Thursday, February 5, 2009

Archery Succinylcholine Chloride

Sunday, February 8 in the cathedral at 18.30, a celebration in memory
"For 40 years led the diocese with prophetic insight, "Fifty years ago, died
Bishop John Piccioni. The last hours in memory of his father's secretary Joseph Spagnolo

On 10 February 1959 died Monsignor Giovanni Piccioni , Bishop of Livorno for 38 years. The fiftieth anniversary of his death, Monsignor Simone Giusti, Sunday, Feb. 8, 18.30 in the cathedral, will celebrate a Mass "to thank the Lord for the gift of John Bishop of the Church of Livorno." Then the diocese will host a seminar to deepen the extraordinary figure of the bishop who led our church for the longest period of time.
What episcopate of Pigeon was in fact a forty was full of dramatic events ie radical social and political changes. Fascism is born and dies, set the monarchy and the Republic rises, sets out a contrast between the blocks. In the Church slowly soaring new enzymes that will lead to the Council. But "at this time of the fall volcanic landslide - Don Renato wrote Roberti for the 30th anniversary of death - the figure of the Bishop Piccioni is even greater for the clarity and foresight of his choices, to have that great prophetic that intuition to discern what they really worth more than the demagoguery of tenders, in recognize the humble bee that makes honey from the buzzing of wasps unnecessary. "
Here we want to remember the final hours of pigeons by the unusual and exceptional example of father Giuseppe Spagnolo, 92enne today, that was his personal secretary for 14 years (from 1945 until his death). The health of Mgr. Pigeons were aggravated at the end in January 1959. He received the last sacrament in the presence of his priests and seminarians. Of those moments Don Amedeo Tintori wrote: "Throughout his life, everything about him personally had been contained in the modesty and simplicity in a sometimes coy, always dignified, so the death was a step slow, peaceful, quiet , illuminated by moments of clarity that repeats his father's kindness to neighbors still blessing to all with tenderness. "
is recalled by his father Joseph of those moments in which he also received a very special privilege ...
"The lord told us that morning wanting to do the Holy Communion ... I felt some priests and seminarians who noticed - Bishop no - it was perhaps ... Viaticaum!
not let him - so to speak - for a moment and February 10, 1959 morning, we were all in the room, with one excuse or another, when Sister Angela whispered, seeing the patient rolls his eyes: "Look look at the Don Jose Bishop is worse ... dies, give absolution, give him the Holy Oil. "
M'infilo the rocks, I wear the scarf while Sister Wilhelmina also worried lit the candle of "Candlemas" in front of Madonna. "Ego te absolvo for istam sanctam unsionem - a gasp - In Paradisum deducant you angels requiem aeternam. "They were rushed so much things that there was nothing else to do. Almost in one breath: it was about one. We looked lost even in the face when the waiter: "I feel in the Curia, Fr Renzo go beyond." They rushed in disbelief, stunned: Monsignor Cinquini, Tintori, Ricciuti, and some other Monsignor Pang o. I locked myself in my room with a lump in my throat, no tears, no regrets, do not seem that I arrogated anything.
I realized, however, the privilege of having scented with the Oil of the Sick, the backs of the hands of those who 18 years earlier, had devoted my palms with the Sacred Chrism. I had at that moment that I feel sad repay a kindness, as I was asked then that I was put off for me brother. "
( published in "The Week - Toscanaoggi" 8 February 2009)