Sunday, December 26, 2010

Le Roiair Compressors Parts And Service

December 26, 2010 ... here are the dancers!

... in the middle of the show, the band leaves the stage at the Folk Group of Pavullo, which regalto to us and the public color, joy and cute! BRAVISSIMIIII!

Baking Time Texas Muffin

Mount & Blade Rebooting Pc

the concert begins, continues and ends beautifully !!!... were presented both classical music and pop music and rock .. . the evening was made even more enjoyable and special thanks to the electric guitar, electric bass and drums, who accompanied us into pieces!

Penus Going Inside A Vrigina

December 16, 2010 September 27, 2009

After many trials, this is the day of the concert !!!... punctually all (very rare!) We agree, we settle a little ... Before you begin, our mayor makes a short speech in which he thanked and complimented the rimepie nosta beautiful band!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

How Much Do You Hem Curtains

My Movies GENERATION-2010 Nickelclip

official "skate Sonniaqq (Tulsa is Ok!) Alienating for fantasy entertainment, for the use of black and white and fine china to accompany the song through the symbol of the flying fish. "

have the wrong name, and technology, and everything comes after more than a month from the competition, but we're happy anyway.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What Other Lizard Can Live With A Bearded

Skate Festival de Cine de Madrid Italian.

for the accuracy of 25 November to 2 December 2010 , the CINE GREEN MADRID (Calle de Bravo Murillo, 28).

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How To Handle A Scorpio Man In A Bad Mood

Lucca Junior 2010

exposed and "reported" in Lucca Junior 2010 in recent days

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cargo Van And Queen Size Mattress

My Generation-Nickelclip

and around Turin.
From 20 to 30 October 2010.
A festival dedicated to independent video.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Orangeshark Account Delete

2010 Open letter to the Commission on Competition of Ideas "Rome in a picture" of God

stole the news to the blog of a new boyfriend, Alessandro De Matteis , very good photographer too emmmigrato abroad.

This is because:

Open letter to the Commission on Competition of Ideas "Rome in a picture"

Rome, 26 Settemnbre 2010


prof. Mario Morcellini ,

prof. Luciano Caglioti ,

Prof. Paola Panarese ,

Dr. Mario Defacqz ,

Dr. Cristina Selloni ,

prof. Armando Peres ,

Hon John Alemanno


Dear Sir,

I write on behalf of the overwhelming maggiornaza the over 1000 participants in the contest in question following the recent presentation of the winner at 16:09:10 on the Ara Pacis Museum.

A guide these lines is our extreme disappointment aroused by winning the elaborate vision and words with which you have publicly justified the victory.

I speak in the plural, as in this open letter - which I hope to receive public response soon - I speak of the hundreds of professionals, participants and meeting spaces online and ad hoc in a loud voice to express dissent widely shared. Dissent that comes from winning the elaborate and careful evaluation of the 70 selected for display at the Museum.

After the recent "times but never was" (I refer to the episodes with a euphemism trademark "Italy Tourism" and "Magic Kingdom" both at the center of heated controversy), the national community of designers had high expectations for This competition was presented as the possibility to give the capital a picture in line with the standards of the best known global City Brands. Citing the same study material provided by the City in the Annex to the Notice, examples like New York, Amsterdam, London and Barcelona are the testimony of the highly regarded brand design applied elsewhere reserved for the major metropolises in the world. Finally, they said, Rome had the opportunity to match what is more than just a trend rather than a solid marketing strategy and communication.

The wait, which lasted over a year, but has ended in the worst way because what they have learned from the communication of the winner was unanimously perceived as yet another failure.

should primarily go beyond the legitimate anger and expression of personal taste to conduct a clear analysis of the winning proposal on the basis of experience gained from a profession, the fact of the designer, the writer exercises every day for years .

is essential to recognize that the entire competition, and the proposals that followed them, should be placed within the graphic design, specifically the brand's design. Which was the by the high technical component, and never in grossly and improperly called "creative" to want to blink because of alleged illegal relationships with art education.

Place to challenge what we have in just allows us to make an analysis that does not swing continuously different opinions, which is not mentioned too often hide behind the "matter of taste" but proceeds to point point only too clearly following items on the Auction.

(from art. 7 of the Notice of Competition)

The proposed mark must necessarily represent the image of the Lupa Capitolina symbol the foundation of Rome and be accompanied by the text / logo "Rome .

The first objection is moved in reference Lupa Capitolina, whose presence was the primary requirement of the competition. We wonder how it is possible that among the thousand and more stylized made the choice fell on a version that shows nothing of the hallmarks of the Lupa Capitolina, sacrificing these distinctive signs in favor of an imaginary "column" inexplicably dominating the scene.

The rational of the winner is mention made of the combination column / Lupa reasoned in order to bind " graphically stage director archaic era, the imperial and medieval city, using images from the symbol evocative power, unavoidable and apodictic .

Hundreds of designers are here to wonder what there is apodictic in a summary graphic that makes the Lupa Capitolina unrecognizable and focuses on a Ionic column (???) which has nothing to do with the phases of the Archaic royal, imperial and medieval city, let alone the future.

Question: Prof. Morcellini and gentlemen, why this sudden emphasis on talking about (and I quote) "recall the classical tradition evident in the rich iconography of the capital? What has to do an Ionic column with a brand that should represent Rome?

The proposed mark must have the following characteristics:

Distinctive and original.

probably the starting point to justify a more difficult challenge. However, I will mention a photograph of Mr. visible in your Flickr Michele Rallo , including information on copyright and traceable to the FIRST PAGE of Google images by simply typing the words "Roma she-wolf. " Hundreds of participants, these days, wonder if the brand of a city known throughout the world can be so easily explained through a click of a private user immediately detectable in the network.

Reproducible and flexible , maintaining its expressive and communicative effectiveness in applications various dimensions , reproduction in positive and negative to colors and black and white , use vertical and horizontal and in two like in three dimensions ;

Here we enter the heart of the dispute as to the opinion, in addition to being unanimously shared by the participants, is purely technical and therefore widely demonstrated:

The presence of only thin lines, the use of a section does not irregular shapes offset by strong and sharp, legible lettering and a little clumsy, the outer frames that are trying out a intersection with the "M" are ALL elements that make it very hard every application.

In particular, the characteristics listed above prevent significant reductions , to obscure the negative version in b / w as a wrapper vertically or even a new version three-dimensional. The lack of reproducibility is likely to jump even in the eyes of the layman and any attempt to brand management to reveal the many weaknesses cited above, making him unusable .

writer cries out for the publication of the Manual of Use of the logo, which is required as a condition binding the award ceremony. If such a handbook on this brand they should be used only in the adaptations already basic (header, coordinated etc.) hundreds of Italian designers call it a miracle.

versatile and applicable in many forms on the main communication media and in different sectors and merchandise taking account different materials and printing and reproduction techniques .

directly related to the scale reproducibility, versatility is compromised upstream for the same reasons . This brand has been built minimanente without taking account of today's printing technologies . Striking examples are the silkscreen (the reduction of the mark to place amalgam of screen printing inks, making it unreadable), the 'incision and / or printed punched (same problem due to the lines very thin and close together them, not to mention the right frame of even coming to override the "M"!) embroidery (ditto).

writer, armed with a long experience in the fashion and textiles in general, makes us especially to point out that the primarily screen printing and embroidery are treatments needed to produce basic merchandising (t-shirts, hats, polo shirts, sweatshirts, etc...)

Also art. 7 also shows that

"Particular value will also be given all'esplicitazione of several modes of operation and application of the brand, which will be considered an integral part of the project. Specifically it requires a proposal for application at: letterhead, publishing, t-shirts, shopping bags, web banners. "

Continue on to the art. 5 and 6 which I quote for rintero

The award of the prize is subject to verification of the originality of the work in international bodies responsible for this purpose.

The author or authors of the winning proposal, participating in the contest hereby waive any right to use on their paintings. The deprivation, if they win, will move to the City of Rome, without the author / s may have nothing to boast about it in any way.

Please note, as already announced in the press, that the logo in question turns out to be duly filed by the owner of an agency other than the announced awards . Far be it from me going into the merits of the legal issues that will be resolved privately between the parties the question to the Commission is as follows: Since the news of an alleged improper allocation circulating well before the ceremony, perhaps this was not enough suspicion make the logo is incompatible with the clarification of the Notice of the above?

Finally, quoting the press release which was announced the winner Mediapeople Srl of Turin, statements emerge which, read in light of these objections are nothing short of paradoxical

"The notice asked to interpret the image in a contemporary expression of the Lupa Capitolina combined text / logo Rome."


Where is the "contemporary"? Criterion for judging which prompted the Commission to declare 1103 the participants on a proposal for the inscription Rome without the initial capital?


"The assessment was carried out according to the following criteria: first, the prerequisites in the notice, then recognizability and originality, creativity and stylistic relevance, effectiveness of communication, flexibility and reproducibility of the proposal idea and relevance of the project."


If prerequisites included in the notice are blatantly ignored and the effectiveness of communication, flexibility and reproducibility of the proposed are of the many reasonable questions above, perhaps the project is totally unfit to win such a contest?

then continue with the declaration of the same Morcellini, in a text that is supposed to motivate the victory Mediapeople Srl

"Designed in 2009, the project comes from some specific conditions: ( ...) the desire to increase the visibility of the capital and the enhancement of historical and cultural tradition of the city, with a sign immediately, refined and full of meaning. "

Dear prof. Morcellini, among other things, can you please explain the meaning of which would be borne by the above "sign"?

Continuing to read his speech there is also stunned with the following words:

"The sign identified as the winner was especially appreciated for its elegance and the idea of \u200b\u200bdesign that supports it"

Elegance? Project idea that holds it up? A large group of designers is here to wonder what this project idea, because the logo appears devoid of any balance chart and awkward, So certainly not elegant. Another note: What is your opinion, in a well structured proposal, the graphic sign that distinguishes it? What the summary should aspire to the mark once it reaches its reputation? A column with an "M" in it, perhaps?

"This is complemented by the lightness with which the stroke is returned to the Capitoline icon"

In other words: the lightness of the feature would be indicated by all as main flaw is was a quality which contributed to the victory? What she later calls "pictorial lettering is the kind of mistake that designers learn quickly to avoid: garatteri graceless and lacking weight inevitably create confusion and - again - poor reproducibility. Not to mention the color choice that - again according to his speech - would give "further impetus, as if one more use of color" institutional "adopted by Rome, the empire to the city today, were a novelty item.


In this letter, he insists that this mark, not being equipped with the basic criteria with which you are designing a brand, and failing miserably all the requirements of the notice CAN NOT 'LOANS AND QUOTED AND MANY USES' UNUSABLE FOR THE COMPETITION THUS .

Finally, other concerns arise in view of the 70 works on display at Ara Pacis, most of whom, according to all visitors (including non-experts) completely lacks the characteristics of a brand ( on all outstanding proposals embarrassing with the use of photographic elements such as Lupa)

Flying on the statements of Mayor Alemanno, who compares this "drawing" the known world brands claiming that the city first would have "nothing to envy "within seconds, we wonder how it is possible that a jury of esteemed academics can come to a conclusion so diametrically opposed to those of hundreds of professionals who, faced with the evaluation criteria UNINTELLIGIBLE have chosen to proceed to a collective with the aim to stop this operation before the city affected by other pranks.

A large number of participants strongly requests for explanations of the many anomalies. Before the citizens of Rome realize that he has paid 40,000 euros a brand that can not perform its core functions.

It therefore invites the Commission to rebut what has been written so far, of recognizing the value is not mere theory but for technical advice shared by hundreds of professionals.

Vs A swift response, that I will make public as a direct reply to this letter, will be greatly appreciated.


Fabrizio Verrocchi and about 500 members of the Facebook page "Roma in an image - disappointed by the outcome" and "This logo is not Rome."

HYPERLINK "mailto: logoroma @ "

Thursday, August 26, 2010

How Thin Women Have Big Boobs


Coast all the wrath of God?
Sbrocchi poverty

Parts For Snowblowers Ranch King


VISIONARIA Internationa Film Festival. Plummet 16 to 23 October there will be

Milena Velba On Street

late summer 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

How Much Is 1 Mb Of Data On A Cell Phone


Thursday, August 19, 2010

License Number Quickbookds 2008

Cutout Fest International Film Festival

"Skate" begins to leave the country

and I never?

Cutout Animation Fest International Film Festival 2010 Will Be Held on November 11-13 in Queretaro City, Mexico.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Most Reliable Labtops

and if he takes

Can Dogs Catch Impetigo From Humas

hands before and after

South Park The Movie Megavidoe


Saturday, July 17, 2010

How High To Hand Curtain Holdbacks

NOW project

photo Thomas Freteur www.outoffocus.b e

Several European NGOs are engaged in al
Called ong term project
ORA (Observe , Rethink, Act ) that aim t o aware
European citizens on Sustainable Development issues and to pr omote a differen
t approach to reach a more sustainable lifestyle through the implementatio n of different concrete tools ( education, mult imedia, eco
es, art and culture ) and the organization of
international meeting of acti vists, volu nteers and youth workers .

In 2010 three international meetings will take p lace under the framewor k of ORA in Bosnia and Herzegovi na (Banja Luka, April), Italy (Vasto, June) and Belgiu m (Lieg e, August). They will give the opportunity to follow the process started last year in Italy going deep in so me aspects related t or Sustainable Development (mobility, energy, waste, environmental protection, life style, etc) in or rder to Develop Both education the campaign and multimedia tools and products.

LARGE june 2010

About forty people, or perhaps more, have worked for ten days in that of Vasto, or better still in that camp of Grotta del Saraceno.

Objective : Tuttoquello is written above, with particular attention to the area of \u200b\u200bcourse, since it is surrounded by splendidone Vast reserves of natural (like this www.puntaderci.i t )

Divided 5 workshops in educational-multimedia-communications-Sustainable Mobility graphicart, and it just this year decided to wink animation

who we were:

SASA M IHAJLOVIC , V UK P ALIBRK , V LADIMIR P ALIBRK (serbia) , I V AN KA A POSTOLOVA (Slovenia) , I SEN D EDOVIĆ (Bosnia Herzegovina ) , M Atheists B Rane (romania) , A SPARUH P ETROV , FILIP TEMNYALOV (Bulgaria), ARROJO CARLOS (Spain), F RANCO S A CCHETTI, ME (Italy)

what we did:

here is some photos and disegnetti

and then

and a special thanks to the whole group fantasticone ARCI Chieti