Friday, November 14, 2008

Sale Agreement Template

born 1948 CLA
"Charity, the only thing the world needs"
Since 1945, an emergency, the incredible growth of the welfare projects, created by Don Angeli
had passed it was not ten days since his return to Livorno after the terrible experience of the camps of Mauthausen and Dachau. Yet already there on 11 June 1945 Don Roberto Angeli to preside over the rising section of the diocesan Pontifical Commission of Assistance, and national level - after the war - was of great importance in assisting refugees, veterans and those most in need. In the three years of the Commission sprouted shoots for the birth of Committee Livornese Service, which this year marks the 60th anniversary of its foundation. Together with Don

Angels in the PCA (see photo below in sde Via Roma 13 ) are six counselors Balzini Bishop, Don Spagnolo, Luigi KutufĂ , Cesare Sinibaldi, tertile Casini, Erminia Cremoni. A first set of which then becomes a real car care: nerve and irreplaceable piece in the mosaic of complex reconstruction of Livorno.
The PCA was a creature of Pius XII, whose legs gave rapid and impressive development of the tireless Monsignor Ferdinando Baldelli , which entertained angels always don a thick letters.
that there was not much to beat around the bush: in that theater the rubble - especially Leghorn - the requests were urgent pressing needs. Yet to 'reduce' from the death camps was not immediately easy: indescribable pain and suffering could lead to clothe it in a thick shell of cynicism and indifference. But it happened for Don Angels' a decisive event that saved him, a true event, and very decisive. " The letter received by Monsignor Piccioni (reproduced on this page), was a refreshing balm. There were no more doubts, no hesitation: the letter 'him feel confident that its terrible past was held in God's plan. " The narrow passage was needed: the inhuman suffering of coal camp could turn into diamond preziossimo of love: "the only thing the world needs and that it persists in rejecting."
From this 'turn' a crescendo of impressive works: a practical spirit and imagination, organization, resources Don Angels were bottomless. But nothing comes by chance: the deep culture of Don Angel, as well anchored to the pioneers of social Christianity, gave a deeper breath in its activities, gave strong roots and branches to its innovative work. Toniolo on all but the Quilici, Mgr. Ketteler, Bishop. Mermillond, Leon Harmel : all figures to be drawn on to make smart, "more industrious charity. " A schematic
guide the work of the PCA (1945-1948) - published in 1961 - hints at the scale of the work: "Far knocking cash to friends, to local authorities, asking aid to the Presidency Central, opened an office daily via Rome requested and sent - especially through the Secretariat of State of the Pope - a overwhelms news of refugees, combatants, dispersed, grants and information to people passing through and left the camp to read; distributed bags shoes, clothes, milk powder, 240 tons of pasta and 2 tons of margarine, set up: 1. 'Refectory of the Pope " coming to convey any 600 days good food in the city, 2,000 hot soups throughout the diocese for a total of 175,800 in soups three years; 2. Cologne Antignano day for two years for 700 children. "
In 1948 they leave the Americans dropped the demand for news of family members decreased the phenomenon of people passing through the urgency of the dining halls for adults, but the situation worsened, however: were tapered aid from Rome, became a concern, especially, the problem of youth. times change, needs change here, again, very sharp intuition of Don Angel: the creation of the Committee Livornese Service.
acute why? Why was the result of a careful thoughtful analysis of the context in which it operates. The pitfall atheist-communist increasingly bold, the religious feeling of the masses numb (if not deaf) present with a "purely ecclesiastical label too" often created insurmountable difficulties. Hence the intuition. On 8 September 1948, applauding the bishop Piccioni, comes the CLA, a de facto association (from the '61 non-profit organization), which joined the various Christian institutions to charitable (CIF, PCA, ACLI, AC), put into effect 'a modern Christian social work ' formula unit avoided duplication, competition and waste of energy. Goals? Remove children from the streets, fighting malnutrition and disease, put the seeds of a Christian education: do not stop care then, but from assistance to start a journey that would lead to human development.

Natural dell'escamotagé beyond that of the 'official secular aspect, "the spirit of the works of CLA was" always deeply religious ", but - as explained Don Angeli -" to offer to the civil authorities, demonstrating that help take the opportunity to do so in removing their fears that they faced, they can be criticized for partisanship or 'clericalism' was chosen a name, a formula, something 'neutral', which were especially popular and did not show the side by controversy. "
The then Interior Minister Scelba (pictured above) cited repeatedly as a model of CLA provincial welfare association. But the CLA would not have been possible without John Gronchi (pictured below with the Angels and Bishop Don Guano) , then Christian Democrat deputy of cirscocrizione Livorno, then President of the Republic (1955-1962) and tied by Don Angel a sincere friendship. Gronkowski was, by its constitution, President CLA's fee, and is also thanks to him that the committee eliminated "by the Communists virtually welfare field 'Leghorn. So did the CLA policy? Dry the response of Don Angel: "Someone may have thought that the CLA has served politically to some person that would be entirely false and constitutes a grave injustice. All the people who worked for the CLA, I have only ever served, as dutiful hearing good work to be done. "
Livornese Assistance Committee : assisted more than 100 thousand in 30 years

intensely since his rise to the work of the CLA were the first implementation Afterschool , made in the poorest districts of the city and arranged in shacks disconnected. Then arose Kindergartens. were therefore established Camps for Teens and organized school meals, especially in agricultural areas of the province. Do not miss the Summer Camps , gradually more and more organized, and was founded in 1953 also Printing School 'Star of the Sea. " As the Committee stated, increases in working class areas City the social care . One of the most brilliant of the CLA was in 1952, the preventor for Minors in Castelnuovo Misericordia (photo below). But the highlight of the development of human services to the promotion came in 1960 with the House of Children, where accommodations were boys aged 14 to 18 years. Today, the CLA "resist" with Retired "Providence" Baciocchi street.

It was an experience of pain for you ...
The letter from the bishop Pigeons:
was the spark of commitment Angels Don postwar

Livorno, 24 June 1945

Dear Angels,
With many expressions of good wishes and affection with which I present to you and that moved me. Fear not displeased with me: this alone, if ever, been in a lot of concern and anxiety for your fate, which for a long time I could not hear anything ... but that did not depend on you. On the other hand, what was more painful uncertainty, I feel more alive now consolation.
was for you an experience of pain, which in vulgar souls can start or deepen hatred and desire for revenge, for anime as gently as the Christian makes it more active and feel your love, the only thing the world needs and that it persists in rejecting.
God bless you, dear angels, as with an affection that can not be said in words I will bless you and wish you well. Now
rest to recover his health, how you want all those - and they are many - who love you and among them, even among the first, is the
Your + John Piccioni

CLA: In 1948 I was there ...
Father Giuseppe Spagnolo, born in 1917, was one of the "founding fathers" Assistance Committee of Livorno in 1948. Very active in the Resistance with Don Angel, was secretary to the bishop after the war Piccioni (1945 to 1959, the year of death of the Bishop). Seven Holy Founders of the Community of Florence, where he now lends his service, wrote this beautiful letter to the current president of the CLA, Bruno Mascagni which we gladly publish. A watercolor valued on the foundation of the Committee, brushed by a direct protagonist.

Florence, October 23, 2008

Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the CLA remember how it was originated.
Bishop Piccioni, already called several times by Monsignor Ferdinando Baldelli to establish the Diocesan section of the Pontifical Work of Support - not knowing what to call holy - to the glory awaiting the return of Don Livorno Angels, preached the same, but to which he had written: "Get her going ... make a good recovery where you are ... '.
But never mind ... How the Angels wanted to come back, just as the pigeons had to use it! So on June 16, 1945 appointed him chairman of the POA and that we are set up: the refectory of the Pope; distribution of food and clothing, etc.. from Rome, with the only provision of clumsy, heavy, gray bike with "fixed wheel" American (I bought a Velosolex, there are more?).
It is also the President, October 3, Institute for religious education and moral assistance to the youth IERAMG (which owns the building via Baciocchi ... time for the daughters of Providence Providence, and now for old ladies . Just as an example).
... But here's the epochal date ... like thousands of years before Mary was born SS. was born on 8 September 1948 the Committee Leghorn assistance, happily this!
No longer constrained by the post-war emergency aid and thinning of the direct POA, Don Angel knew that with great insight needed to deal with so many guys off the streets, especially the young care creating after-school, nursery schools - including parochial - schools, recreation centers and professional colonies. Monsignor
Pigeons not only supported, but said: "These are the ways forward." If so
IERAMG as the ecclesiastical legal entity had offered some legal structure ... was not enough. We wanted a wide-ranging body of perhaps reunite the CIF, the AC, the ACLI, the same Pontifical Assistance, a body-secular private citizen to public assistance. Don Roberto Angeli
So he founded the CLA. He is the creator, the sole founder, in the persons of different (I alas - the last -): no listing of guests of honor, but effective.
entrusted its honorary president Hon. John Gronkowski, who from 1955 to 1962 was president of the Republic. His contribution is very useful. Was achieved thanks to him the legal status and recognition in non-profit organization (April 3, 1961). I think what was said to be the first award of its kind granted in Italy. It remains high
Patron, the Hon. Gronkowski, deep and devoted admirer of Bishop Piccioni, convinced and enthusiastic admirer of Lord Angelo, aid also directly from Mario Scelba become a friend, Minister of the Interior, or by the Prefecture of Livorno ... do not miss it!
[...] I expect a documentary of all activities of the glorious CLA loved well, maybe next year for the 50th anniversary of the death of Monsignor Piccioni, possibly as recorded in the life of that bishop.

Father Giuseppe Spagnolo, OSM

( published in "The Week - Toscana Oggi" of November 9, 2008)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ultrasonic Transducer 24 Khz

died in Swaziland 50 years ago
"first fruits of paradise"
On May 13, 1928 was born in Rosignano Solvay Lido Rossi, the son of Lino Rossi - a worker of the company Solvay - Fierabracci and Leda, a woman of great faith. Fatherless as a child, wants to become a doctor "to heal the sick fathers' and will do so at the University of Pisa, graduating in 1954 in medicine and surgery. During his military service he served at the Celio, the Cecchignola, the School of Health in Florence and then to the hospital Military Bolzaneto in Genoa, where it completes the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming a medical missionary. In 1956 he married Elena
Fallen, (pictured above with Lido in 1958) known university in 1951, both were Fucini - an active faith in the university would say today, with whom he had gained the missionary vocation .

So Lido and Elena leave from the port of Venice, 5 dicemb King 1956, on the ship destination Africa hospital Steg, in Swaziland, founded a mission and a clear by the Servants of Mary Province of Tuscany ( on the opposite Lido in Africa).
Lido is one of the pioneers of CUAMM (University College for aspiring doctors and missionaries), established in 1950 in Padua, at the behest of Bishop Jerome Bortignon to prepare Italian and foreign medical students who want to serve the poor in developing countries of development, as they say.
No need for adventure, is fond of saying, but to do good, and day after day you hear more and more docile to the will of God and peace in your soul has confirmed that he had found his way.

true poet, Lido down in verse her thoughts turned to his girlfriend who will become Hellen Cloister, imagined "Sitting on the floor to teach the greek fireflies." His service took place among the brethren blacks in whose veins flows the blood red, his eyes to the Lord who makes them go because our security is Your every street of this little world, "the veneration of Mary accompanying his life from birth to death. "He who makes us sick docile handmaiden of humility rewarded with the greatest of joys," he wrote a few days before he died. On August 16, 1958 Lido
Rossi died from fulminant nephritis. The widow returned to Livorno, where he still lives and is buried in Lido di Castellina Marittima, native country of their parents.
"Africa Lido was black for what was the dark night to the great mystics. " wrote him Ernesto Balducci. And again: "The approach of Lido with the Black world is immediate, passes through the roots. This is where you measure the authenticity of his faith the proof of which is closed years before the great prophetic voices within Christianity woke up a new consciousness and a new style of presence. Who says God is one, says that humanity is one, wrote a mystical Islamic Middle Ages. "
We worship one day in the company of saints Leghorn? But why the diocese should start the process of canonization ... "Lido Rossi, groom and medical missionary, lived the Christian virtues heroically up to the gift of life. " A true witness of faith and charity. A life devoted to God and to others.

Renato Rossi, deacon

Elena Falleni
"I still love Lido. My marriage is not over '

is one of those stories that would go crazy novelists. Or even more: the poets. Yes, because this story is so beautiful, so pure and gushing love of faith, which should be entrusted to the loving hands of the poet. Who knows how to handle and return the scent of delicate flowers, without breaking them. Sa guess what is not said in the silences and to speak. Dating Elena Falleni (photo by side in a recent photo ) and immediately understand why Lido Rossi wrote that she was "the one" who knew how to read the "Braille" of his "blind melancholy."

In these 50 years, from that August 16, 1958 that tore the life from her young husband, Elena has preserved as a precious treasure of his love for Lido . Faithful beyond death. A love that was never turned off. "Through the love you wanted me, I understand the love of God." It tells you very simply. It is as if between the gorges of the many poems dedicated to the Lido could still hear her breathing. Do you sense that Christ is indeed still there in the middle to keep their marriage together. "When I was alone - he says - I felt I had to stay alone, because I'm clinging to the higher values. To be united with him and spend my whole life for him, for his spirit. Really my marriage has not ended 50 years ago. I never left the communion every day because it just might suffer his soul up there, which is close to God That was my goal. "

Elena has a sweet smile, is sparing of words and occasionally stops to avoid going over immeasurably. He never told too much about himself and Lido ( on the opposite page, along in 1956). Perhaps to keep, to preserve its purity. "Lido always told me:" Ah, thank goodness you're not a woman who chats a lot, because it let me think. " Instead, the women talk talk, but I like that. " Almost apologizes if he has "great stories to tell."

And if you ask him to Africa and how to react when the Lido announced his intentions she says, "I cried so much for the surprise. Before I fall in love and then tells me takes me to Africa. I did not have the vocation to be missionary, I had the vocation to be a wife. So I blessed Africa because our dream of young couples could become reality. " She pauses, apologizes, smiles "Look, these things but I do not feel I tell you."

He is right when he recalls that his sister Zita operators CUAMM call them "invisible doctors" are so 'in character and style, never do justice to their mission. " "This is Elena - Zita says - was the perfect wife of the doctor invisible." And then maybe just a poem by Helen Lido to sense a bit '"invisible." Yes called "modesty." "Mite heavenly transparency / white two languid eyes, / soft voice of sweetness / hidden / sweet thought, / Purity International / flame-confident and free. / If you only knew how I love you / I could not more vulgar / s column / every night / fearing to see me. "

Monsignor Luigi Mazzucato:
"For CUAMM is already a saint"
Why not start the canonization cause?

He defines Lido Rossi "our patron saint." And "he" is not any one. You Monsignor Luigi Mazzucato (photo at right), director of Doctors for Africa CUAMM until June last year and for over 50 years. In 1955 he was already in charge of what is today the largest Italian organization for the promotion and protection of the health of African populations (56 projects and 94 doctors scattered throughout Africa). The moment of encounter with Lido Rossi and his wife, in February 1956, has in the minds . "He came here in Padua is immediately struck me for his great modesty, but also for the poetic soul that shone from his every move." Today Don Luigi confesses to pray "Lido several times a day." For CUAMM is indeed "the ideal model to look at." On the other side of the receiver, took the opportunity to send clear messages to our diocese. "And his new bishop."

related to the opening of a cause of canonization for Lido, Monsignor eh?
"Yes, I say this for some time. And with me are really so many to hope so. Lido has really, in my opinion, all the requirements for it to be a process of canonization. One of the criteria the Church uses to proclaim a holy and blessed is that it can become not only an example to be invoked, but a model to imitate. And what good would a figure like that especially for young people, students, doctors! His openness to the problems of the Third World, service to the poorest of the poor, free of charge, hard to choose the good, his missionary vocation in marriage, are all values \u200b\u200bto be proposed and disclosed. In today's world, for the youth of today, there is a dire need of strong evidence and I believe that the figure of Lido Rossi could have very great significance. I am convinced. "

The first step in our diocese it then?
"Yes, it is the diocese of origin to promote the cause. It would be a great sign during the 50 years after his death. Of course, we in the CUAMM then we could give a big contribution with evidence, documentation or doing a support in any manner that might be useful. And surely it could also give aid to the Diocese of Swaziland Lido where he served and gave his life. It is important to note that fortunately has survived a lot of documentation: letters, poems, even postcards. And it is a treasure that constantly confirm the splendor of this figure. "

She wrote that the first doctors CUAMM have in some ways anticipated the achievements of Vatican II. What role did Lido Rossi in this?
"The original idea of \u200b\u200bCUAMM was to raise since the early 50s missionary vocations of the laity in the Church. The idea was already discussed in the Italy of the time but had not yet materialized. The CUAMM gave substance to this phenomenal idea, it can be said to have discovered and given impetus to the missionary vocation of the laity long before the Second Vatican Council. I remember very well that just before the end of the Council was November 14, 1965, Pope Paul VI granted a hearing, and emphasized the great value of the calling of these doctors. Missionaries through their profession and with the testimonies of their lives. "

E Lido?
"Lido, for me, is the ideal model of this type of laity. He was a pioneer, because among the first promoters and producers of this prophetic insight. Lido also because, remember, had already developed the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing medical missionary long before you know the body .... "

There is a poem written by a Lido that you think gives us a more profound sense of life to Lido?
"It's the poem that he wrote on the ship Africa that led him to the small hospital in Swaziland (see box opposite). Lido's in it all, trusting in his God, his almost ascetic view of time that was considered every precious moment. And every time an opportunity to read God In those 20 months in Africa was not spared a moment, he consumed all his energy, forgetful of himself. It is true that the Lido, as he said our bishop Monsignor Girolamo Bortignon of Padua, was a "first fruits of Paradise."

initiatives for 50 years

A Rosignano: "To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of Lido - the deacon says Renato Rossi - the Town Council of Maritime Rosignano voted already in ' October 2007 to name a street in our neighbor, because its short life is an authentic testimony of "volunteers", who can still say something to our young people and not only. The street is located in the "subdivision Gambini," the new development still under construction between the street and away Villana Di Giacomo, Rosignano Solvay. I would therefore like to thank the council for the willingness in accepting the request. "

In Diocese: "For the anniversary happened in a period less" popular ", - says the deacon Falleni Fulvio, director of the Pastoral Mission - we decided to make memory during October with Missionary two parts: one calling someone CUAMM of talking about him, the other (a night) where they will read his poems and some of his writings. The date will be expected around October 27. "

Al CUAMM (Padova): "This year, we made sure it was stated on many missionary magazines and Marian -" Don Luigi Mazzucato, former director of CUAMM - for October we are putting in a yard number of initiatives to raise awareness of her figure, especially among young people and students. "

in a Nursery School "Lido Red '(Salvia): " Missionary As part of October - Gigliucci said Sister Gabriella, the congregation of Teachers Venerini - we are organizing a meeting in memory of Lido involving parents, teachers, children and friends from the neighborhood. "

A poem is the poem that he wrote the Lido Rossi December 11, 1956 aboard the ship that took him to Africa Swaziland.

"Even if this ship had not
had no rudder propeller
would be safe to go
because our - Lord
Thine is every street in this small world"

An unpublished letter
Here is a yet unpublished letter that Smith wrote Lido Africa. We thank Elena and Zita Falleni choice that you granted the publication.

"Do you think that here in Africa there are more materialistic than in Europe? I did not, I think so, because here the bodies are more in danger, the penis, the sores, are close to each and everyone thinks maybe a little Jesus, a medical healing. And what St. Thomas said the Corps and the Spirit, come true, in my opinion, this Africa, just inherently unpredictable and dangerous, and the jump is so short that even if we do not speak, our medical activities, is including as Caritas emitted directly from the Lord. For this I am moved so much, when, with the convalescents, combining them with my hand, in the evening in the church, Jesus, thank you so much. "

Two books to read
F. CANOVA, short life of a missionary doctor. Lido Rossi, Bologna, Emi, 1991
L. ROSSI, Africa, a land of God is a journey of love won , Torino, Gribaudi, 1981. With the presentation of Ernesto Balducci
(Published "The Week - Toscana Oggi" September 7, 2008)

Friday, August 15, 2008

What To Wear With Red Cashmere Sweater

July 19, 1944:
free in Livorno, a councilor minor

"On July 20 inforcai the bike and, despite being forbidden to travel without permission from Peccioli walked towards Livorno. A parade of trucks, jeeps. Mortars and cannon were falling here and there. A cloud of dust does not say. At one point, a crossroads, I saw a signpost. It read: Leghorn. I stood dumbfounded. "What place is?" I said to myself. "
Sixty years ago, Renato Orlandini, class 1924, was one of thousands of displaced people (only about 35 000 125 000 Leghorn had remained in the city) who were liberated by the Americans back in Livorno of the Fifth Army. Under the command of Major Carl Kaith of the U.S. Army Infantry, and guided by partisan of the Third Brigade Garibaldi Oberdan Church arrived in the city the color of Indian troops, the Sighs, commanded by British officers, then the Filipinos of the 34th Division, Buffalo.
The Wehrmacht and the SS had fled to Pisa, near the Arno. Freedom had the taste of chocolate bars and donuts (a type of American friar fried) were distributed liberally by the Allies.
Partisan "without arms"
Orlandini was an evacuee special. Growing up first in the Association Youth "Pius XI" Don Tintori the Church of the Relief, then in Fuci ( photo below) of Don Angel ("a true school of freedom"), entered the CLN of Livorno immediately after ' September 8, together with the priest and other Christian Socialists (pictured above the Christian Social in the 50s) Luciano Merlini, Harold Figara, back in the heroic resistance of Boves Cuneo ("looked like a zuzzerellone, not a conspirator perhaps saved him it was his appearance), Renato Pini, inspector training partisan of the province of Livorno.

even twenty Orlandini was therefore one of the leaders of the Resistance of Catholics Livorno. "But not with guns've never contraption," he says with a touch of pride. "We were behind the architect Don Angeli. Away from the parts of Nardini, some walls to rescue Jews, I jumped too. Merlini and I posted for some time from CLN to the police station, trying to provide information about the enemy: the city built a network of informants, I remember that we walked through the city taking the license plate numbers of the German jeep to provide precise references' . But the bishop knew all Piccioni these activities? "And how! But cunningly pretended not to know. "

Among the rubble and "red tomatoes"
But do you remember of those first few hours free in Livorno? "I remember walking into a great cloud of dust and in a large desert, the city was ghostly in the rubble. Reached immediately Merlini and Figaro to Villa Trossi Uberti in via Ravizza. Figara was among those who had received the July 19 and higher Kaith its own division in the mansion, home of the CLN Leghorn. It may seem strange but the thing I remember most of those first few days of freedom are the red pomodoroni we ate lunch in the CLN. There was much to eat: and the color of hunger is what you have left more impressed. "

The city was a real pile of rubble: the heavy Allied bombing first, then the shameful acts of sabotage of the Germans in retreat. In the historical center, only 8% of the buildings remained unscathed ("Square of the Republic saw the harbor), industrial heritage had been virtually destroyed and the harbor was made impracticable by German sappers. General Clark's Fifth Army, wrote in Livorno, "in the German city made use of blocks of chocolate, soap, gauze packages of wallets, pencils, any explosive devices that touched or handled, exploded killing or injuring anyone found nearby. Other explosive devices were attached to windows, doors, cabinets, furniture and even bodies of Germans killed. We found more than 25,000 of these hideous devices. "

Assessor minor
The Christian-social movement was a pile of "rubble". "To the rescue - said Orlando - caught us without the most prestigious representatives: Anna Maria Enriques Agnoletti had been shot, Renato Pini was killed in action in Castiglioncello, Don Italo Gambini had stepped on a landmine while accompanying a family to protect her from the Germans. Finally, Don Angelo was deported to Germany, and he did not know anything. We are going to reorganize our movement. Merlini and Figaro came to be represented in the CLN, and I took charge of the secretariat. Were we just a bunch of kids.

"The Party," joked Don Mario Volpe said, "is based on Merlin's beard and the title of accountant dell'Orlandini. We would like, the op was reconstruction, to make concrete some of our ideals. We wanted above all to be worthy of those who, for these ideals, they had sacrificed their lives or suffered in Nazi concentration camps. " And she was so eager to become perhaps the first history of the Republican minority commissioner? "Yes - he laughs - in November of 1944 I received the communication that I had been appointed prefect and commissioner all'annona anagrafe: 21 more years to accomplish. What energy I had then! I worked at the Commercial Bank, gave the university exams, participating in rallies and Christian Socialists did the commissioner! I remember the first few meetings with the Executive Mayor Diaz on the first floor of the building corner of Via Roma and Via Marradi, where he had placed the town hall. "

But if they saw that they had appointed a commissioner without the capacity to act? "Of course, after a while '. The prefect Miraglia, realizing the gaffe, he sent for me and asked me with great diplomacy, if I could resign. I resent it now: my office gave luster to the Christian society. What would they say friends? What shape would I do? Beautiful grounds! I made him this. He raised his arms: "Forget it," he said quietly. "If she does not want, will not be the prefect who will give it to him." So I was commissioner until 1946. "

The Christian social and CLN.
"Mamma mia I do!"

Renato Orlandini twenty years ago he wrote an extraordinary book of memoirs (about forty, Livorno, MCS, 1990), which shows, in rapid frescos and sparkling, the life of Catholics between fascism and Leghorn postwar period. Here we report an excerpt describing the approaches of the early Christian social with other anti-fascist parties, after the September 8, 1943.

"One of our primary concerns was to make contact with members of other anti-fascist parties. Was to "Commercial", where they now worked for more than two years, a blond little man in his fifties with blue eyes and intelligent. [...] He was called Aladdin, but, in fact, that was the name of his father: he was Manlio Benetti, a former Socialist councilor of twenty-one. Manlio put us in contact with the other movements of "Concentration" and so, together, form the Committee of National Liberation.
I attended several times in meetings that were held in a variety of locations. In particular, I remember a house engineer John Bacci, a fine figure of a gentleman and a socialist, still a young man who died a few months after liberation.

lived on the ground floor of a building in viale Mameli. The window of the room where we gathered onto the street, so every now and then some of us went out to make sure it could run but few items and not suspects. This time nothing happened. Instead, they arrested us all if we had not canceled a meeting with George Stoppa. He was a policeman to warn Don Angeli.

I must confess that the first meeting, to see some guys who are in work clothes, dirty sludge even in the hands and face, we were a bit 'confused. "My God I do!" I whispered Merlin. We came from a petit bourgeois, a little perbenistico. But it was a short-term concern, because we were convinced that those people, described by the regime as subversive, enemies of the country, and so on, we had a lot to learn. Although workers. Indeed, precisely for that. Men like Adolf Mingo, Alfredo Pagani, Vasco Iacoponi, and the same Benetti, gave us an example of moral rectitude, courage, love of liberty, of deep humanity.

felt, even as Catholics, that the era of the barriers had come, and that fighting for the fundamental and inalienable rights of man, we were fighting all, believers and not, for the triumph of what would Gerard Bruni then defined secular Christianity. Maybe that was the best experience that traemmo from eight days in September. "
(published in La Toscanaoggi-week of 20 July 2008)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Lumix Telescope Adaptor


And Go froze
the massacre of the SS

RESISTANCE TO BE. The story of Don Antonio Vellutini who always fought openly against the Nazis

The Germans always faced them head on. In fact, hard-nosed. Once, to escape, he broke his bike on the rump with a group of SS men who had captured and beaten. The bell tower of St. Leopold in Vada was used by the Nazis to spot landings of enemy patrol boats: he offered them to keep good bottles of wine and then went off to calm down, at the rectory, to hear Radio London. Another time in Solvay was stopped along with Italo Don Gambini by a German patrol. In the bag led anti-Nazi leaflets prepared by partisans Guardistallo and Castellina which was in close contact. Was unimpressed: he cried in front of the Germans: Heil Hitler!. "Absolutely - say years later - those two soldiers have thought:" Look at that priest there, and of our own. " I had just made fun of. Agreed not escape, if we start to shake you stop and searched. Often the trick I used to take around the Germans. "

Priest combative
Vellutini Don Antonio was. One of those priests, courage (the gold medal at the 1998 value) - in the words of Don Roberto Angeli - the hell of war "is really felt and wanted priests to perform their mission without compromise," in a narrow absolute bond with their people. A Vada were there in February 1943 (remained until his death July 25, 2002) with curriculum by 'rebel'. At the seminary in Lucca - where he was born - put him "smartly to the door because it was too blatantly fascist. Read (he had pocket in two degrees: in philosophy and letters), but bespectacled intellectual. It was a blood, pugnacious, impetuous. Bread, bread, wine wine, "Don Antonio was a man who had within him such a compressed energy - wrote the Christian Social Renato Orlandini who knew him in those days of the Resistance - which gave him a strong desire to do , undoing, and to overthrow the world, it was so disgusting then. not conspirators spoke loudly as the most natural thing .

June 20, 1944: SS in action
A loud voice also spoke June 20 to 64 years ago. "Sara nno were about four or five in the morning - reminded Angiolina Route - We were woken up by the Germans, breaking windows and opening the curtains with the butt of his gun, jumped the window, came inside and we have taken out all in a row. So it was not just for ourselves but for all families. They took us all in the square go. " In 2005 the parish of St. Leopold has collected many sad tales of dawn in one of the "Notebooks Vadesi. "On that day - we read the story of Guelfa Grassi - we were told we had to go all the streets, but who could rimpiattarsi is rimpiattava, who could run away, run away. I was still with my in-laws. Courses room to take my children (one was six years old, the other three), two Germans when they arrived: the crown of the neck by machine gun cartridges, which made us tremble only to see them (in the photo Cippo dedicated to the victims of 'massacre ).

carte blanche to the Nazis
was the horrible history of raids and massacres of the Wehrmacht and the SS retreat at the dawn of that day also walked the streets of Vada. No one has ever been able to explain the exact reason for the gratuitous cruelty of those hours (Revenge of the local Republicans? Retaliation for the Allied strafing some rafts bound for the German Elbe?). What is certain is that the infamous federmaresciallo Kes Serling in an order of three days before had been clear: "I will cover every commander in the selection and harshness of the medium beyond the measure given to us." Practically gave carte blanche to repel the Nazi fury "treason" and dall'accerchiamento Italian ally. Any excuse - real or perceived - was good for tired and hungry army unleashed terror among civilians and a climate of hatred toward the partisans . According to most reliable studies were about 10,000 victims of massacres, killings and reprisals from the Nazis in September 1943 and May 1945. That June 20 - in what is known to history as' the massacre of Go "- were to die in four. And if there were many more great about it is because Don Vellutini.

Four dead absurd
"Partizan! Partizan, "was the fierce cry with which the Germans accompanied the raid house to house. He accused the country of being a nest of partisans. To be at home enough to have passed off a knife or a bit 'of TNT for fishing. The fisherman Rofi Delphi, 22 years, the sight of the soldiers fled in fear. He was shot and wounded him. Shortly after they found him and executed him in the arms of his mother. The cousins Ivo (29 years) and Elio (27 years) were killed just outside Vanni Vada. Ivo had been wounded by a stray bullet while he was hidden in a cane field (to escape the raid). The cousin took him on his bicycle and went to the hospital in Solvay. Surprised by a German truck were shot down mercilessly. Roger Luppichini (48 years), to hide his son Emilio, who had deserted the call to arms for the Republic of Salò, was killed at home by the Nazis.

"Only I'm partisan
The four killed were taken to the town square. Above them a sign that Don Vellutini has maintained for years: "Bandits Italian and German soldiers on fire. " Don Antonio, under the threat of the Germans, he was forced to ring the bell hammer to rally the inhabitants of the country. If he had not refused to gather in the church probably would have been another Stazzema. "There were people all around the machine guns, like a circle - said Angie Route - a grape-shot every three meters. Already there ready to shoot: waiting for the order. " It was then that - according to the account of the many witnesses - Don Vellutini with a gun pointed at her head and did not see us more throated shouted a phrase similar to this: "Cowards! Murderers! The My people are not partisan. Take me, but leave others. Shoot, shoot up ahead. " An unexpected act of courage that intimidated the SS and was probably decisive save 400 Vadesi by an absurd tragedy. Angie Route concluded that his story: "It also saved my family and the whole country for that gesture of Don Vellutini, that he alone could do. To this must be remembered always, always, always. "

other stories here on Don Vellutini:
- lungomarecastiglioncello

A whole country to the rescue of Jewish children
April 6, 1944 WAS ...
During 1944 the community of Go was the protagonist of another episode in the past to the history of the Resistance. In 2005, the Region of Tuscany and became the symbol of the history of Memorial Day. President Claudio Martini discovered the license plate is now clearly visible in the station's Go "from this station - the plaque reads - in early April of 1944 were initiated the deportation of Jewish children of the orphanage and their Livorno director. An air strike stopped the train that transported them. Families of Vada and the parish priest Don Antonio Vellutini welcomed them into their homes. Memorial Day 2005. " It was April 6, 1944, the 23 Jewish children of the orphanage Leghorn Street Paoli Sassetta who were displaced in early 1943 were taken from two black shirts . Go destination: the train from there to the field Fossoli, then Auschwitz.

As often happened - he said in an interview Vellutini Don Lorenzo Bientinesi - the train was bombed and strafed by Allied planes. Whenever there was a bombing, I took the bike and I went to see to bring relief. After the bombing, the director asked me what to do and I advised her to get in the center of Vada. Meanwhile, many families who lived there became close below and I delivered some of their these children. " While probably aware of the risks, according to current regulations, could lead to give hospitality to a jew, many Vadesi, to meet the requirement of their parish priest, also chose the way of hospitality. And for the Jewish children were saved.

In 2005, the symbol of the history of memorial day Tuscany

L. Bientinesi, Vellutini Don Antonio, a Catholic priest in the Resistance and nell'Antifascismo Livorno, Welcome & Cavaciocchi, 2006
P. Lemme, Until they came to pick us up. The events Israelite Orphanage in Livorno during the Second World War , Regional Council of Tuscany, 2005
R. Orlandini, Around forty , MCS, 1990 Go
: 1940-1945 a time marked by war, Notebooks Vadesi No 12, by the Parish of St. Leopold, 2005
( published in "The Week-Toscanaoggi" of June 15, 2008)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Auto Mechanic Licence Test

to the "laws of shame"
racial laws. 70 years ago, the promulgation of legislation razzialeIl Bishop Piccioni, "careful with the words, actions in the reckless"

One evening in the early '40s. In a wide Littorio, a stone's throw from the Duomo, the arch of the hall of the Magistrate S. Giulia is crammed into every type of places. College students, officers of the Naval Academy, some workers: all attracted to the magnetic charisma of the priest face sharp. Don Roberto Angeli sits quietly at the table and start talking : "God created man, not man Aryan." A shiver runs down the backs of students. You crazy? In the living room for sure hide the agents of the fascist police: why do not intervene? Angels Don goes on: " We have seen the mistakes that ruin humanity and which led to this terrible war . We also studied the Church's thinking about it. Because it is good to get to know the facts and ideas, today I will read a few pages written by Hitler and the most important theorist of Nazism, Rosenberg. "
In the city say that the Last Supper S. Giulia is "the only public school of social anti-fascist doctrines." It is said that in some canonical pulling up the little children "rebels": Saturday fascist black shirts, greeting the Duce ... there is someone who does not believe it. The fascists know it, in front of churches often sing canzonacce blasphemous: "The priests and monks, and Jesuits are all pieces of jail ...." Then: "Alarms, we are fascists, communists of terror, fear of the Papists." Once set fire to the door of the bishop, have devastated the offices of AC; ripped the badges from the breasts.
Angels Don knows - he's filed by the police among the 'subversive', he helps the Jews, he speaks against the Duce in the face to the sun - and continues the lesson "very clear from these quotes, you can understand why the world today suffer the most terrible and bloody tragedy of his story. They are songs that need no comment. "

Exactly 70 years ago, the fascist government promulgated the "laws of her shame." Remembrance Day on 27 January (see program below) will be largely dedicated to not forget this sad anniversary. But the Church as Livorno reacted to the racial laws? That is certainly just remembered an episode of the most emblematic to tell us what happened in the diocese: Angels Don and his team of Fuci acted openly and across cultural - and it was quite common in Catholic circles at the time - both at the operational . The monasteries became the canonical and the safest haven for dozens of Jews. Less known are other news about those days. To come to the aid of the valuable contribution of Andrea Zargani that in his research recently published and soon to be published in another reveals previously unknown details.

A meeting "confidential"
What was the conduct of such Bishop John Piccioni ? Zargani gives a testimony of Don Angel: "In the aftermath of anti-Jewish laws in December 1938 - says the priest of the Gospel in the camps - Monsignor Piccioni wanted to bring together on a confidential basis with some of the younger priests the Vicar General and the leaders of the Catholic Diocese, to compare them with a line of understanding. " strategy pigeons did not differ from that of Pope Pius XII : careful with the words, bold in their actions. Angels Don says that despite the Office of the Bishop "was respected by the regime, the fascist feared, however, a direct interference of the church in matters of social morality. He a friend of many Jews of the city, had distinguished himself for tolerance and kindness, anticipating - we can now say - the teachings of Vatican II. "

Preti daring, lay under threat

Bishop particularly important reference, "We told - still don Angels - which was already studded with official reports and notifications regarding the sermons of some pastors boldest, including Don Angelo S. Angioni Antonio, Don Francisco Olivari of Ardenza, Don Julius Antignano Melani, Don Carlo Degrees of Castiglioncello, the Giuseppe Bardi canon theologian of the Cathedral Chapter and experienced Bible scholar, and even his father Giovanni Battista Saglietto , pastor of St. Ferdinand the Trinitarians, who during his homily for the Immaculata, 1938, in a moment of impulse said, "And if someone does not want more Jews in the city, then hide them in the cellar, along with our fishing boats. " The bishop was also concerned that some leaders of associations were threatened by the fascist police including the same Cecioni and Francesco Casini tertile of San Vincenzo de 'Paoli. "

Piccioni, "wise caution,"
"She was chosen the path of prudence. Wise caution! Only in this way could be saved and protected the rights of the human person. And in this pitch clergy and lay people more responsible efforts were made in a quiet but fruitful work of charity. Even today many Jews are brothers remember this. " The testimony of Erminia Cremoni - beacon of strength of Catholic Women Livorno - adds other details of that meeting, "Piccioni was well aware that many Catholic priests and even some Livorno (but few) were compliant to the addresses of the system, either through ignorance Look for opportunities, and therefore had to adopt a very cautious attitude to the impact of new anti-Jewish laws, to reach the consciences of Catholics more prone to this sensitivity of the Gospel. "

Baptisms "hidden"
"It was decided - continues Cremoni - of however, encourage collaboration with the parish and other charitable organizations for giving moral and material aid to Jews in relation to what was happening. First, the certification of baptisms. I myself did godmother of baptism and confirmation to some young Jewish , both of my parish than others, thanks to the ingenuity of some priests who tried to save many lives, inventing of baptisms. " Among these priests was Father Amedeo Tintori: Zargani second, in the curia, just under the direct supervision of the Registrar Don Tintori, was created an office to collect the names of catechumens and the needy students who went to the Jewish religion Catholic faith. Even so, diocese, 70 years ago helped their Jewish brothers.

CATHOLIC-JEWISH "Livorno, a republic apart"

Between September and November 1938 with the application systematic racial legislation fascism collapsed nell'abominio of racism more sinister: the 50,000 Italian Jews and more of an ax fell senseless discrimination. In the city's Jewish community - "one of the national centers of Judaism" and fifth in terms of numbers in Italy after Rome, Milan, Trieste and Turin - was hit heavily, basted the shameful media campaign by the "Telegraph" in support of his anti-Semitic propaganda: of some 2,000 Jews were deported from Livorno it 121, still others had their lives turned upside down. If Livorno Elio Toaff - the historic meeting of the chief rabbi of Rome John Paul II in 1986 with the synagogue - claimed that the Catholic-Jewish relationship.

"Livorno has always been a separate republic," he was absolutely right. His father Alfredo fact in those years of discrimination was the head of the Jewish community and enjoyed good relations with the bishop Piccioni as we have seen such clear provisions for assistance to "non-Aryans." It would be impossible to recount here all the episodes and the names of those who distinguished himself in helping the Jews. " was a general and spontaneous uprising of the Church in its entirety - Don wrote Angels - uprising that constituted a clear choice, based on essential principles." One need only give an example for all narrated by Fogolari. "Don Giovanni Nardini, - says in his book - then a parish priest in Rosignano Marittimo was an incredible courage and activity. Protected and hid Jews and sought after, broke in several times at the command of German General Kesselring to save hostages and to release men rounded up. His presence of mind and courage earned him deported to Germany to save the 350 employees of Solvay. He established an information center, in contact with the Vatican, which played an immense task and effective. "

R. ANGELS Gospel in the camps: a priest in the Resistance , Livorno, Tip. 'Star of the Sea ", 2007
Fogolari ML, Livorno 1938-1945, the Catholic Church and the Jewish community , Livorno, Tip. Tasca, 1999
Days of Memory, 2001-2004 , by the Province of Livorno, Pontedera, 2004
A. Zarganar, cultural vitality of associations and ecclesial service Catholic Livorno, Italian unification in the years after World War II in History of the Diocese of Livorno (1806-2006). Themes and figures of the Church of Livorno, edited by R. Burigana and C. Barovero, Vol II, Livorno, Editasca, 2007
A. Zarganar, renewed consciousness. Religious identity and cultural commitment of the laity and labronico of Catholic Diocesan racial laws in the liberation 1938-1945, "Quaderni della Labronica," Studies and Texts, 7, Livorno, 2007

Friday, May 30, 2008

Under Armour Commercial On Bus

and hierarchies of the world spill

MARGUERITE BARANKITSE . Diocese of Livorno and the community of St. Egidio in the day when they remembered the bombings of May 28, 1943 in Livorno have given the "mother of ten thousand children," Pacem in Terris Award in 2008.

call it the Angel of Burundi . Or "the mother of ten thousand children " Why in the hell of the Great Lakes of Central Africa from rotting corpses of ethnic war has taken into his Maison Shalom thousands of children. In the House of Peace, with Hutu and Tutsi children and children of the perpetrators of massacres, child soldiers, sick with AIDS, abused children. They gave reasons to smile again to life, the world did see the face of a new humanly possible.
A parade next contend that most would say has the bearing of a princess, so serene grace and elegance radiates in his bright green clothes. Then you just meet her eyes lit up, injected with God just to hear the blare of her joyful laughter, especially, just to let light from the revolution of his words to understand that Marguerite Barankitse really two wings to make you fly. One is called faith, the other hope. "I will not tell you the grief - he says - but the love stories in the war. Television tells you about the horrors of war, and you have no need of horrors. You need hope. "

people (a lot) flocked to hear her in the church of San Giovanni Battista, where the Diocese of Livorno and the Community S. Egidio have given the prize Pacem in Terris the 2008 pay an applause lasting nearly ten minutes. His message of love and hope is disruptive. He speaks French, there is need of a translator, but has a warm voice that sticks it to you straight in the heart. Even if the horrifying scenario puts you ahead of the slums of history. "I'm first women - he says - and the vocation of women is to give life. "recounts the massacre of October 24, 1993 She, Tutsis, Hutus trying to protect. It 's the day of the assassination of President Melchior Ndadaye, the first Hutu democratically elected. began to insult him, to tell you that is a traitor. "Criminals have asked me: why do this? I said, because before being Tutsi belong to the human family, which is a noble family. And no one can snatch this belonging. "

With stubborn courage begins his adventure of hope. The Hutus massacred before his eyes 72. Only 25 children survived the carnage . And she takes them with them. "Despite everything I believed that love would triumph. No one believed me, except the children. I 25 I saved I hope donavano. The first night of the massacre I wanted to sleep in the cemetery. But a child said to me, Maggy, not sleeping in a cemetery! The children are the lights in the darkness of war. "

words that sound like a child wakes up hope. But I do not know where to go: he has children with them Hutus and Tutsis. An explosive mixture. "Eventually I was greeted by a German friend of mine cooperating - he says - and from there the adventure began to do Maison Shalom. So I did not believe that 25 children would arrive in ten thousand. Journalists from around the world said to me: You're a crazy, not going to make it. Yet they have also begun to take the children survived the massacre in Rwanda. Before long we reached 400, then 2000. Then I realized that God had given me a special vocation. "

is forced to steal food to feed her children. Even within the Archdiocese." I told the bishop. I will not stop stealing until they help me. Soon I became mad the Great Lakes region. UNICEF did not understand me, the big aid organizations did not understand me. Everyone told me that sooner or later I would give my children. But I've never abandoned them. And I think how many atrocities have become love stories. You can not imagine how children can give hope to the world. I've helped them to reconcile, Hutu and Tutsi children of victims and executioners, it became the new generation, the generation of the sons of God 'this hope. "

It' s the revolution of the cross filing and the assets of the resurrection. When the hierarchies of the world are overturned. "It 'the judgments of others that allows us to move forward. But rather we must go forward. Today - Marguerite continues - some of the first children I have received more than 20 years. Many took to visit the killers of their parents. And some have asked: want to become our new parents? I saw his eyes fill with tears of the killers. And 'this hope. "

Read more:
- The site of Maison Shalom
- Maison Shalom
Project - The book of ten thousand children mother, Christel Martin, Ed Piemme 2007

premiums received by Marguerite Barankitse
March 18, 2003 - Award for the defense of persons issued by the CEAR (Spain)
April 27, 2003 - Nobel Prize in Stockholm in children presence of the Queen of Sweden
February 2, 2004 - Honorary Doctorate in Law from the University of Louvain la Neuve
April 30, 2005 - Nansen Refugee Award in 2005 and promoted the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Pacem in Terris 2008

survived the genocide in Burundi in 1993, Marguerite Barankitse (pictured during the prize by Enio Mancini, dell'eccidio witness of St. Anna di Stazzema ) has saved many children from different ethnic groups During the terrible days of the civil war and wanted to offer their " maximum possibility of life .

He then founded the Maison Shalom , organized a home for small families, where he greeted the young victims of genocide, curandole, offering their assistance, education and instruction.
In these 14 years, ten thousand children, "ten thousand children", as named Marguerite, have passed through the House. They are the first victims of the genocide, but also hunger and the scourge of AIDS in a country that is ranks third in the world for the spread of HIV and has 660,000 orphans (of which 200,000 of the virus).

Despite the enormous difficulties and the serious situation in Burundi, during the long and arduous process of peace, for the sake of "her" children and his country, Marguerite has never stopped fighting, hoping beyond all reasonable logic, in the constant search for peace through dialogue , reconciliation, forgiveness, the promotion of human dignity and the universal common good.

In 2003 he received the Nobel Prize in 2005 for children and the Nansen Prize of the High Commissioner for Refugees. The

is then awarded the "Pacem in Terris " 2008
- for having saved hundreds of lives during the terrible days of the genocide of 1993 and those that followed, until today
- for believing in the sacredness of every human life , even the weakest or meanest, without distinction of ethnicity or of wealth, and for the work of reconciliation and peace , by virtue of that conviction, he pursued with patience and tenacity of faith among the children involved in the conflict and their families, including the killers and the victims' families, between Hutus and Tutsis,
- the joyful witness of a life torn with war and peace given


YESTERDAY AS TODAY. The priest was able to transform a Livorno experience excruciating pain in a path of hope lit the eyes of children

the day dedicated to the memory of the devastating Allied bombing of Livorno on May 28, 1943 the mixture of past and this is very strong. Besides the testimony of the Community of St. Barankitse Giles wanted to remember, not surprisingly, the figure of Don Roberto Angeli . Their stories are both very different and very similar. As also the Angel of Burundi Angels Don was able to transform the terrible hell of an experience of inennarabile pain and suffering as that of the Nazi concentration camps on a path toward hope. And he did it by sharing their children suffer most from the ravages of war.

various relief assistance of the Pontifical Commission (ACC) and the Committee Livornese Assistance (CLA) for children their greatest efforts. "The love for the needy children and youth in need of human goods and especially evangelicals - Don Renato Roberti wrote for the forty years of priesthood of Fr Angels - it passes from its rational prudence than the risk when are concerned they will not give peace '.

Immediately after the war were then established the Afterschool (in shacks and tents: 12 in 1948-49 and then 80 for 4,500 children in care, then 85 per 5,000 children in care), then kindergartens in areas depressed city. were immediately organized camps for students and free school lunches (Campiglia, Castagneto, Suvereto, Sassetta, Inland Riotorto). And then the colonies (600 Antignano children only in 1946) and social care . Finally, the preventor of Castelnuovo della Misericordia for children predisposed to tuberculosis or frail, weak, lymphatic, delayed physical development.
"The CLA - Don Renato Roberti wrote in 1968 - was born of a priestly heart pressed by barbed wire, in a time of suffering, hunger, aberration moral action, of non-existent social protection that - first of all - the children were affected. If the scene is moving to the Jesus that caresses the children, see Him, He Jesus, lost and shivering in abandoned children, and that no one collects no caresses, rather than moving is heartbreaking. "

"was urgently then - continues Don Roberts - in front of a youth, more contestaria today, by reason of his tacit drama, put Part fisionamia any particular organization, and unite all those who believed in the Gospel and therefore man to ride to the rescue of those small, pleading, without knowing it, the help of those who still believed in the aftermath of so much hate, in ' love humanity. And the lay of the various Catholic associations, ahead of the times, joined in the same assembly of Charity. And you saw in the slums and shanties of Piazza Lavagna and courage, in fetid shelters war, come, to the amazement wary of the poor, the envoys of the CLA to raise children and start them at nurseries, settlements, centers assistance " Leigh

Between the darkness of totalitarianism
"The person at the center, always

died on 10 February 1959, Monsignor Giovanni Picci oni, Bishop of Livorno 38 years. So next year will mark the 50 years since the death of the bishop who led our diocese for the longest period of time. A forty year full of dramatic events and radical social and political changes. Fascism is born and dies, set the monarchy and the Republic rises, sets out a contrast between the blocks. In the Church slowly soaring new enzymes that will lead to the Council.

"In this time of the fall volcanic landslide - Don Renato Roberti wrote for the 30th anniversary of death - the figure of the Bishop Piccioni is even greater for the clarity and foresight of his choices, for that intuition prophetic that large have to discern what they really worth more than the demagoguery of tenders, in recognizing the humble bee that makes honey from the buzzing of wasps unnecessary. "
Much has been written (see bibliography) on this great figure of the bishop, very probably, it remains to be written. Here we have chosen to evoke a particular aspect of his episcopate and delicate, that relationship with Fascism and the Resistance Livorno Catholic in some ways emblematic of the whole style of Bishops. With the hope that it is only a first contribution to a broader re-enactment in the upcoming anniversary.

Gospel factory
There is a picture (below ) dated May 6, 1943 which is very suggestive. At first glance you would say that is a boxing match: an attentive audience crowded around the ring. But on that "ring" are the Bishop of Livorno and Pigeon John Don Roberto Angeli ; to the 'corner' two leaders of the OTO shipyard and below, a crowd of workers. A picture tells more than beating about the bush: to that Easter of '43 - shortly before the allied bombing in Livorno swept away buildings and hopes - Pigeons had wanted Don Angels along with other priests arrange meetings for the workers. Result: more than 100 lectures in 18 factories Livorno, more than 10,000 workers achieved. 'S. Excellence - Angels Don wrote on "Fides" - spoke of Christ's love for the workers, the efforts made by the Church to give workers the freedom and justice and peace, pointed to the most recent Pope's words in defense of the proletariat against all forms of oppression and injustice. And had strong words against the war. "

Books illegal
Another snapshot. This time, obtained from a witness. We are in the middle of an ni 30s, censorship fascist creeps its tentacles everywhere. But there's still Livorno certain books banned in the bishopric. Why? Simple, Ulysses Piccioni, brother of the bishop, is superintendent of Turin. It is therefore in charge of auditing the books. "Well - he said Harold Figara , partisan with Don Angelo - The superintendent of Turin when he saw that there was a political book, which was? If you took it away and sent him to his brother bishop and the bishop Piccioni passed the book Angels Don, you know? Was some form of clandestine activity. " That way, often reminded Don Angel, "were among the first in Italy to read the integral humanism, in the first draft in French, Jacques Maritain (photo). Never use from fascism.

Arm in arm with Ajello?
Two episodes to say what? Piccioni a bishop who was publicly anti-fascist and "partisan"? No, you can not say. But of course the bishop Piccioni was among the artists most stringent in the defense of "his" Church in the scheme but in the inevitable compromises that the time required. When he arrived in '21 found a Livorno soaked in anti-clericalism and a seminar yet. Then he put all his energies to the revival of the diocese, "always acting with pride - Angels Don wrote - if it was to protect religious values \u200b\u200bor defended - against the powerful - the faithful entrusted to your pastoral care." And several episodes of the chronicles tell of the time.

to browse through the newspapers of the time but it seems that at least until 1939 between the Federal Livorno Umberto Ajello Piccioni and the bishop there was a "good agreement". Yes, the facade of a deal, because the objective was to provide a Christian education to the people. Beating Fascism where fascism had no weapons to fight : the formation of consciences. Pigeons had occasional moments of praise to Fascism, told his seminarians in an interview, but "you can not really say that we opened the pro-fascism. The scheme directs us to a mentality as opposed to a humanistic culture and the profound meaning of living and human dignity, beloved doctrine of the Church, the admiration of Christian knowledge. " Centered on the individual, always. Not the state.

In defense of anti-fascists
And then one last item. Decisive. Pigeon said that full support of the clergy blatantly hostile to fascism. He allowed the Cenacle of St. Giulia Don Angel, a 'public school anti-fascism. " Gave notice of this business on the Diocesan Bulletin, official organ of the diocese, careful not to advertise too much incriminating topics. As Cardinal Elia Dalla Costa of Florence with the anti-fascist La Pira (pictured right), so Piccioni knew what architect the antifascist Don Angeli. And - with great caution - and agreed to allow her to act. "Don was an Angels La Pira - once said an authoritative voice as that of Paolo Emilio Taviani - Monsignor Piccioni played the role of protector of all the discordant voices of dissent and Fascism: it was very clear in defending his priests. The Bishop stopped the fascists to the junk uncharacteristically harsh in respect of progressive Catholics. "

Resistance: choice "theological"
And when most of the authorities crushed by bombs left Livorno, Pigeons remained in the city, Montenero, as defensor urbis. And there in the convent received Catholics with the band and partisan Committee for the Liberation of Livorno . "Monsignor Piccioni - Figara remembered - he knew that even the Catholics are active in front of Livorno illegal. Very often in a piecemeal, the Bishop received us in the Sanctuary of Montenero. We were young, inexperienced political things, and He willingly put at our disposal the baggage of their memories, reminiscences of his time, when he was fighting the political battle. " Pigeons, like a Don Murri or Albertario Don, a young priest in Pistoia had fought in the nascent Christian Democrats, had made the opposition councilor, helped organize the first Catholic Social Week of 1907.

That passion could not pass it to his people. "Taking part in the Resistance - Angels Don wrote - not for anti-fascist tradition (we had grown up with fascism), not for a sense of honor or an instinctive reaction to the violence (as could happen to many Italians especially military), nor to nationalist patriotism but suffered deep ideological conviction gained in the study : even more so because it seemed that there was no other way to witness to the Gospel and live in accord with our Christianity. " "Being anti-Nazi and anti-fascists appeared clearly as a Christian need." The choice of the Resistance "was not so much a choice but rather moral and patriotic - sometimes - theological." Pigeons could never prevent this?

short bio

Monsignor Giovanni Piccioni ( pictured with Archbishop Urban left the Angels in 1951 and Don ) was born in Longone Sabino (Rieti) May 30, 1876. He studied in Pistoia, where he was ordained priest 18 December 1898. He graduated in law Apollinare of Rome. He was professor of Canon Law and theology at the Seminary of Pistoia. He taught Latin and greek at the Royal High School of Pistoia. He occupied himself intensely the social movement of Catholic and Christian . He led the Catholic weekly "The Defense." He participated in the battles of the nascent democracy by contributing to the flourishing of Christian Speakers Rural Pistoia and representing the territory for six years as a Catholic city councilor.
In 1909 he was appointed Canon of the Cathedral of Pistoia, and then Vicar General of the Diocese . On July 24, 1921 was elected Bishop of Livorno. From 1924 to 1933 was also Bishop of the Diocese of Massa Marittima and Populonia. He was appointed by the Holy Father in view of its great merits, Count Romano, Assistant and Domestic Prelate to the Papal Throne. Since 1955, when years and the great pastoral labors began to sap his energy, was assisted in the ministry by the Administrator Apostolic, Monsignor Andrea Pangrazio. He died at Leghorn on February 10, 1959 .

Minimum Bibliography

John Piccioni, a leading figure in the history of Livorno in its civil aspects and moral higher , Supplement paragraph 12 of the Diocesan Bulletin, Livorno, Tip. Star of the Sea, 1977
L. Bientinesi, A priest on the run, Roma, Edizioni Lavoro, 1995
G. THE HIGHER, Don Roberto Angeli, bold interpreter of Christian social thought. A priest from Livorno Resistance and Reconstruction, Thesis, University of Pisa, Faculty of Political Science, academic year 2006-2007
L. Litrico, the consensus was to disillusionment, the ministry of Msgr. Pigeon John, Bishop of Livorno, in the years of the regime (1929-1940), in "Oecumenitas Civitas' Notebook II (2002)
E. NEVER, Bishops in Livorno and their teaching , Part V, by the Archives Diocese of Livorno, Editasca, 2004
A. Zarganar, Bishop G. Piccioni Bishop of Livorno (1921-1959), in further broadened, by A. Tintori, Florence, Pagnini, 1997

( published in "The Week - Toscana Oggi" of February 24, 2008)