Sunday, August 16, 2009

Where To Find A Pokemon Battle Revolution Rom

August ..

E 'ferragosto ...
7:30 And we are the bandits ... ... Bandista that we play today.
Before reaching some people who drank grappa and coffee ... somehow it must also be held on ...

9:30 am ...
finally have breakfast ....
sandwiches, wine and coffee ......

and we are awaiting the end of the second function ...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Whats A Good Way To Masterbate In The Shower?

August 10 ... Feast of San Lorenzo (Castagneto)

20:30 pm the band begins to play ... and

... you add a new item ...

the religious ...

all 24 hours watching shooting stars ....

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cost For Paper Laminating At Staples

Festival of Montecuccolo

August 9, 2009

it rains ... .. but the band remains undaunted in its poto ...
more or less ...

How Much Do Nba Floor Sweepers Get Paid

Uguccione Don, a weblog Perlasca Livorno
Cabib The widow of the professor: "It should be remembered in the Garden of the Righteous in Jerusalem"

LIVORNO. "Don Ugo? It should be remembered in the Garden of the Righteous at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem among those who risked their lives to save the Jews. " A few hours after the last farewell to Monsignor Riccardi Uguccione celebrated by Bishop Simone Giusti gremitissimo cathedral in a crowd, certificates of appreciation to the Dean of Leghorn priests died at the age of 94. But the words of Elsa Lattes Cabib, widow of Professor Renzo Cabib (head of the Jewish community of Livorno until 1974), are intended to make noise, highlighting aspects of the life of Ricciardiello little known to most people. Why does the priest for a life that has made the chancellor of the curia and the pastor of the cathedral (from '64 to '74), very young openly fought the demiurge of the Holocaust.

A Perlasca Livorno. "During the war - said Elsa Cabib - Don Ugo helped many Jews, including Beppina Guetta, a relative of my husband to find refuge, disguised as monks or nuns at the convent in Lucca. A plot to Perlasca confirmed by Maria Luisa and Andrea Fogolari Zargani, Archivists of the curia, "After the race laws - says Fogolari - Mrs. Guetta fled, along with other Jews, for three or four years in the house of Ricciuti: then when most tragic of the war Don Ugo could it accommodate the Sisters of St. Zita in Lucca, where he assumed the fictitious name of Sister Alessandra. "

falsification of documents. Not only Ricciuti risked many times skin to bring the salaries of the Jewish refugees to fish or Fauglia "Don Ugo - confirmed the deacon Zargani - along with Don Roberto Angeli and Erminia Cremoni was among those who strove more for the Jews persecuted. At the Sisters of St. Teresa Antignano had been a sort of "office falsifying documents." Don Hugo was among those who retired at great risk of false identity papers and led him to target. "

A TEST OF FAITH FALL. He scoffed Ricciardiello to the memory of certain episodes. In one of those journeys to reach the monasteries of refuge, pierced his bicycle and asked for a change to a van of the Nazis' If they knew what was my job - and the embarrassed smile of amused - I would have done the skin. " The day when Allied bombs destroyed the chapel of the seminary Fr Hugh was in there to pray: "when everything was collapsing - Fogolari remember - told him that he grabbed the Blessed arms miraculously managed to come out screaming:" Lord, if you walk, step too "."

always present. It was so Don Ugo: delicately present in the lives of others to dispense serenity, clinging to his faith of iron. "His property - says Fr Joseph Spaggiari, class 1917, a seminarian with Riccardi - was to be the "registry" of all the members of which affectionately remember the anniversaries prompt more salient, sometimes forgotten by those concerned. " Moving the memory that has made him the Bishop Emeritus Alberto Ablondi in the development of leave: "Why don Ugo was a great priest - said the Vicar General, Fr Ezio Morosi - the complete service of his church has illuminated his whole life to charity . By episodes of youth to the last year when he became the "guardian angel" of the sick UNITALSI.

was the priest oldest in the diocese

Uguccione Don Riccardi was born in Livorno on April 29, 1915 and became a priest in October 1937. He was the oldest of the priests from Leghorn for birth and for ordination. He was chaplain at St. Peter Paul and Vice-Chancellor of the seminar before, during and after the war. In the period of reconstruction was pastor at St. Joseph, S. Matthew and SM Assunta in Torretta. From 1953 he was chancellor of the curia and later a canon of the cathedral, he is employed full-time, becoming pastor from 1964 to 1974. In recent years he was chaplain UNITALSI. In 2007 he celebrated in the cathedral its 70 years of priesthood.

( published on the Tyrrhenian Sea, a chronicle of Livorno, 19 July 2009 )