Monday, June 28, 2010

Strangling And Garroting


soniaqq + thomas Garavini

Monday, June 14, 2010

Xtreme-curves Free Gal

Ink & Rumors.

+*°*+*°*+ Draco +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 --- 8 ---- 8 <(@

I went into the corridor and reached Blaise.

<< Ehi, ma non mi avevi mandato a quel paese? >> question puzzled.

<< Si Bla, ma c'era Pansy che faceva domande su ieri.. Tra i due mali scelgo quello minore. >> replied dry.

<< Ah bene, se la metti così.. Ti dimostrerò che forse non sono da meno di Pansy. >>

And you expect me to believe it? Blaise is not bad .. Pansy instead could prove a real danger.

<< Dici? E che vorresti fare? Sentiamo i tuoi malefici piani! >> exclaimed derisively.

<< Dimmi cosa pensi della Granger. >> tells him quiet.

But he drank the brain? What kind of question is that?

<< Lo sai benissimo cosa penso di lei! >> I close this speech.

<< No, non lo so. Dimmelo. >> does the dumb?

<< Blaise non fare lo scemo. >>

<< Non sto facendo lo scemo. Ho notato che ieri non hai staccato gli occhi dalla Granger nemmeno per un secondo, ciò vuol dire che ti stavi facendo un' idea precisa su di lei e che quell' idea non corrispondeva a quella che ti eri fatto prima. >> well he speaks of everything 'a breath now ..

<< No, Blaise ti sbagli. Lei è e resta la Mezzosangue-Zannuta-Secchiona di sempre. >> decided I say and with conviction.

<< Nient' altro? Sai, mi sembrava che ieri tu non ne fossi granché infastidito.. >> What do you want to suggest?

<< Per fare un favore a te ho cercato di contenere il disgusto che mi provoca la sua presenza. >> in a sense it's true: last night I swallow all the insults and I followed him and secchioncella up the kitchen! Then they are still quite hostile to her because that is part of the Trio ..

<< Razzista!.. Comunque, come mai ti dai tanta pena per aiutarla se non la sopporti? >> maybe it's really worse than Pansy Bla ..!

<< Ti ho dato la possibilità di frequentarla SCEMO! Non me ne frega un fico secco se vuole mettersi con Lenticchia! Figurati se voglio fare favori al Trio... >>

<< Dici sul serio? >> asks more surprised than ever.

<< Si, l'ho fatto per te, ma una situazione del genere non capiterà più! >>

<< Allora grazie per l'aiuto, Dra! ..Ma tu che ci guadagni? >> good question .. I was stupid and for the first time there is no return anything!

<< A saperlo.. Però sia tu che la Mezzosangue mi dovete un favore, ricordatelo. >> and with it, end of story!

<< Ok, adesso andiamo.. Siamo in ritardo di quasi dieci minuti a Incantesimi! >> good the 'idiot .. Now prof. we take away five points each!

+*°*+*°*+ Hermione +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 ---- 8 <(@

Shortly before lunch ..

<< Merlino che fame!!! >> Ron's always the same ..

<< Ehm.. Hermione, mi presteresti il libro di erbologia che leggevi ieri? Però mi serve subito.. >> and what the heck we should do with my book, Harry? Bho ..

<< Certo Harry, ma che ci devi fare? >>

<< Devo cercare una cosa.. Posso andare a prenderlo? >>

<< Veramente no, l' ho lasciato nella mia ex camera.. E non credo che Lavanda e Calì ti facciano entrare proprio adesso che si stanno aggiustando il trucco. Te lo vado a prendere io, d'accordo? >>

<< Fantastico, t' accompagno.. Ron ti dispiace prendere i posti anche per noi? >>

<< Certo che no! Vado subito, a più tardi.. >>

+*°*+*°*+ Harry +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 - - 8 ----- ----- 8 --- 8 --- 8 ---- 8 <(@

Finally I have the opportunity to speak .. Today is strange, and yesterday the party had virtually disappeared! Poor Herm .. Who knows that the boiled fish that have combined to McLagghen! But if he kissed .. I swear!

<< Allora Harry perchè ti serve il libro di Erbologia? ..Se mi dici cosa devi cercare, posso aiutarti. Tanto quel libro ormai lo so a memoria.. >> luckily Hermione interrupted my thoughts before you get to choose the right punishment for McLagghen yesterday if he had kissed her.

<< Non avevo dubbi Herm.. Comunque il libro era solo una scusa per parlarti. >> here, straight to the point and not mince words! Basically I'm just worried about her, is a quasi-sister to me!

<< Ah, e di cosa? >> like what?! Yesterday fades from the party without notice and then forget it all today?

<< Di ieri sera! Eri sparita e io mi sono preoccupato per te.. McLagghen ti ha dato problemi? >> I repeat that if the clam has blessed me to kill you!

<< Oh Harry, non sai che strazio! Ha tentato di baciarmi sotto al vischio un sacco di volte! Non sapevo più come togliermelo di dosso!! Si avvinghiava come un polipo.. Per fortuna che poi il suo quarto o quinto tentativo di baciarmi è stato interrotto da Zabini che mi ha salvata chiedendomi di ballare... Ho scoperto che Blaise è un ragazzo davvero gentile e simpatico! Mi chiedo come ci sia finito con le Serpi.. >>

<< Ma Herm, stai bene? >> I'm really worried .. That is, to say that the trial was put Malfoy's best friend is kind and nice!

<< Si Harry, sto bene! Ho solamente detto che Blaise Zabini mi sembra un bravo ragazzo.. Che c'è di male? >> as that's wrong!

<< Ma Herm.. Zabini non è per caso il migliore amico di Malfoy? >>

<< Si, lo è.. E allora? >> I'm just altering .. He understands it or not we are talking about a snake?!

<< E allora Herm, se stai in compagnia di Zabini ti ritroverai automaticamente in compagnia di Malfoy!! Ci hai pensato a questo? >>

Hopefully this will reflect the face .. I try in every way to dissuade her, but now I know too well and I know he has the habit of immediately become attached to people! .. I also know that whatever I may say it is too late: he laid the foundations of a friendship with that guy so do not let it stop by anything or anyone .. Not even from me! But I'll try .. You are in trouble and I have to stop it!

<< Che c'entra adesso Malfoy?! >> starts to get nervous .. Why?

<< Il ragazzo che definisci gentile e simpatico è il migliore amico di quel Furetto bastardo, figlio di Mangiamorte! Hai presente? >> hope this reflect the face .. And 'bad people!

O-Ops .. He put his hands on his hips, style, Molly Weasley!
I know it's angry ..

<< Bhe Harry, io sono perfettamente in grado di tener testa a Malfoy, quindi non è un un problema. Anzi, sai che ti dico? Passerò con Zabini tutto il tempo che voglio, non sarai tu a impedirmelo! Chiaro? >> here I knew it would not be allowed to stop .. But I'm too stubborn 'I said, try again.

<< No Herm, stai sbagliando. Non devi affezionarti a lui, è una Serpe! E poi se sta con gente come Malfoy è sicuramente un tipo poco raccomandabile! Pensaci Herm.. Io lo faccio per il tuo bene! >>

<< Lo so che mi vuoi bene Harry, però non farti accecare dai pregiudizi. Zabini è un bravo ragazzo e mi ha anche invitata a Hogsmeade per questo fine settimana, se non ti fidi di lui almeno fidati di me. >> now has returned to speak with the sweet tone of all time.

<< Ok Herm, ma sta attenta. >> might as well give up, Hermione is really tough and I would never right. I am sure but he understood the message and listen to me, is a diligent girl and I trust her.

<< Certo papà! >> escama laughing.

<< Adesso scendiamo.. Ho una fame da lupi! In più pomeriggio ci sono gli allenamenti.. >> Phew, luckily that the speech is closed .. I could not take anymore!

<< Possibile che pensi sempre al Quidditch?!! >> And now, poor Herm! She just hates the sport have occurred three best friends who all are part of the team! .. Actually, now that I think about it: pure Zabini is a Quidditch player. Let's just hope it becomes your best friend or worst .. But can you imagine Hermione hooked up with a Slytherin? I shudder at the thought!

<< Ma sono il capitano della squadra! Se non ci penso io.. >>

<< Ok ok risparmiati, ne ho già abbastanza!! ...Proprio non so cosa ci troviate di così tanto straordinario nello stare su una scopa..! >> muttered walking directly in Great Hall.

+*°*+*°*+ Draco +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 - -8 ---- 8 <(@

<< Dra, abbiamo il pomeriggio libero.. Che si fa? Facciamo venire Hermione? >> and what the hell! Blaise possible that you only think about her?!

<< Libero un corno! Abbiamo un tema di Trasfigurazione da recuperare, te ne sei dimenticato? >> eheh I'm sorry but the afternoon walk along with the books ..

<< Si me n' ero dimenticato.. Però potrei farmi aiutare da Hermione, che ne dici? Lei prende sempre Eccezionale in Trasfigurazione! >> exalted says it all.

<< Veramente prende Eccezionale in tutte le materie.. Mettiamo in chiaro le cose: ti fai aiutare solo tu, io non mi abbasso a farmi insegnare la magia da una figlia di Babbani! >>

+*°*+*°*+ Hermione +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 --- 8 ---- 8 <(@

<< No Ron, non se ne parla! Sono sei anni che te lo dico.. >> and that you continue to ask.

<< E dai Herm, fra mezz'ora cominciano gli allenamenti! Non ho tempo per scivere la relazione che ha lasciato Piton.. Fammi copiare almeno l'inizio! >>

<< Ron, smettila di insistere! Ho detto di no. Lo devi fare da solo! Quando lo finisci, al massimo te lo correggo. >> not I can spoil .. I'm not a machine to do their homework!

<< Ma Herm, che ti costa! >> Ugh .. that is stubborn!

<< A me niente.. Però se i compiti non li fai con la tua testa, non imparerai mai niente! Non lo capisci che lo faccio per te?!! >>

<< Ah davvero? Bhe, io non ci credo! Non è certo un bene per me prendere un brutto voto in Pozioni! >>

<< E chi ha detto che devi prendere un brutto voto? E' che non ti impegni! Invece di perdere il tuo tempo a chiedermi di copiare avresti dovuto cominciare a scivere! >>

<< Herm, dici sempre le stesse cose! Però su una cosa hai ragione.. Sto davvero perdendo tempo a litigare con te, vado a cambiarmi, ci vediamo a cena! >> and with these words came up the stairs of the boys' dormitory.

Blimey! It even has the nerve to get angry and shout at me against .. Sometimes I wonder why I just love to be a mega idiot like him!

Toc. To-tock. Toc. To-tock.

<< E adesso chi è!? Ah, è un gufo.. >> grumbling, I headed to the window and open it just enough to pass the animal. That flies in and you go lay on the table right where I left all my books. I approach and I see him hand me his paw .. But who could write?! Also, do not remember ever having seen this owl .. Yet if the leg holds out to me means that the letter is mine, who knows who sends me! I open the envelope and quickly 's is two tickets. The first item is written in blue ink color:

Herm Hello!
spent a lovely day? I hope so.
Look, would you come this afternoon to Slytherin?
disorso we want to continue the interrupted yesterday because the organization ..
And then I have to ask you a favor: I recall a theme for McGonagall's Transfiguration, you help me?
I just have not brought this matter!

Your new friend, Blaise.

PS Reply with this owl, whether you agree or if you do not agree (though I prefer the first option!).

How nice! Strategic are happy! The letter from Blaise! I just got confirmation that her friend really is not all that started and finished yesterday! .. I was invited to spend the afternoon with him!
E 'Needless to say, I agree to sprint! In addition I would be bored today, because Harry and Ginny have to train .. and with them also that idiot Ron! Think about how he treated me before, I do still get the nerves!
However .. I still read the second ticket. This is written inking with the blue and gray .. I have never seen an 'ink well! E 'elegant and unusual .. I would venture to call it fascinating. Okay aside from the 'ink, we see that it says!

Half-Blood, I could not help asking yourself the humiliation hold Blaise Transfiguration. However, if you come to Slytherin do understand to some degree to that of decerebration Lentil, maybe after a few hours start to get suspicious that do not come back, otherwise it means that you do not give a 'damn.

Draco L. Malfoy

Well, all I have left: I hate this ink! Especially for the kindest words for which it was used .. Grrrrrrr, Harry was right! If you take
Blaise beaks well Malfoy! But prevaricating on how Ferret called me and Ron, I admit it gave me a good advice .. The question now is how to make him understand at that 'idiot ..
I have no desire to see him, I'm still angry with him.
Mmm .. I have to invent something .. and soon!
ten minutes all fall down on the field for training!

Tsa Candidate Dashboard Problems

Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 1

Sympathy & strategies.

+*°*+*°*+ Draco +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 --- 8 ---- 8 <(@

arrived in a small kitchens group of house-elves came to meet us. Among them was also that of brazen Dobby the elf who had been released from Potter a few years ago. They say he is mad and asks to be paid weekly by Dumbledore! And the headmaster HAD ACCEPTED! However I do not care that much .. I hate these things, are irritating with their high-pitched voice and spaccatimpani!

<< Ehi Dobby!! Come sono felice di rivederti! Scusa se non sono venuta a trovarti.. E' che in questo periodo ero un pò giù e non mi andava di vedere nessuno.. Allora, che hai fatto di bello dall'ultima volta?? >>

But Granger breathe every now and then? It must be wondering as he has said all without stopping for a second! .. And then must have a screw out of place! Dobby has treated as if it were one of his best friends .. S 'is also apologized for not having gone to see him! That stuff ..

<< Salve padroncina Hermione! ..No scuse a Dobby! ..Anzi, perché tu stata triste?? >> that elf indiscreet! How dare to ask questions like that?!

<< Oh Dobby! Sapessi!.. Comunque te lo racconto un'altra volta, promesso! Ora sono venuta assieme a due miei compagni. >> And of course .. What delicate! He made us understand that life should refrain from telling the ELF death and wonders why we even me and Blaise!

<< Salve anche a voi padroncini! >> escama quell'esserino curious annoying-bad-who has only now realized our presence.

<< Piacere, io sono Blaise Zabini. >>

Oh man! It has put us well Blaise, who appears to impress the Half-Blood elves .. They are surrounded by exhausted!

<< Il piacere è tutto mio! Cosa può fare Dobby per voi?? >>

finally said something I'm normal little monster! .. Now that I think the decision was all in proper English, not speak so well before! Will the side effects of too many afternoons spent talking to the Half Blood-Saputelli ...

<< Ah, si!! Me ne stavo dimenticando.. Siamo venuti a mangiare qualcosa per cena, dato che alla festa di Lumacorno non abbiamo toccato cibo! >>
Yay, the Half-Blood also said something sensible!

<< Oh, allora Dobby va subito a preparare qualcosa!! Wiiiiinckyyyyy!!! Naaaallyyyy!!! A cucinare, presto!! >> said deafening and disappearing in no time at all.

<< Che elfo simpatico! ..Non trovate? >> behold, the Half-Blood went crazy again .. E 'worse than Lovegood, I know!

+*°*+*°*+ Hermione +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 ---- 8 <(@

But why Malfoy did not utter a word? Okay .. And, worse for him!
I, Blaise and Dobby are talking about a new clothing store Hogsmeade and my new and charming gentleman asked me to go check it out with him next weekend! I did not expect that the Malfoy's best friend was so kind! To understand each knew it was a careless playboy who treats girls like tissues using throw-away! This evening I made a friend of Slytherin! I can still impossible .. Besides Zabini despite being a thoroughbred accustomed to the luxury (and surely also to take advantage of the elves) shows no reluctance to talk to Dobby! This guy amazes me more and more with every passing minute .. How come I never noticed before? Now that I think, maybe in the past six years have been brought to hate the Slytherins like Malfoy and then I made of all with the same brush .. How stupid!

<< Ehm.. Hermione, è da tutta la serata che desideravo chiedertelo... >> Zabini said suddenly embarrassed. Who knows where he wants to end up ...

<< Cosa? >> urge him legitimately curious.

<< Hai invitato McLagghen per fare un dispetto a qualcuno, dico bene? >>

Ouch .. hit and sunk! The one night was enough to get in tune with me and at the same time to expose my pitiful attempt to make Ron jealous! But it is a Leggilimens??

<< Ehmmm..beh..ecco io.. >> and now that the story?!

<< ..Io l'ho invitato perché è un ottimo giocatore di Quidditch! >> and here is the greatest dance ever given at Hogwarts!

<< Mezzosangue, sei negata nel dire bugie.. Prima di tutto tu odi il Quidditch e poi tu tifavi per il tuo amico Lenticchia e non per McLagghen alle selezioni del Grifondoro.. Non sparare cazzate! Sei patetica.. >>

Behold, I knew it! I was completely dismantled ... Malfuretto opened his mouth and put me in trouble! Damn! I wish all those rasargli platinum hair on its head .. Grrrrrrr!

<< Nooooooo... Non mi dire che il dispetto l'hai fatto a Weasley! >>

Ouch! What the hell, Zabini finding me .. And now? Well .. Or is it or nothing! I will confess everything!

<< Si, proprio a lui! E' un idiota patentato.. Non si fa mai avanti quando se ne presenta l'occasione! Poi però - quando è troppo tardi - se ne pente e così io esco pazza! >>

<< Ma che bella notizia! Adesso ho un' idea in più per fare incazzare quello sfigato! >> Nooooooo!

Now combine what Malfoy?! I will turn to life, then I become paranoid and I will be the best friend of Moaning Myrtle? I offered my suicide on a silver platter!

<< E sarebbe? >> Blaise but how to stay so calm? Should discourage the evil mind of his friend, not to give him rope!

<< Fare il ingelosire il rosso facendogli credere che tu e la Mezzosangue vi siate messi insieme! >>

Mmmmmm ... Ferret Not bad! Now I just have to figure out where's the catch ..

<< Per me va bene.. Tu che ne dici, Mione? >> Blaise says to me.

Mmmm it all seems too perfect and I do not care Malfoy!

<< Dico che tu sei mille volte meglio di McLagghen!!! Però non ho ancora capito cosa ve ne viene in cambio.. >> clarify the cards from the beginning ...

<< A me basta vedere la faccia dei tuoi amici mentre ti vedranno sempre più spesso in nostra compagnia.. >> responds with a shrug the platinum blonde.

<< E a me fa piacere passare del tempo con te.. Se poi il tutto può anche esserti utile, allora non posso che essere entusiasta di questo piano, no? >>

<< Ok, cosa proponete come prima mossa? >> I said with a smile, satisfied and curious at the same time.

+*°*+*°*+ Draco +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 ---- 8 <(@

Man, not the Half-Blood is boring! Not at all! After dinner I went to her and Blaise are all in my single room from prefect to study a great plan and ideas come to us ..
Parliament I had the opportunity to study its behavior. I found her in a lot of qualities that I appreciate and I realized I was wrong about her. I thought I knew everything but in reality I had never known. On the contrary, Blaise had always refused to take it around, according to him was the only survivor in the trio. Once again we had guessed .. The Secchioncella you save and how! It 'pretty, witty and sometimes biting .. Self-ironic but Pride .. Overly sincere but the evil mind. Generous, caring and gentle but determined, ambitious and stubborn. Docile but who knows how to pull out the nails when necessary. Not submissive or dominated but willing to do anything to fight back ... In short, a concentrated explosive! And I think it hurts to be in company of the snake, because we are pulling out all the dark side .. I'm beginning to think that maybe they jumped between the Griffins (or as I call them the mass of nerds) just because you can not lie and always does all the tasks like a good schoolgirl judicious .. However, the more I like my plan: Blaise has a 'good excuse to attend the girl who has always intrigued, I delight in thinking about reactions Potty and Freckles and the Half-Blood will become a short half-snake .. Mmmm .. This Christmas promises very interesting and certainly not my perfect plan will leave no room for boredom or monotony, all shocked!

+*°*+*°*+ Hermione +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 - -8 ---- 8 <(@

Mmmm .. to sleep! Last night I was up at half past two in the room and Draco (yes, now I call him by name!) And right now I'd really like to appear on my pillow instead of the bench ... But I must admit that in their company, I spent a wonderful evening and I enjoyed it! I can hardly believe it yet .. I mean for Gryffindor even think of fun being with the two most Serpi known of the castle is pure imagination (or madness, but leave out)! .. Blaise is a boy full of surprises (all nice for now) and Draco is still the same old arrogant, but much less of an idiot as I thought .. And they are beautiful to say enough is enough! (Ferret included, so I speak in the plural.) Well, DOC are the guys to help me make Ron jealous .. They have all the qualities that he can not stand, namely: both filthy rich, Slytherin, a renowned success with the girls, vain and sarcastic .. They seem made for! I can not wait to go to Hogsmeade with my fake lover! Well, not too "fake" because I had asked before you jump off the plane .. Maybe I'm just delusional but it seemed to me understand that the moretto are not entirely indifferent .. Who knows what strange Christmas spend! .. I love my school because of this: every year at Hogwarts are a bit weird and there is no boredom, because just when you least expect it unthinkable things happen by unpredictable implications ..
That magical place ...

+*°*+*°*+ Draco +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 - - 8 ---- 8 <(@

<< Dra, ma non è fantastico?? Sono il primo Serpeverde che andrà a Hosmeade con una Grif.. >> Blaise tried to say for the third time in the lesson.

<< Blaise, non credi che stare attento ti gioverà nella conquista della Mezzosangue-secchiona? >> I interrupted him to keep him quiet.

Aha! I hit the right key .. He's even taking notes! He likes her so much "fake" girl, and I know that just will not pretend much longer: it is already half-cooked and knowing she will do the sentimentalist. The one night was enough to throw out centuries of deep hatred between the houses .. Unbelievable, even if in the end I would have expected something like a serpent that he is strange.

Driiiiiiiiiin! Oh how nice, it's over an hour.

<< Allora Dra, non è... >> Oh nooooo! At least change sentence ..

<< Si si, fantastico. Adesso però chiudi il becco, che non ti sopporto più! >> interrupting him say again, must understand that annoys .. No?

<< Ma... >> uff, I'll have to write letters to me is doing the pseuriasi come?

<< Niente "ma" Blaise, vai a rompere da un' altra parte.. > > I say tough.

And then he begins to boot disappointed to Spells.

<< Dracuccioooo! Ma dove eri finito ieri sera?! Ti ho cercato dappertutto e... >> oh God came Pansy.

<< Ehm, ne parliamo dopo, ok? Blaise doveva parlarmi di cose impoprtantissime.. >>

excuse and shoot those shots in the hallway looking for Blaise.

Headstone Sayings For Father

The party "Snail"

+*°*+*°*+ Hermione +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ---- - ----- 8 --- 8 ---- 8 <(@

I had become aware of my enormous stupidity just a couple of seconds after Cormac McLagghen invited to Slughorn's Christmas dance. Too bad it was too late: that it had immediately begun to mental castles.
had invited him to my own free will, yet I found him attractive at all. The reason for my choice was that I knew was one of the few who could have drawn the attention of Ron. Maybe make him jealous.
I found myself in a mess without end! But what you do for love?
I did not want Ron to continue to think as "friend-Saputelli.
I could be even more! But he did not understand my feelings, or perhaps simply ignored them. Of these things I have not spoken to Harry, is my best friend and it certainly will have learned something, but he is very clumsy in terms of love. Ginny instead is aware of my infatuation with her brother practically forever. I still remember the face I did when I told her that I asked for Cormac spite of Ron ... And how could I forget? It was very funny! He widened his eyes, his nostrils widened and his jaw hit the ground! Then, fortunately, she recovered and began to make me a lecture about out of my head with that crazy idea, but I'm irremovobile and stubborn, then finally sold her. I made my madness.
Now try not to even let me fall into depression .. He knows that I hate the holidays (especially those of the Slug Club), I hate kids-sucker (and Cormac is part of this category) and overall I hate that I talk about Quidditch, which I'm sure will be for the duration of the festival, partly because Cormac has only one head. Ginny short to prevent that I burst into tears trying to cheer me up morale. Obviously he does in his own way, that is, with a beauty treatment from A to Z.
I hate that too, but I did not want to disappoint Ginny depriving it of the fun of plastered all its creams. So now I obediently did torture by his skillful hands, and in the end I was grateful for all the time I was paying and also because it failed to detract from my personal drama for a few hours.


When Ginny said that he had finished his work, I arose and went to check the clock. Without that I'd noticed it was late and missed only quarter of an hour for my appointment with Cormac to go to the party. So I plucked up my courage and walked towards the portrait hole with a premonition that you have in front of the most horrible night of my life.

+*°*+*°*+ Draco +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 - -8 ---- 8 <(@

stupid I had been invited to that party (to which absolutely did not want to go) just because my parents wallowed in gold. The bank account
always ensures a special place and for this reason I was welcomed into the "Slug Club" of which the pupil was Potter.
not really the right word would be "welcomed" but "forced" as that old pot-bellied haunted me if I did not go to its meetings.
I avoid them like the plague .. They were boring and preferred the company of all those stupid I did not like their own. Then, when I talk about Slughorn Potter, with all the strength I held a retching. The man was a toady without dignity!
Yuck yuck! Being in the same club rub was just as if not more humiliating, and the meetings was also the Half-Blood! In practice I
starmene good-goodie in the same room where they were, without being able to utter insults. Just a total agony! At the last meeting but was added to the Slug Club also my best friend Blaise Zabini as his mother had married yet another decrepit rich man in those days. At least I was not alone! As the saying goes: "Mal common halved!"
In any case, however, my mood had again fallen to peak when the old man had invited me to his private little party .. Pansy I would have had to endure all evening I went on and just do not!
But it was done: I should have gone to that damn Christmas party.
So I prepared myself and went along with Pansy and Bla towards the Professor.
Brooding on what he was clever My friend does not invite anyone.

+*°*+*°*+ Hermione +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 - -8 ---- 8 <(@

Just as I had imagined Cormac began to talk of Quidditch immediately. We had not even dropped a plan already and I had boxes full! I thought about what had happened when I was out of the portrait hole, if it was still like a cod for five minutes staring abundant foaming at the mouth! Then, now that I think if I would have found me at least a nice compliment! .. Lost in my thoughts as I was I did not notice that in front of me was leaning a little armor .. So the inevitable happened!


<< Ahia!.. Merlino, che botta! >> I exclaimed as I tried to get up from the ground.

Cormac course, did not lose this opportunity to lay hands on him.
And with the excuse to help me was like an octopus clinging .. that pervert!

Oh, no ..! No! Nooooooooo!! What a terrible situation! ..

We were in a mistletoe!

As I tried to assess whether it is better to smash it or run away screaming ..........

<< Granger! Sei un prefetto: dovresti dare il buon esempio, non appartarti nei corridoi! >> exclaimed a voice full of derision.

Wow .. what a shame ..! We also lacked the Ferret !!!!!

Malfoy in fact had just appeared from the opposite to ours, together with Zabini and Pansy Parkinson-goose-. I thanked him (just mentally) for his perfect timing.

For the first time he had made a good Action, even if unconscious .. This does not m 'unresponsive tone.

<< Da quando fai il moralista, Malfoy? >>

<< Da quando sono un prefetto. >>

<< Ma non farmi ridere! La prima volta che ti ho visto addosso quella spilla ho pensato che fosse una lattina trasfigurata! >>

<< Divertente Granger, peccato che la mia spilla sia autentica e pertanto il Grifondoro ha detto addio a 10 dei suoi punti. >>

<< Non si possono togliere punti tra prefetti! E' contro le regole! >>

<< Non mi pare che quello stoccafisso che ti sta accanto sia un prefetto! Io li ho tolti a lui. >>

Serpe evil! You'll pay for this!

<< E come giustifichi questa tua azione? Nel regolamento è prevista una spiegazione all'interessato. >>

<< Gliela darei volentieri se fosse meno tonto e capisse quello che dico. >>

In fact I'm not sure that Cormac has understood what Malfoy is saying .. He did not utter a word! Should defend myself, by golly! What he needs all his size if it does not pull a punch to Malfoy? There are successful even I!

<< Persino Tiger e Goyle dimostrano di essere intelligenti in confronto a lui! >>

Malfoy it goes down pretty heavy! Of McLagghen I do not care a damn .. But ..

<< Malfoy non ti permettere di insutare il mio accompagnatore! >>

<< Ahahah! Hai il coraggio di chiamare "accompagnatore" quello lì ??! Ecco perchè sei finita a Grifondoro! >>

Now the crash!

<< Oh eccovi ragazzi ! Mancavate solo voi ! Finalmente vi ho trovati !! >>

Slughorn God damn!

<< Signor Zabini, come mai non ha un'accompagnatrice? >>

<< Stamane si è sentita improvvisamente male.. >>

Strange .. It 's a very nice guy! To find an 'other companion takes a few seconds!

<< Oh, Signor Zabini, sono sinceramente dispiaciuto! Spero che si goda la festa ugualmente! >>

Merlin lackey .. What!

+*°*+*°*+ Draco +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 - -8 ---- 8 <(@

Ungrateful Half Blood! And to think that I had done a favor by giving her an excuse not to kiss that cod! Just beyond me why he had asked! .. Maybe he wants to feel even smarter next to a guy like that ... Mah!

Yuck! What kind of party is?!

There is not even the Whisky Arsonist!

And what people! He even invited a werewolf! Festa a cabbage! .. We better start thinking about an excuse to escape ...

<< Ehi Dra, dividiamoci e fra un quarto d'ora massimo improvvisiamo un modo per svignarcela! >>

Forte Bla! .. And 'as if I were reading my thoughts!

<< Ottimo Bla, ci vediamo! >>

Luckily Pansy did not hear .. Is not included in our plan, in fact I run from you first! It 'just break ..

Hermione +*°*+*°*+ +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 --- 8 - - 8 <(@

Cormac has begun to talk about Quidditch and tries to get closer to the areas below to sprigs of mistletoe .. I'm running out of patience .. I will not kiss him! I must find a way to sow .. and fast! Aiutooo! Dinuovo are under the mistletoe .. Ask McGonagall to reduce the amount!

<< Granger mi concedi questo ballo? >> a nice voice behind me gives me the excuse fourth of the evening to avoid the kiss of McLagghen.

I turn and see ..

Zabini! Just did not expect .. Of course the snakes tonight are proving quite useful .. More he is really cool!

<< Con piacere, Zabini! >> answer raised.

He smiles and hands me his arm, while Cormac seems about to explode with disappointment dell'enesimo kiss missed.

arrive at the center of the track and my new knight said to me:

<< Granger, come t'è saltato in mente di invitarlo? Sei troppo carina per uscire con quello! >>

<< Ehm..Grazie per il complimento...Comunque non ho mai desiderato uscirci. >>

He apparently heartened by my words around her waist with his arms and began a slow dance with me. What a strange situation!

But I must admit that dances very well! Maybe this feast begins to like it ..

<< Bla!!! Ti sei dimenticato che dovevamo squagliarcela da questa sottospecie di festa?! >>

Grrrrrr ..... Malfoy has ruined everything as usual! But this time will not pass easily .. I will do disappear from the face of the earth!

<< Scusa, Dra... Adesso rimedio!! >> Cosaaaa?! Can not give up on her own with McLagghen .. He wants to kiss me!

him as if he had read my mind tells Malfoy:

<< Però con noi viene pure la Granger. >>

At these words the face of Malfoy has become, if possible, whiter than usual .. Zabini's caused a shock!

<< Ise, tu sei fuori! >> this time the big risks Ferret .. One can not be considered crazy just because I want to save ... I do not have anything bad!

<< Ok allora io rimango qua.. Questa festa comincia a piacermi. >> Blaise very good! The next time I ask him to accompany me .. I wonder if you agree!

<< Sporco ricattatore.. Cos' hai in mente per farci uscire di qua? >>

<< Lo vedrai.. Torno fra pochissimo! Ah!.. Bada che McLagghen non importuni la Granger! Intesi? > > Said, disappearing into a swarm of people.

Malfoy was halfway between disbelief and anger .. moooolto angry!

<< Granger, non ho intenzione di farti da guardia del corpo! >>

<< E io non ho bisogno di te! ..Comunque, perché scappi da questa festa? >>

<< Non sono affari tuoi! >>

<< Ecco perché Blaise crede che tu sia in grado di tenere lontano McLagghen... Il tuo carattere è così orrendo da allontanare tutti! >>

<< Mezzosangue chiudi il becco! E soprattutto non giudicare perchè non puoi dire di conoscermi. >>

<< Io conosco uno stronzo bastardo che da ben sei anni mi rovina le giornate e pertanto giudico di conseguenza! >>

<< Anche tu hai un carattere orrendo: se ti mostrassi meno saputella e insopportabile magari stasera avresti avuto accanto un accompagnatore degno di essere chiamato tale! Invece sei sola e talmente disperata da dover chiedere la compagnia di un'idiota.. Perché solo un idiota accetterebbe! >>


I was no longer able to restrain myself: I had let go a slap on the left cheek using all the strength I could muster .. Damn! That hurt! .. I seem to have slapped a marble statue .. That's why his face is so white!

<< Tanto ci hai perso tu: la verità fa più male di un ceffone. >>

I'm shocked!! Not hath been silenced even after being hit!

<< Non è la verità...Neanche tu mi conosci. >>

Then comes Blaise Zabini and seeing so bitter (I) and furious (both) takes us by the arm and drags us out of the party.

<< Scusati, Draco. >> says as soon as we get comfortable in a corridor.

<< E' lei che dovrebbe chiedere scusa a me. >> Dry Malfoy replied.

<< Può anche essere, ma per litigare si deve essere in due. Adesso scusati. >>

<< Non l'ho mai fatto e non intendo farlo nemmeno adesso. >>

Zabini shakes his head in resignation, then heads for the kitchen .. Wait a minute, why go to the kitchen?!

<< Dove vai? >> I ask puzzled.

<< A prendere qualcosa da mangiare..non ho toccato cibo alla festa. E credo nemmeno voi.. Allora, venite? >> right actually .. I am dying of hunger! So all

and three go down in the kitchen.

Shortness Of Breath H Pylori

strong Prenestine June 17 to 20

a bell'articoletto XL on the republic!
the mo but I copy and paste well

Crack! The festival disruptive

Back for the sixth consecutive year Crack!, The international festival of comics and art prints that invades the basement of the center Prenestino Forte. Comics, poster art, screen printing, writing, stop motion, performance animation. The story of this continuously declines in new languages \u200b\u200bthat flock to this festival. From June 17 to 20 in Rome

Do not forget that XL is also on Facebook with a special content. BECOME A FAN CLICK HERE!


Six years ago, few would have bet on the success of a festival of comics completely self-organized, without a sponsor or finance, without selection of the artists. A festival that winds along humid, but pleasant underground dog-nineteenth century, concerts and performances scattered everywhere and long walks to do in order to observe everything.

The over 10 thousand people pass through each edition and the hundreds of artists from all over the world to participate in a real European underground art event, tell us that Crack! Comics disruptive ( ) does not prove anything, even the skeptics. It remains only to enjoy the quality of the chaotic spectacle created by the artists, renowned authors and young beginners.

find a definition for this festival of the arts underground is probably impossible. Crack! should be lived, repeat the organizers can not be told. And they are right. In the basement of the center Forte Prenestino converge each year of the new languages comics, writing, the poster art, printing and screen printing independently engaged in the story of a present that is constantly changing.

Valerio Bindi explains it well when, in the editorial of HateLove 3nd bridges comix anthology, speaks of new urban and suburban stories, "able to print on the walls of formal and informal city with posters and stickers, or to produce silkscreen stabbing monsters. " New narratives that unfold and reunite each year creating an edition of Crack! always different and always richer.

HateLove is the title of anthology comic books, self-produced by the network of Crack! between Italy and the Balkans, but it is also the theme for this year's festival. And also the other accompanying editorial production to this year: HateLoveKnots . Mini multilingual stories where 15 artists explain flash illustrated "how to love and hate or love and hate."

This is another strong point of Crack! , networking. The art of knowing how to meet and share a small space in the basement, as able to work together with hundreds of miles away.

The tentacles of this festival are coming farther and farther away, even as far as Turkey and Lebanon where it was born Samandal. Magazine Comic arriving for the first time in Italy with its founders and the young Lena Merehej. Cartoonist who said the war with its animations they are doing around the world and have won awards including the New York Exposition Festival. Among the internationals there are those who now returns every year as the visionary screen printers Marseilles Le Dernier Cri and the beautiful Maya Mihindou. And with them the Croats Komikaze magazine, Sweden's Galago, the Portuguese Chili Com Carne Berliners Czentrifuga and screen printers.

not mention them all, but a focus is certainly to be launched in Finnish Kutikuti Mineshaft and the popular magazine, with the works of cartoonist Robert Crumb and Nina Bunjevac Canadian to be observed carefully.

Surprises and confirmations, even among artists of the Italian scene that this year more than ever, crowded underground cells of the Fort Prenestino. Among them, arrives for the first time, the collective Malleus. Poster Art-known in the environment of where he was successful with the creation of screen-printed posters for concerts, one by one. Same path already traveled by the famous duo of California Firehouse.

Another new contribution is that the magazine Frigidaire Vincent Sparagna, that of Judas - Geographical Institute Of Unconventional Drawing Arts and newborn project, launched by artists well known even to readers of XL as Paper Resistance, Blue Ericailcane, Baronciani, Ratigher, Squaz.

Some people never fail like Blades, I was Uroi Epoc, Zerocalcare, Lucho Villani, the SUPERAMICI, Marco Corona, the To / Let Mp5 eclecticism shows that this time the tables of the graphic novel water retort (http : / / ), with four hands with Valerio Bindi.

After a year's absence Etnik back to the writer, with its three-dimensional lettering ( ) and his new puppets. Another welcome return is to Sonia Cucculelli that never fails to delight, and stock up on prizes, with its animations. As its Skate ( ) video made for Tulsa is OK! and screened at Future Film Festival 2010 ( ).

Also entertainment talk with Stefano Argentero ( ), King of the Pongo. Tireless teacher is preparing for the third consecutive year to share his techniques of stop motion. A marathon of 12 hours, Saturday, June 19, along with Lorenzo and Marco Ticci Lucisano that will lead to the creation of a video (here you can see one produced in 2009: = 8-g5sQMbggw ).

thick, like every year programming Crack! including concerts, performances and DJ sets in and bury them outside. From Thursday 17 to report the concert of The Rose and the DJ set on Friday night Candie Hank 18. Saturday will be 20 instead of the console controls the DJ with the mask of alien dr. Lektroluv and Frank Sent Us. A real show that this Italian collective unique. Cut up of images, fragments of video, advertising, films that blend with the carpet of sound of their live set.

treat for fans of animation in the closing festival Sunday evening: 1 Piercing Liu Jian, who won the prize for the content Social Fabrizio Bellocchio the 14th edition of Castelli Animati and in competition at the 2010 Annecy Festival.

Finally, a little extra alert Crack! : a concert by Jello Biafra ( ), always at the Fort Prenestino, Monday 21 June.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Thank You Letter To A Cousin


"Skate" also selected to "I've seen films" for international competition.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Cargovan And Queen Size Matress

Hello! Welcome to my blog!
Here I will publish the chapters of "You Know Me?" and unpublished spoiler! ;)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jcb Telehander 532120


"Skate" screaning here!
IX Euganea Film Festival
, to be held in Este and Monselice (Padova) 9 to 25 July 2010 .

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

White Patches Around Eyebrow Area

festival in support FRIGOLANDIA


's ready and coming out the Portfolio Manco so I did an illustration that you find here
this is the cover

Luciana Manco - Author and contributor to the portfolio Frigidaire

Schinco James - Inventor of the portfolio and collaborator of Frigidaire

Roberto Simoni - co-inventor of the portfolio and collaborator of Frigidaire

The portfolio consists of

10 poems combined with 10 serigraphs (8 color 2 in b & w)

A3 (42 x 33 cm)

on uncoated paper mills of Fabriano 140 gr / sqm

The prints will be contained in a folder (50 x 33 cm)

With uncoated paper mills of Fabriano 240 gr / sqm

With cover 4-color

The edition will be limited to 200 copies numbered and signed

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Eyebrow Wax Is Uneven

Animafest of Zagreb
