Maria Enriques Agnoletti. Why? At least for two.
The first is that Merlin himself owes his life to Agnoletti. Both members of the Christian Social Movement, the soul of Catholic resistance Tuscany: Livorno Merlini belonging to the group of Don Roberto Angeli, the cell Agnoletti key of the Florentine group who kept links with groups of Livorno, Lucca's, the Val d'Orcia and Val di Chiana. Now, just 12 May 1944 Anna Maria was captured by the notorious "gang Charity": The Nazi-Fascist fury fell upon her and all the Christian-Social group (in the same raid were also arrested and his father Don Emilio Angeli).
creepy tale of the torture to which he was subjected to Anna Maria Villa sad: but she did not leave a single information that could endanger the lives of his comrades. was shot by the Nazis in Cercina (Sesto Fiorentino) June 12 1944. She was 37 years. "It's a total debt of gratitude - said the dean Merlini May 12, 1980 - remember that stubborn silence, in which it is closed, while suffering the most excruciating torture, it was the thin wire, which was tied - in those terrible days - the lives of his comrades. "
grandson of Frederick. The other reason of the title is linked to his name. Anna Maria was in fact grandson of the illustrious mathematician Federigo Enriques to which the school is named. Agnoletti was the daughter of Paul, Livorno, zoologist and world-renowned geneticist who taught at the Universities of half of Italy (Bologna - Where he was born Anna Maria - Naples, Sassari, Padua and Florence). Her mother, Clotilde Agnoletti Fusconi was Florentine.
Brother Enzo, a leading figure of the Action Party and Senator of the Republic gives us the path that led to the choice of the Catholic faith and political commitment. "She came in Christianity - he wrote - a family agnostic, jew's father, the mother Catholic, but free thinkers:" The children choose when they grow up, that was the idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom of a happy season of secularism. His long meditation and preparation developed in that Florence where Giorgio La Pira (pictured above) had already left lasting marks, also involving part of the hierarchy, in which Cardinal Elia Dalla Costa and the Opera of the Madonna del Grappa, led by Don Giulio Facibeni, seemed to propose a model uncompromising Christian life, the whole works and faith. A Christianity that Anna Maria, who was solid behind her studies and also in-depth knowledge of philosophical problems (which the parties to the simplicity and modesty of his leg does not always felt), he felt particularly close. "
-CHRISTIAN SOCIAL CHOICE. Even Angels Don linked to Agnoletti by deep feelings of estimate and a common ideal momentum, highlighted his intellectual gifts. "He had a deep intellect, a mind led to speculation and scientific precision, accuracy in that she seemed almost spring from the deepest moral and intellectual honesty to be exceptional."

Anna Maria had graduated in Florence in medieval history, then graduated in paleography and archivist. He went then to the State Archives of Florence, where he worked as the first archivist from 1932 to '39. a result of the racial laws of '38 was expelled from the State, because the daughter of his father jew. After several months of serious concerns including economic, by good friends, including Giorgio La Pira , managed to find a job in Rome at the Vatican Library.

And so he moved to the capital where he worked alongside Alcide De Gasperi and Gerardo Bruni (photo below), father of the Christian-social movement. precisely this movement, and uncompromising ideals of justice and freedom advocated in such dark hours, voted for the last glimpse of his life and heroic. "I think - wrote Don Angeli - Anna Maria who have enthusiastically joined the Christian Social Movement, or rather helped to build it, just for the office seem to perceive that the moral and partly contributed to include: why we can say without doubt that this choice of Anna Maria was not political in the sense that you can give to the word today, but was a moral choice. " It concluded: 'so generously, gave his life to instil in society evangelical ideals of brotherhood, love and human dignity of the sons of God This was the ideal of Anna Maria. "

Gold Medal for Military Valour

"Oblivious of their pain, I remember only those of the country, and the dangers and anxieties of the underground struggle relentlessly sought to comfort the brethren with the tenderness of affection, and strengthen the firmness of a heroic apostolate. Imprisoned by German thugs for long days passed with the invincible strength of mind, the fury of his torturers, who did not get mangled body from the young one word of revelation. Comes after months of imprisonment by the bulwarks, 12 June 1944 on the banks of Mugnone among a group of patriots fell killed by machine-gun fire. Memorable example of valor and sacrifice. "

With this motivation to the memory of Anna Maria Enriques Agnoletti was awarded the gold medal for military valor. Piero Calamandrei also remembered his heroism in his speech when the University of Florence reopened its doors after the war, "Anna Maria Enriques - he said - with his smile Holy: she, with Tina Lorenzoni, seems to belong to those legendary times when, to expel from the city that weighed on the curse, the gods angry and demanded that they kill the girls more and more white feet, and after that sacrifice the sun shines again. " All over Italy are several schools named in her honor. A Livorno over an assembly hall high school Scientific Enriques, are named after a street and a nursery (area in both Korea). Recently (2005) the State Archives of Florence School the titled of Archives, Paleography and Diplomatic . In the documentary of 1965 by Liliana Cavani dedicated to "Women in Resistance" is an interview with the mother Clotilde from the life of Anna Maria.


R. ANGELS Anna Maria Enriques Agnoletti Florence in the resistance, in Proceedings of the Historical Studies and the Resistance in Tuscany, No. 6, January 1966
E. ENRIQUES AGNOLETTO, Anna Maria Enriques and the pact of action between the Movement and Christian Social Action Party in Tuscany in Gerardo Bruni and the Christian Social , edited by A. Parisella, Edizioni Lavoro, 1984
G. BRUNI, Anna Maria Enriques gold medal in 'Social Action', 19-25 February 1945
L. MERLIN, For Livorno do not forget ... Two examples of resistance Livorno, Livorno, Tip. "Star of the Sea, 1980
to the significant value of the ceremony that was attended, as well as Don Angel, including Giorgio La Pira, who recalled the heroic deeds see also remembered the sacrifice of Anna M. Agnoletti in 'The Telegraph', June 13, 1964 (photo above)

( Article published in "The Week - Toscana Oggi" of January 11, 2009)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

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The "Nonnino '
column CLA

" Without my dad we could not do for boys what we did. " There is a lot, a lot of Emilio (pictured in the midst of the children) in the great work of the Committee Livornese welfare assistance. The heroic "grandfather" of the Resistance, humble worker in the antifascist first now, as brave as can be only "a genuine militant Christian."

Emilio had played a key role (overstated) Resistance in Tuscany, and beyond. was the link between it and those who were directing the movement of military resistance to Rome. He also entratura in relations with the Vatican by the famous Monsignor Flaerty, who attended the former Allied prisoners of war. He also spoke of Radio Londra.Catturato (and miraculously escaped), was interrogated by the notorious Colonel Kappler, who considered a general. "One of those generals that torture could not extract even a word."

"The mangled the soles of the feet with a whip, the swollen face punched, kicked and broke his teeth and lips : the 'General' was silent, and sometimes with a wry smile of his face swollen and bloody." Then after the war, "the source Emilio" was one of the souls of CLA to the death (1954). Indefatigable, he gave all children with "a contagious joy in the difficulties that seemed to expand."

Do You Get Soft Before Your Period

50 YEARS the parish of St. Augustine

Publication reminiscent of 50 years in the parish of St. Agostino di Livorno.
(click image for see it bigger)

Get your own - Open publication
the publication is available at the parish of St. Agostino (Piazza Aldo Moro) or at the Library of Pauline (Independence Street)