Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wearable Halo Spartan Helmet Diagram


"Skate" in the selection of Cortoons. Palladium-
Rome 6-10 April 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011

Labeled Diagram Of Titanic

Sorry, because of the way?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How To Masterbate With A Egg Vubrater

Roberto Vecchioni - Call still love

And the boat that flew in the sky
that children were still playing
I would have given the whole sea
just to vedermeli get

for the poet who can not sing
for the worker who no longer has his job
for those twenty years and stands to die in a
desert like a pigsty
and for all boys and girls
defending a book, a real book
so good to cry in the streets because they are killing

to the bastard who is always in the sun
for the coward who hides the heart
for our memory thrown away
by these lords of pain

still call me call me love

always love this damn night
will even finish
because we fill it from here
music and words

still call me call me love
always love
in this hopeless dream
between silence and thunder
defend humanity this
also remained one man

still call me call me love
still love
always call me love

because the ideas are like butterflies
you can not take away the wings
because the ideas are like stars
not go out the storm
because the ideas are rumors of mother
who believed they had lost
and are like the smile god
spit in this universe

still call me call me love

always love this damn night
will even finish
because we fill it from here
Music and words

still call me call me love always love

continues to write the life
between silence and thunder

defend this humanity that is so true in every man

still call me call me again love
love always love
still call me call me love always love

this cursed night
will even finish
because from here we will fill
of music and words

still call me call me love always love

in this hopeless dream
between silence and thunder
defend humanity this
also remained one man

call still love

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cruising Spots Richmond Va

When De Gasperi wand Catholics Livorno ...

"There are reports that following an unfortunate division of the Christian Democratic Party, is not represented in Codest Committee. I trust that you will want to remedy as soon as possible, this situation obviously anomalous and inconsistent with the cooperation of the government parties and all other committees to liaise between the parties themselves, and that therefore there is no need to appeal to the Central Committee. Please have the courtesy to give me insurance. " It was September 20, 1944 when the board chairman of the National Liberation Committee of Livorno, Count Lorenzo Ruelle, came this letter tones very hard. The address of the sender did not leave room for doubt: Piazza del Gesu 46, Rome. In fact, writing was Alcide De Gasperi in person, the politician Trentino that a few weeks ago was unanimously elected Political Secretary of the Christian Democrats (was July 30th '44) in the fourth party congress in Naples. Not to go down to the next President of the Board was to find Catholics represented in CLN from Livorno Christian Social Party and the Christian Democrats.

The letter in question is one of the very few direct interventions in the political life of De Gasperi Livorno: as is well known bridges "Roman" with the DC Livorno were then largely dominated the immediate postwar period from Rieti Attilio Piccioni (brother of John, then Bishop of Livorno) and, above all, from Pontedera Gronchi Giovanni and Giuseppe Togni . But why so hard action on the part of De Gasperi? Because this was a highlight for phase redesign the democratic future of a country still at war and lay the foundations for the role of Catholics in the reconstruction. E De Gasperi had very clear ideas for some time: at that stage needed a Catholic party that does not feed the split of the country, but, on the contrary, tried to mend fences through the unit. Already in 1938 Adrian wrote to the ossicles, the largest Christian leader of the Left: "We need the unity of all Catholics to be able to take power, because there is still a force in Italy that the fall of fascism can ensure the smooth transition trauma from the situation in which fascism took us to a democratic situation. " Concepts in that summer of '44 with the liberation of Rome (June 4) and Florence (August 11) el'assestamento allies on the Gothic Line, also seemed increasingly clear in the rooms of the Holy See, which had long been De Gasperi a valuable ally in the future Paul VI, then the deputy secretary of state, Monsignor Giovanni Battista Montini. Between '44 and '45 were placed so the foundation for the unity of Catholics in DC: the expense and political forces were Catholic too marked to the right or left as the Christian Left, the Communist movement of Catholics and indeed the Christian Social Party.

Certainly Livorno on the intervention of De Gasperi if it was not immediately solvers, such a decisive blow to the political future of the Catholic Livorno. The count had further talks with Ruelle Attilio Piccioni and November 14 came to the point that everyone was waiting for the Democrats in the party headquarters in Independence Street: "We inform you - you read - that the CLN Federation of Livorno, decided to admit to his Committee that representatives of the Christian Democratic Party as such is part of those members of the Central Committee of the CLN." This letter put an end to a battle that summer of '44 had put the one against the other two current Leghorn of Catholics in politics.

And all in '48 from Livorno to Pisa to hear De Gasperi

"How waved the flag of our club alongside De Gasperi in that far-off rally of '48 in square of Miracles in Pisa in front of 100 thousand people. " So remember recent Arnaldo Paggetti, who died recently: the time was president of the club of Catholic Action "Guido Negri S. Andrea, who was among the most active in the watershed of the election campaign on April 18. In fact that day by De Gasperi in Pisa in early April of '48 has been carved in memory of those who have been committed to fund the civic committees pro-Dc. "In memory of all is most impressed with the speech by De Gasperi in Pisa," recalled Lugetti Dino and Mario race in 1987. "All the associations of Ac - added - participated in the mass campaign for the elections: from the smallest to the most large. " The climate of the Cold War was on fire and the dangers there were "handing out leaflets and selling newspapers, making speeches and holding meetings in an atmosphere that, to say the least, it required courage. Posters attacked in broad daylight on a street, you reach the end you had to start over because the "buddies" they had in the meantime, all detached. " That is why, in the story continued, "some parents allow their children to engage in similar businesses." And then he resorted to a trick (not really ... Orthodox), "an opportunity for some ecclesiastical assistants - and told Lugetti Breeze - promised absolution to some young people who did believe in family to go to some party of friends, we went out in a dark suit and tie (as was the custom) and wore clothes from sticking in the priest's house. Do the job of campaigning, a good clean up, change of clothes and home again. " Although this happened in the memorable '48.
De Gasperi seen by Don Roberto Angeli

In the '50s Don Roberto Angeli wrote several articles on Alcide De Gasperi, the Italian Catholic newspaper. The most important is what the public in August 1957 in the Corriere della Valtellina, Sondrio weekly Christian Democrat, titled De Gasperi, an "honest man" to which the Italians and all Catholics in particular have undying gratitude. The article was later included in the book Angels Don: Pioneers of the Christian Democratic Movement, Rome, Cinque Lune, 1959. Here's an interesting excerpt from that article that concerns the relations between the Christian Democrats and the Church according to the plan De Gasperi:

De Gasperi drew clear with precision (and this was one of his major concerns) the relationship between the public - Party and State - and the religious organization "in the political future we plan to give to God what belongs to God and to Caesar what is Caesar's ... The State must be aware the bond that binds him to the eminently ethical individual and social life, and focus on the addiction that binds him to the will of the Creator ... The Party is likely to serve as an organizational tool on a single sector of our national community, the State, and is aware that other corporate bodies act in the same time and same place on several levels: ... outside and above the religious society, the Church and its spiritual and organizational forces (Catholic Action), under the society with their cultural autonomy. " And he added for more precise: "The question of denominational - understood as a tendency not to engage in concrete political claims ecclesiastical authority - has more resonance after the new statutes of Pius XII exactly circumscribe the scope of activities of Catholic Action, and the Lateran Treaties have always taken for any reservation request in the past by lack of agreement between Italy and the S . See ".
De Gasperi remained fiercely loyal to these principles, despite repeated smear campaigns conducted by groups of 'secularists' (both liberal and socialist party), who could not conceive of a Catholic politician only in the light of the secular arm of the Church remained faithful, despite the veiled hostility of some Catholic circles, "fundamentalist" or not, unable to understand the great lessons of history, unable to break away from the old rhetoric and old idols of a sterile clericalism. He remained loyal to the point of regret when the Catholic Action Committees and Civic took political positions unrelated to their duties, even if, sometimes, with the Government. One of his greatest merit was to make Italian Catholics out of "the historic political fence" that he had opposed - such as the Ghibellines Guelphs - the state and civil institutions born of the Risorgimento.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Poptropica Dragon Papers

With my heart on the globe
Don Carlo Leoni between Mother Teresa and Berlinguer

LIVORNO. "I red priest? Blame the Telegraph that I stuck with that label on a full-page headline. Well, in that situation a bit 'was right. Agosto'68: I was with my boys trapped in torn Prague invasion of USSR tanks. If it were not for the direct intervention of Berlinguer, maybe I was not here to tell ...». Go and see that it turns out that the birth of the Global mutual development, flowering exactly 30 years ago on more fertile ground of the church Leghorn, has left his mark even the most beloved former Communist Party secretaries. Don Carlo Leoni, the founder, drain all the questions: "What do you mean, if anything, has given me the insight throughout Mother Teresa of Calcutta."

Sister disarming simplicity Today Don Carlo is on the threshold of 80 springtime king and a wheelchair, forcing him to travel only between a few square meters of his house, but in India, with the heart and mind, we check back often. It was the turning point of the trip. "I met Mother Teresa in Calcutta in Christmas '78: a journey through the slums of humanity together with Don Alfredo Nesi. She was disarming in its simplicity: a concentration of light that can illuminate the army of one faith hellish abyss of poverty. For me it was the decisive turning. Experiences so you distort the perspective. I refused to travel between the world were the best school that I proposed to my youth. " So even a year after October 27, 1979, Bishop Alberto Ablondi inaugurated the Centre in the former headquarters of the former church of the Armenians because of Madonna. Since then, the center has become an NGO at international level: dozens of projects for cooperation between Tanzania, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mozambique, twenty parties of missionaries around the world.

Berlinguer loves us Berlinguer But the episode is also a one-stage highlights that led Don Leoni has a way of being a priest. One that has never been afraid of freedom: "Freedom to speak, freedom to act, freedom to dare." It is no coincidence that the then Bishop Emilio Guano in '68 that the hopes of the Prague Spring he thought of him for an experience that breached the Iron Curtain. It was the primate of Czechoslovakia Josef Beran in person, then exiled by the communists in Rome, Guano ask if there was a group of young people who might come into contact with young people of Prague Spring "to give them courage. "And Guano - Don Leoni revealed - immediately thought of my youth group at St. Pius X. I had not by chance called "open door". With the young Czech was a very good dialogue. Them during the '68 were guests of families in Livorno in the parish of sources and we reciprocate the invitation in August of that year. " It was there that surprised them the repression of the Soviets: "I was a guest of Bishop Tomasek, the six young people from St. Pius X, however, were guests of the family. On the night of August 20 we woke up the shots of the tanks. For three days I was with the bishop, imprisoned in the archbishop's palace. From my youth I did not know anything then Tomasek asked if he could get in contact with the Vatican to talk to Berlinguer. So he did. The next day they came to the door the Soviets who escorted us to the border with Austria. Berlinguer to convince them said, "are of us." And from there arose the legend of the Red Priest. "

Beyond the Iron Curtain Since then Don Carlo went on most all of the curtains. "When I had the insight to include the word" global community "in the name of our center more than a jumped on the chair. It was 1979: Mondial was a word that did not exist. That could not exist. The world divided into two blocks. And that wall in Berlin, so high that it took the wings of Providence to override it. " Intuition Don Leoni in Livorno globalization has arrived twenty years earlier. 'The "mutual development" thirty years ago was perhaps even more surprising of the larger world. The Third World was helped. He had to teach us? And now they see these issues as a culture has been turned inside out ".-

of Gianluca Maggiore

(published in" Il Tirreno ", a chronicle of Livorno, 25 October 2009)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Wear Black Snakeskin Boots

"We, the clandestine network of the Vatican, to help Jews and Allied prisoners'

Rome, December 1943. The capital is at the mercy of the Germans who patrol around the city workers. Via Civinini 7 at the door knocking a man in his sixties. Thin, highly mobile eyes and hair as white as snow. One glimmer of light beyond the chain of the door facing an elegant lady, "I am the grandfather - the man says - I have a lot of nice gifts for my grandchildren. The Marquise Juliana Benzoni invites Emily to join the Angels. There is heat in the large hall of the residence of the aristocratic Roman Lombard, especially for those who traveled 400 kilometers from Modena Apennines chilly with makeshift equipment. But there is no time for pleasantries: with a little noble gesture the "grandfather" takes off his shoes, makes a gesture with his hand and dry from the sole crop up into strips and pieces of paper. "They're for my grandchildren.

episode looks like a novel, but is roughly what happened in the harsh winter of '43 when the 'little man' Angels Emilio became one of the most active cell of the underground movement from Livorno, shuttling between Rome, Florence, Livorno and the Apennines to help Jews, victims of political prisoners and allies. Today, thanks to new research, it is found that the group, headed by his son Emilio, Don Roberto, was by no means a marginal role in the complex web of diplomacy and rescue operations that the Holy See was able to put up in those months.

ties with the Holy See. From the archives jump out the outlines of a story still in large part to write, and only hinted at in the various writings left by Don Angel and the group of young people, with him, was the star of those struggles. Are revealed as the links forged by the priest from Livorno with the key characters of clandestine Vatican, Roman and more generally: the Marquise Juliana Benzoni, friend and adviser of Maria Jose of Savoy, the clergyman O'Flaherty Irish Hughes (the famous "Scarlet Pimpernel of the Vatican), Archbishop Nicholas Moscatello, ecclesiastical adviser Yugoslav embassy and Sir D'Arcy Osborne (pictured) , the British ambassador to the Holy See.

In 1600 the military aid of allies. After September 8, 1943 Christian Socialists came to the reporting of a group of allied prisoners in the area of \u200b\u200bVinchiana (Lucca). It was then that Don Angels, which has long been versed with Roman circles for his studies at the Gregorian University, he sought and established contacts with the Marchioness Giulia Benzoni "Receive an initial sum of 20 000 pounds - Angels Emilio writes in a report to the Military Intelligence Service, the Italian intelligence - for the most urgent needs of prisoners of Lucca. Since then, reports and information about groups of prisoners in need of help were multiplied. " From 10 November 1943 to 25 August 1944, the group that was headed to Don Angels managed to run to the rescue in a remarkable number of people. "1500-1600 military allies - writes the" little man "- with no fixed abode, lacking everything from clothing to food." More difficult to establish the current state of documentation, as the Jews were rescued and hidden in those months.

The Marquise Benzoni, the eminence grise in a skirt. Juliana Benzoni was a character of absolute importance in occupied Rome, from "generous soles of the shoes 'of the Marchesa, writes Fulvia Ripa di Meana," allowed military leave, leave and false papers' s identity. " For Maria José of Belgium, was a sort of eminence grise in a skirt ", able to introduce the" Queen of May "in Roman and anti-Fascist circles in direct contact with the replacement of the Vatican Secretariat of State, Monsignor Giovanni Battista Montini. "In Badoglio Bonomi, Croce, Sforza, De Nicola, Togliatti, Nenni, De Gasperi, Gonella, Saragat, La Malfa, Giorgio Amendola, generals and eminent Vatican, "gappisti" emissaries and allies - he wrote in Ajello - the Benzoni praised his talents. It was time vivandiere of the partisans of forged ration cards and now an expert in radio receiver-transmitters and "nurse of 'information', now to take charge of hiding prisoners, Jews, military misfits."

Rivers of good money from Rome. At about the same steps that could set up the group of Don Angel, in midst of Tuscany: the arms of Livorno were able to get relief, as well as in the province of Livorno, including those of Florence, Pistoia, Grosseto, Modena and the Apuan Alps. For the relief of the Allied prisoners the only Benzoni, writes Emily Angels, "gave me a total sum of three hundred and fifty thousand pounds." Be debt calculations this is about € 100 thousand today. But it was not all: "Given the lack of funds made available by Benzoni - writes the" little man "- with the onset of winter needs, my son, Don Roberto went back to Rome, being able to confer directly with the Irish Embassy in Vatican embassy of Yugoslavia. Thus the situation of the Allied prisoners in Tuscany was also made the British Embassy in the Vatican. " For the Yugoslav military, hidden near Ponte a Moriano, were brought aid which came from Monsignor Nicholas Moscatello, Yugoslav embassy.

At work with the "Scarlet Pimpernel." But it was with the Irish Embassy and the British that Don Angel was able to create the most valuable contacts, "The Irish Embassy - Emilio writes Angels - was able to ensure that all loans and expenses incurred by anyone for help prisoners would be returned by the Allies as soon as the territory had been liberated. The data make it impossible for the British Embassy to provide the sums required at the time. Embassy Irish names were so worn and Allied prisoners of messages to be transmitted to London. " Strategic driving force was the Irish Embassy Church of the Holy Office, Monsignor O'Flaherty. "The action of the Irish - Andrea Riccardi writes - in between the Vatican and immunity personal courage, is an emblematic case of the climate of Rome in those months." The lord often stationed near the Basilica di San Pietro, the square, and make contact with any allied soldiers have arrived there among the people. Several clergymen, priests, diplomats and anti-Nazi allies were related to its clandestine network. An important contact that these green activities support group Leghorn. "After these arrangements - Sim wrote to the" little man "- we felt empowered to ensure families and all those who supported the costs for the prisoners that the expenses they incurred, amounts paid and may have suffered property damage would have been recovered in their after the war. On this basis we extended our full support activities. "
The clandestine network: the heroism of ordinary people. The documents kept in the archives recall from oblivion the names of all the dense network of families and priests who courageously risked their lives while helping those in trouble, then simply return to everyday life. A Vinchiana (Lucca) Giannecchini William and his sister Pauline Fazio took care of distributing money, food, clothing and medicines from Rome, providing housing for former Allied prisoners from the families of farmers and by hiding in the mountains. A Vicchio Mugello were delivered to the lawyer Elysium Vanni twenty thousand francs and medicines to groups of Vicchio, Borgo San Lorenzo and Monte Giove. A Dicomano, Pieve Pelago (Florence) and Pavullo (Modena) were involved in the network to aid the priests of the place. In Grosseto money, food and clothing were sorted by Marsilio Illuminati. Apuane worked the Dominican priest Peter Judge Montignoso; for the province of Livorno, in addition to Don Angel worked mainly Luciano Merlini, Renato Orlandini, Harold Figaro, Don Italo Cremona and Erminia Gambin i. Finally, for the province of Florence, writes Emily Angels, "the money and support facilities were handed over to Miss Anna Maria Enriques Agnoletti , tireless and ready to lend generously to the most dangerous covert operations to help and assist."

(published on-Toscanaoggi Week of January 9, 2011)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

If I Think Of Men When I Masterbate Am I Gay

Don Angel, guardian angel Jewish

Livorno, April '44. In the four rooms on the ground floor of a building via Micali 9, are crammed about 90 Jews. Among them a dozen French refugees of Italian origin, you know how you escaped the Nazi roundups of Paris in '40: an odyssey of a thousand miles to end up back in the mouth of the lion. All together (the sick, the elderly, children and refugees) are hidden there for 5 months. Since that is the way of ospedalino Jewish kindergartens and finished in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city seized by the Germans and the Angel in black cassock was made in four to organize the new shelter. Four light touches to the window, the signal. Raphael Nyssa, interrupts the game with the children, cautiously approaches the door and turn the bolt. With relief, he thinks, "It's still him." On the face of sharp Angels don a warm smile. In the hands holding it the usual bundle: food, medicine, clothing, a dollar and the novelty of a small bag, "Here's the flour for your Passover Seder."

The snapshot photographer one of the episodes best known work relief to the brethren of Jews organized by Don Roberto Angeli (pictured), a prominent figure of the Resistance in Tuscany. Barely a month after this act of rare sensitivity, the priest was arrested by the Gestapo and Livorno internship for one year Fossoli camps, Mauthausen and Dachau. Now that the interest on the priest, who died in 1978, is increasing (in 2007 the Diocese of Livorno has reissued the Gospel in the camps, studies and initiatives are multiplying) we understand how complex and extensive the plot was organized in the service network those months.

TIES WITH THE HOLY SEE . From the archives shows that the work of the group of Don Angel (priests and laymen from the sphere of Fuci) was tied hand in glove not only the movement of military resistance in the capital but also to the clandestine network Vatican assistance to Jews and prisoners allies. Don Angel commanded an intelligence service Division of Justice and Freedom of Tuscany and established personal contacts with the Marchioness Giulia Benzoni, with the "Scarlet Pimpernel" Monsignor Hugh O'Flaerty Irish Embassy, \u200b\u200bthe future Cardinal Pietro Palazzini, today listed in the Garden of the Righteous in Jerusalem. Through these channels by the Holy See and the various embassies arrived in aid money, clothing, food, drugs, false documents for dozens of Jews and about 1600 prisoners hidden in various countries around between the areas of Florence, Grosseto, Massa Carrara, Pistoia and Modena.

"God created man, not man Aryan". That Don Angels, was not only a "resistance operational, "but also pointed out, an 'ideological organized resistance." Starting from 1940 in his coterie of social studies at the Confraternity of S. Giulia gave public lectures in which he showed how the Christian doctrine was antithetical to the racist "God created man, not the Aryan man, 'he said once. "I read today - went - a few pages written by Hitler and the most important theorist of Nazism, Rosenberg. Very clear from these quotes, you can understand why the world today suffer the most terrible and bloody tragedy of his story. They are songs that need no comment. "

BAPTISMS and false documents. Thanks to these cultural bases in Livorno the work of Catholics to help Jews were particularly strong. Already immediately after the promulgation of racial laws of the Bishop of Livorno '38 Pigeon John, a close friend of Rabbi Toaff Alfredo (father of former chief rabbi of Rome, Elio), gave precise instructions to clergy and lay people: the Jews are not brothers should be left alone. The Jewish community since the town had 2000 members (the fifth Italian in terms of numbers after Rome, Milan, Trieste and Turin), of whom 116 were captured by the Gestapo and only 16 managed to return. In the curia, under the direct control of the Registrar Don Amedeo Tintori was created an office for granting certificates of baptism to the Jews. "I myself - he said Erminia Cremoni - faeces godmother and confirmation to some young Jews." At the Sisters of St. Teresa Antignano Costituto was a sort of "office documents forgery ': young city employees Vincenzo Dino Lugetti Villoresi and distinguished themselves in the creation of false identity cards.

THE WORK OF ANGELS DON. Angels Don personally takes care of the transfer of 24 Jewish Jewish Jewish dall'ospedalino first in a house in Via Nardini, subsequently, in the Micali. The priest, then testified as the lawyer Giuseppe jew Funaro, "freed from the cassock and roll up your hands, began to do work of a porter. Lasted four days, the transport of the beds, luggage and personal belongings. " In the five months, until it stops the priest, assisted by Father Giuseppe Spagnolo, Erminia Cremona, PaoloBrilli and other young people made sure that nothing was missing for about 90 Jews hiding in via Micali. Together with the young refugee Raphael Nyssa, who was head of the Opera in Paris to protect Jewish children, he organized several trips to find illegal immigrants hiding and protection more secure as the Nazi round-ups became more systematic.

UNIT BY THE TOWN SUFFERING. "We believe - in 1973 the priest commented at a meeting organized by the Jewish community of Livorno - God moves mysteriously profound forces of history that sometimes evil can flourish even good." In the experience of hiding and don Angels camp, saw the seeds to overcome bullies centuries of enmity. "The common fight, the excruciating joint pain brought us closer than ever." It concluded: "We can not therefore express a hope that this approach to progress in an ever deeper friendship and represents a real contribution to mutual understanding between people and groups of different religion or ideology, between peoples and communities."

of Gianluca Maggiore

(published Toscanaoggi No.2 of January 16, 2011)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Lcd Keeps Turning On Off

untitled, or rather speechless. Tour de

Thursday, January 6, 2011

May's Boobs In Pokemon

participates in Skate Tour de film and goes to Russia!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sensor Light Wont Turn Off


... we just have to wish you HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Vídeos Zoophilia Free

Grand Finale!

... at the end of the concert choir and band join! The music is accompanied by the voices of the choir ... the highlight, or rather the highlights? VA and THOUGHT ' NATIONAL ANTHEM exegetes strictly up! e. .. judging by the applause, the show has been appreciated by our fans! thank goodness!

Wie Kommt Man Aus Dem Debug Room Golden Sun Vba

through the participation of FRIGNANO

The evening is made even richer and more joyful thanks to the valuable collaboration of Frignano Voices Choir, conducted by Maestro members. Christmas and brought their classic songs in their repertoire.

What Type Of Specialized Bicycle Should I Get

as always, we offer the public pop melodies, rock and classical ... to make the program more varied and enjoyable as possible!

St.dalfour Cream In Uae


we are finally to the grand Christmas concert! Despite the snow, cold and ice, the crowd was especially large and very warm!