Saturday, July 17, 2010

How High To Hand Curtain Holdbacks

NOW project

photo Thomas Freteur www.outoffocus.b e

Several European NGOs are engaged in al
Called ong term project
ORA (Observe , Rethink, Act ) that aim t o aware
European citizens on Sustainable Development issues and to pr omote a differen
t approach to reach a more sustainable lifestyle through the implementatio n of different concrete tools ( education, mult imedia, eco
es, art and culture ) and the organization of
international meeting of acti vists, volu nteers and youth workers .

In 2010 three international meetings will take p lace under the framewor k of ORA in Bosnia and Herzegovi na (Banja Luka, April), Italy (Vasto, June) and Belgiu m (Lieg e, August). They will give the opportunity to follow the process started last year in Italy going deep in so me aspects related t or Sustainable Development (mobility, energy, waste, environmental protection, life style, etc) in or rder to Develop Both education the campaign and multimedia tools and products.

LARGE june 2010

About forty people, or perhaps more, have worked for ten days in that of Vasto, or better still in that camp of Grotta del Saraceno.

Objective : Tuttoquello is written above, with particular attention to the area of \u200b\u200bcourse, since it is surrounded by splendidone Vast reserves of natural (like this www.puntaderci.i t )

Divided 5 workshops in educational-multimedia-communications-Sustainable Mobility graphicart, and it just this year decided to wink animation

who we were:

SASA M IHAJLOVIC , V UK P ALIBRK , V LADIMIR P ALIBRK (serbia) , I V AN KA A POSTOLOVA (Slovenia) , I SEN D EDOVIĆ (Bosnia Herzegovina ) , M Atheists B Rane (romania) , A SPARUH P ETROV , FILIP TEMNYALOV (Bulgaria), ARROJO CARLOS (Spain), F RANCO S A CCHETTI, ME (Italy)

what we did:

here is some photos and disegnetti

and then

and a special thanks to the whole group fantasticone ARCI Chieti

Friday, July 16, 2010

How To Get Morrowind Goty No Cd

Filmvideo Festival of Montecatini Rome 17 to 20 June 2010

"Skate" at the best clip Filmvideo Festival of Montecatini.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Suzuki Vinson 500 Engine In Arctic Cat 500 Tbx

Hope & found unexpected joy.

+*°*+*°*+ Blaise +*°*+*°*+
)}---- 8 --- 8 ----- ---- -8 --- 8 ----{(

are in Draco's room, sitting on her bed ..
Just now I was destroyed, I wanted to disappear, to be alone .. And he showed me in a moment understood and gave me an excuse to distance themselves
.. I would not have the right mask "Slytherin" one more minute .. I'd fallen in love with Hermione in the eyes .. in love, but of another!
The crushing disappointment to me. . I am in tightens a vise of despair for so
.. .. I wanted to bring Hermione from the third or fourth year maybe ..
And for that matter, any more than curious to someone like her?
He punched in the face of Draco Malfoy!
A true legend .. And then, at the Yule Ball, there was guy who had not laid eyes on him ..!
including myself, that no use denying it, I was strongly attracted.
Then in the fifth year of my admiration grew even more.
you, so just yet so rebellious, he conceived the 'Dumbledore's Army, had the courage to oppose Umbrige of the toad, which was destroying Hogwarts.
And again I ask: what is a girl like her in Weasley?! It is not up to it ..

<< Ehi Bla, tutto a posto? >> Draco's voice interrupts the flow of my thoughts.

<< Non ancora, ma ci sto lavorando. >> answer, and he knows what I mean .. The "mask Slytherin" must be reset.

<< Ok, ma fai presto. Si è offerta di aiutarti con la Trasfigurazione e io le ho detto che, se ti liberi dai tuoi impegni, la inviti qui dopo cena.. E non guardarmi così, non è colpa mia, non potevo dirle di no. Sono il tuo migliore amico, non il tuo segretario, perciò non avevo diritto a cancellare i tuoi impegni di mia iniziativa. E poi.. >> but seemed to think again and stopped.

<< E poi? >> invogliai him to continue.

<< E poi niente Bla. >> finished trying to make me give up.

<< No ormai me lo dici, e guai a te se mi rifili una balla! >> warned him looking at him wrong.

In response he smiled and said:

<< Ecco tornato il mio Blaise! Ti rispondo solo perché sono felice che tu ti stia riprendendo, intesi? >>

<< Intesi, ma adesso continua la frase di prima! >> insisted.

<< Beh, la Granger sembrava tenerci molto a passare del tempo con te.. E io le ho dato una speranza, pareva al settimo cielo quando è andata via. >> told.

<< Davvero?? >> I asked without a trace of sadness.

<< Si, ma non ti fare troppe illusioni stavolta. >> advised me.

<< Giusto.. Grazie Drà, torno in camera adesso. >> I say getting up and going to the door.

before they have crossed I can think of a thing, so I stop and say

<< Ah quasi dimenticavo, complimenti! >>

<< Per cosa?! >> calls him really strange.

<< Finalmente hai imparato a dare consigli! >> I say giggling.

<< Ise, ti do cinque secondi per sparire! >> tells me in a threatening tone. Maybe fake .. or maybe not.

<< E dai, scherzavo! >> exclaimed in my defense.

Because when he calls me "Ise" means that it is not well disposed towards me ..

<< Tre.. due.. >> count aloud, as if to say that is no joke.

<< Ok ok, vado! >> and I rush out.

+*°*+*°*+ Harry +*°*+*°*+
)}---- 8 --- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 ----{(

[ Harry]

"He looks up at me with a strange determination to look clarification.

<< A me piace Lavanda. >>"

<< Ron, in che senso ti piace Lavanda??! >> I ask angrily.

<< Nell'unico senso possibile.. >> replied puzzled.

<< Non era una domanda Ron, intendevo dire: come fa a piacerti quella lì!!! >> clarification exasperated.

<< Ma Harry lei... >>

+*°*+*°*+ Hermione +*°*+*°*+
)}---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 --- 8 ----{(

"In That's when I realize that everything is going perfectly to me: Ron loves me, who wants to become my friend Blaise and Draco Malfoy decidedly less shit than usual. What on earth could make me lose the smile today?! "

Arrival at the door of the infirmary to welcome Ron, but a strange feeling comes over me .. It 's like I should be careful before entering .. Just curious, I had never experienced anything like it! Meanwhile I hear Harry scream something and I even closer to the door ..

<< Ma Harry lei... E' così solare, allegra, piena di vita! E i suoi capelli mi fanno impazzire.. Sembrano così morbidi..! >> this is the voice of Ron recognize it!

<< E poi hai visto che bel sorriso che ha?! E le sue labbra..? Oh quelle labra sono così sensuali! Harry starei ore a fissarla! A lezione non faccio altro che imbambolarmi guardandola dal mio posto! >>

Ron .. I am amazed, my sweet Ron, is cooked on me It seems a dream a story .. I can not believe! I'm in Heaven ...

I can not wait any longer: I must plead! Now.

I opened the door of the infirmary bed and run up to hug Ron momentum. My heart is bursting, and tighten it to me is so nice to take your breath .. I feel that I might as well cry for joy .. After six years of hidden love finally my chance! I love him to be too much, I love you always! But now I have to detach myself, I look into his eyes .. I want to tell him how important it is for me, as I wished him next .. She takes his face in my hands and say

<< Ron io.. Io t- >>

<< NOOO! >> cries Harry.

at this time, best friend or not, kill him!
He ruined the best moment of my life!
I turned to look at him furiously, waiting for an explanation.
But he only took me by the hand and drag me away.

Marzetti Slaw Dressing And Pregnancy

Disillusionment & hard knocks.

+*°*+*°*+ Blaise +*°*+*°*+
)}---- ----- 8 --- 8 --- - 8 --- 8 ----{(

<<...Allora ci sono due notizie: una bella e una brutta. >> Hermione announced.

I nod concerned.

<< Quale vuoi per prima? >> still asks.

<< Scegli tu, non ho preferenze.. >> I say starting to worry about the bad news.

<< Ron è caduto dalla scopa durante gli allenamenti, perciò si trova in infermeria e io voglio dichiarargli il mio amore perchè sono sicura che anche lui mi ama! > > She says in one breath and at a speed that has made the utterly incomprehensible.

<< Cosa??! >>
<< Scusa puoi ripetere?! >> Draco and I say simultaneously.

She takes a deep breath again and repeats the phrase nantly. Soon after, however, I find myself wishing he had not heard ..

His words are like a punch in the stomach ..
I thought I had a chance with her, I thought it was prudent to what I like, I thought ..
But I was a 'deluded.
What I think, obviously were not the facts.
And now that the illusion has given way to reality I feel like crap ..
you, the sweetest girl I've ever met, wants to declare at that 'red-haired idiot .. He wants to be his girlfriend .. He does not want me.

<< Blaise, ma tu non dovevi tornare a Serpeverde per sistemare quella cosa? >> Draco spoke.

+*°*+*°*+ Draco +*°*+*°*+
)}---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 --- 8 ----{(

My poor friend. Who does not know if they can not realize it, but I see it clearly, is suffering from. I can not help in any way if you do not provide an excuse to get away, even if this means being alone with the half-blood, the unsuspecting tormentor of my best friend.

<< Si, è vero. Devo scappare. >> murmurs still shaken.

has never been as good as me in disguise pain. Perhaps because it has suffered less, or because he does not like the masks. It 's a Slytherin, but it is the truest, the most sensitive, the most sincere. That must be why, despite my well-known temper, he came up to me. He saw the fiction in my every gesture and could not stand him. Now understand me, know why I act like that and usually tolerate the way I do.

<< Ehi Malfoy, ci sei?! >> spurning calls for Granger from my thoughts.

<< Ehm no, cioè si.. Ma insomma, che diavolo vuoi?!! >> first answer a bit confused and then decided sgorbutico.

<< Ti ho chiesto cosa deve andare a "sistemare" Blaise, sembrava triste.. >> repeats her.

<< Non sono affari tuoi. >> replied dryly.

Blaise had gone to fix her broken heart ..

<< Oh, va bene.. Ma ci starà molto? Se vuole posso salutare Ron adesso e poi aiutarlo con la Trasfigurazione.. >> uncertain proposes her.

At this point I am forced to admit that the fault is not all of the Half-Blood .. Blaise has deluded himself from the outset.

+*°*+*°*+ Harry +*°*+*°*+
)}---- 8 --- 8 ----- ---- -8 --- 8 ----{(

"<< No, Harry! Tu non capisci! >> this sentence I stop laughing and rolled his eyes. The last time I said something like that was because he had ingested a potion 'love expired.

<< Ha detto anche che lo lovva da un anno!!! >> adds shocked.

Oh-My-God! I must say to Pomfrey better control of the hematoma has in his head .. "

<< Capito Harry??! >> then says emphatically.

<< No, Ron. Sinceramente non ho capito niente. Mi spieghi a te che te ne frega di quello che urla la Brown?? Posso capire finché parlava dell'appuntamento di Hermione.. Ma trovo assurdo il fatto che tu sia caduto dalla scopa per il linguaggio con cui la Brown elogia Zabini.. >> confess stunned.

<< Uffa Harry ma non ci arrivi? >> asks you anxious and a little annoyed at the same time.

<< Se solo sapessi a cosa dovrei arrivare forse ce la farei! Proprio non ti capisco oggi.. >> blurt ironic at first and then just dejected.

<< Harry a me lei piace.. >> Ron whispers in a barely perceptible.

for the umpteenth time I look at him confused .. I thought you said he did not like the most?

He looks up at me with a strange determination to look clarification.

<< A me piace Lavanda. >>

+*°*+*°*+ Hermione +*°*+*°*+
)}---- 8 --- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 ----{(

<< Allora Malfoy, credi che l'invito sia ancora valido? O adesso Blaise è impegnato? >> already insecure and wonder a bit sad

.. I mean, I wanted to become friends with Zabini .. Even if we had more work and make Ron jealous of me would like to have known better .. the same
And now that I think Malfoy is not bad compared to me at first ..
the evening of the feast of Slughorn, when we were all three in his room staring at him intensely felt. As if I was studying .. It was a strange feeling .. always
And that evening, later on, he and I We even managed to speak more or less civilized

<< E' impegnato. >> Reply Malfoy to my earlier question.

<< Oh.. Peccato. >> disappointed I say, looking down and putting on a pout involuntary.

<< Però se dopo cena si libera probabilmente ti chiede di venire. >> adds he gave me hope.

So I looked up and runs a happy smile.

<< Grazie per avermelo detto.. Ci vediamo, Malfoy! >> Merry exclaimed turning around and returning to the road to the infirmary almost jumping for joy.
At that moment I realize that everything is going perfectly to me: Ron loves me, who wants to become my friend Blaise and Draco Malfoy bastard much less than usual. What on earth could make me lose the smile today?!

Create Wrestling Belt Game

Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 7 Chapter 8

Confessions & Apologies shocking.

+*°*+*°*+ Ron +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 --- 8 - --- 8 <(@

<< Harry ti dico che è strana! Mi sorride, mi abbraccia.. Non è mai stata così!! >> worried confess to my friend.

He looks at me tenderly like a mother watching her baby while she makes her first steps and after he cleared his voice as to what to give more impôt says

<< Ron: credo che Hermione stia per dichiararti il suo amore! Era quello che volevi, no? >>

STOP! .. Stop! ...... I hear that right?!

<< Ron??! Ron, stai bene?! Dai su, non fare quella faccia! Lo so che non aspetti altro da un sacco di anni, però se non rimetti a posto la maschella ti si stacca del tutto! >> Harry exclaims, laughing amused.

But I do not reply. My brain went into full blockade, I can not even move a muscle.
I feel like in a parallel universe from which no I think I'll go out so early ...

+*°*+*°*+ Draco +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 - -8 ---- 8 <(@

<< Non resta che l'infermeria.. >> I hear the whispering voice a little breathless and anxious to Blaise.

We had in fact turned the whole house in search of Granger, but not yet found, and now we were heading briskly toward the place that we had voluntarily left for last.

<< Dai Blaise non mi dirai che sei preoccupato per lei! >> arrows in his direction.

<< Certo che lo sono! Ho un bruttissimo presentimento.. E tu sai che quando ce l'ho è perchè effettivamente mi è successo qualcosa di poco piacevole!! Ricordi l'anno scorso quando... >> oh Merlin must stop it before it starts to tell!

<< Si si, me lo ricordo.. Hai avuto quel presentimento e poi si è saputo che tua madre aveva perso l'eredità del terzo marito!.. >> I try to cut it short.

<< Ecco, appunto! ..Che poi era il più ricco! >> escama him to give more gravity to the fact.

I'm about to open his mouth and threatening him with death if they just try to tell that story yet, but something - or rather someone - I end up wearing.

<< Ahi!! >> I hear the girl over the floor.

<< Vuoi una mano? >> obviously it was not me talking, even if Blaise had not said anything I started to fill with words, not just pretty silly that I was wearing slingshots!

<< Ehm, si grazie.. BLAISE??! >> exclaims surprise a lot of looking up and acknowledging my friend bent over her.

<< Già, tutto a posto?! Dove ti fa male? >> he asks thoughtful while pulling up.

Now I see: the Half-Blood! Finally, we found, I did not just go into nursing ..

Or maybe you do not go there to find her and discover that we had guessed Bla once again? I hear a little voice lodge in my head.

<< Si si, tutto bene, tranquillo.. In questi giorni cado sempre, ormai ci sono abituata! >> she says as she tries to wipe the dust from her skirt.

<< Sto ancora aspettando le tue scuse! >> the call rudely.

I hate being ignored and even a little upset by the words of the voice than before ..
better not contradict me in this moment!

<< Quali scuse?! Sei tu che non guardi dove cammini! E poi che cavolo ci fai qua? Tornatene da dove sei venuto! >> I've always said that talks too much, but now my nerves are going up!

<< Invece sei tu che corri nei corridoi, quindi scusati! E poi si può sapere perchè hai dato buca a Blaise? >>

<< Buca?!! Ma l'appuntamento non era... Oh cavolo! Era alle quattro!!! >> seems to remember all of a sudden.

<< Si, e adesso sono quasi le cinque. Mi hai fatto preoccupare!! Non sei il tipo di ragazza che arriva in ritardo.. >> This makes Bla.

<< Oh Merlino! Scusa Blaise!!! Sono successe tante cose importanti e io... >>

the Half-Blood Oh good, as if only you! It makes walking around the castle and I and my friend we must also look to run!

<< Avanti Mezzosangue, ammettilo: te ne sei dimenticata! >> accused her hard.

you become very red and nods her head down ..

<< Oh dai, non fa niente Herm.. Cos'è successo di così importante? >> Blaise intervenes, after throwing her a look around me honey and a reproach.

+*°*+*°*+ Ron +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 - -8 ---- 8 <(@

<< ..E quindi a te non piace??! >> Harry exclaimed shocked.

<< No!!!!..Anzi, si..Cioè, un pochino...Insomma Harry, non lo so! >> honest answer.

<< Ma come non lo sai??! Diamine Ron, deciditi! >> insists he exasperated.

E 'by at least a quarter of an hour that I despair, and he more than me.
Hermione wants to confess but I do not like her more .. Or maybe still a little .. .. Here, we are falling back! I do not know what to do: if you declare I'm done!

+*°*+*°*+ Harry +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 ---- 8 <(@

As usual I'm in trouble! Hermione I encouraged to come forward believing that Ron was madly in love with her and instead ..
Poor Hermione! It 's all my fault, I have to fix .. I have to make her all the way from declaring .. What if Ron refused to be her boyfriend? I will not even think about it .. I could not live without or without Ron Herm, and if they fight, this time I have my doubts that everything will be fine as in years past.

... However, now that I think, one thing does not come back! Maybe it's just too shy to admit it ...

<< Ron, ma se lei non ti interessa più, perchè sei caduto dalla scopa quando hai saputo che ha un appuntamento con Zabini? >> ask in a tone of impatient and inquisitive.

At these words he flushed zone ears .. Caught! Herm's interested all right!

<< Allora vedi, che sei geloso di lei?! >> I make him out.

He looks up he had previously held down and looks at me confused.

<< ..Ma io non sono caduto perché 'Mione ha un appuntamento!! >> clarification.

<< E allora perché?! >> now I have to look at him confused.

He blushes but still not responding. I'm seriously impatient! But you may not even want to say to me, I'm his best friend?!

<< Ron, me lo vuoi dire sì o no?! E' da venti minuti che ci giriamo attorno. Se non mi dici perchè sei caduto non posso aiutarti a risolvere la situazione con Herm! >> I try to convince him.

He raises his head and back down immediately after he looked on the sheet.
Then, stammering, she admits.

<< S-sono ca-caduto perché ho s-sentito dire a Lav-Lavanda... >> and here it stops.

<< Sì?? >> I try to encourage him to continue.

takes a deep breath and drops the bomb:

<< ..Che Zabini è un figono da paura! E che.. >> but I interrupt.

<< Ahahahaha.. S-solo per questo? Ahahah! >> between a laugh and tell each other.

<< No, Harry! Tu non capisci! >> this sentence I stop laughing and rolled his eyes. The last time I said something like was because he swallowed a potion of love ended.

<< Ha detto anche che lo lovva da un anno!!! >> adds shocked.

Oh-My-God! I must say to Pomfrey better control of the hematoma on his head ..

How To Make A Sadn Rail

Strange behavior & strange premonitions.

+*°*+*°*+ Ron +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 --- 8 ---- 8 <(@

Just out of the torture chamber aka room casts of "meet me I encounter a mass of curly hair, which once raggiuntomi me from a sound kiss on the cheek.

<< Oh tesoro, come ti sei malridotto!.. Io l'ho sempre detto: il Quidditch è troppo pericoloso!! Non capisco perchè tu e Harry tenete tanto a star su quelle dannatissime scope!.. >> but I have not paid a modicum of attention to usual spiel on the Quidditch .. Echoes in my head the word "treasure" .. I can not believe that I have really called that! He had never done! Semi-shocked look that Harry is sitting beside her quiet. But then the "treasure" I heard it just me?

Meanwhile Harry, who has misinterpreted my look upset, again jokingly Hemione.

<< Eddai Herm, per adesso lascialo riposare un pò... Domani mentre lui passerà il tempo qui a poltrire potrai rimproverarlo quanto vuoi! >>

<< Già, e poi ormai lo so che non abbandonerebbe mai la squadra.. Oh Ron, caro, vuoi che ti aggiunga un cuscino dietro la testa? >> at this point I'm really confused .. He called me "dear"! That is, even if I got hit on the head that was strong I do not think that can produce hallucinations! .. But if you were not hallucinations, because Harry does not say anything about this?! .. He knows better than I that Hermione never used with any nicknames like that!

+*°*+*°*+ Draco +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 - -8 ---- 8 <(@

<< Bla, sono le quattro e un quarto! Non è poi così tardi! Smettila di agitarti. >> I say to my friend who alternately nervous glances at the door and wrist watch.

<< Si che è tardi! E poi lei arriva sempre in anticipo a qualsiasi impegno!.. >> responds worried.

<< Allora potrebbe essersi dimenticata l'ora dell'appuntamento! >> blurt impatiently.

<< Dray sei impazzito?? Lei non si dimentica mai di niente! Dev' esserle sicuramente successo qualcosa.. >> responds agitated.

<< Vedrai che non è successo niente.. >> tell the patient, in an attempt to calm him down, but will not let me finish ..

<< Ti dico di sì invece.. Me lo sento!! >> ok, when it takes half of his intuition, there is nothing to do! .. By now I know too much: If his intuition tells him something he has to follow him at all costs, so I order to avoid further heartache of mind ..

<< Ok, basta, non ti sopporto più. Andiamo a cercarla! >> impatiently ordered with a - very noticeable - a note of annoyance in his voice.

+*°*+*°*+ Ron +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 ---- 8 <(@

E 'went nearly an hour from my admission to the infirmary and Hermione gets stranger every minute .. I mean, I had never seen her so loving and helpful to me! Not that she was a girl usually sour and sullen, but when I have her on this couch is just too sweet to be exchanged for my best friend! Then, before it descended to the camp for training we had fought well!

<< Ron, qualcosa non va? Sembri pensieroso.. >> here I speak of the devil and sprout horns!

Hermione approached me with the 'unusual kindness that I just mentioned .. I feel there's something wrong! .. Maybe I should talk to Harry!

<< No Herm, è tutto a posto! >> answer to my friend that I look deep ..

Merlin when I feel a fool looks at me with those eyes that seemed to read deep and understand me as if I were a book!

<< Sicuro?! No, perchè se vuoi qualcosa ci sono qua io! >> says with a little smile ..

It 's my impression every time he smiles or talks to me?! .. I've got to ask Harry what the hell takes them! He certainly knows why Hermione does this, he always understands the fly, am I the only late in terms of feelings!

<< Tranquilla non ho bisogno di niente.. >> answer with a smile a little bit contrived because the thought just made.

<< Oh, allora io vado un attimo al bagno! Non ci metterò molto, promesso! A dopo tesoro.. >> says smacking a kiss on the forehead .. I can not get used to it: kissing, nicknames, caresses .. Until this morning was already so that we hug!

Whats Tilt In Lacrosse?

Fall & Case.

+*°*+*°*+ Hermione +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 --- 8 ---- 8 <(@

<< Gin, che è successo? Qualcosa di grave? >> wonder my friend.

<< Herm, Ron è in infermeria! E' caduto dalla scopa!! >> exclaimed shocked.

<< Oddio!! Ma come è successo?! Si è fatto molto male? >> wonder after I recovered from the bad news comunicatami.

<< Non so come è successo, io ero lontana dagli anelli!.. So solo che Harry ha cominciato a gridare e quando mi sono girata: Ron cadeva giù! Quando lo abbiamo raggiunto a terra era svenuto.. Harry è corso in infermeria per chiamare la Chips e mi ha detto di venire da te per raccontarti tutto.. >> confesses marching around the room nervously and occasionally taking his hands on his head in despair.

I'll take her by the shoulders and the face turned towards me, no need to speak to my eyes reflected in the question of which more than I would know the answer.

<< Mi dispiace Herm, non so cosa si è fatto.. >> responds Gin mortified and sad eyes.

I let her go and I rush out of the room .. In my head a peniero only, one goal: to reach Ron.


<< ..Fra un paio di minuti dovrebbe riprendere conoscenza. Intanto lo porto di là così esamino meglio le varie fratture. >> I hear Chips and open the door to the infirmary.

Inside the huge great room also find Harry, but not yet aware of my presence behind him.

<< Harry..>> call it so you turn around.

He immediately turns around and looks very relieved to see me.

<< Herm.. Non vedevo l'ora che arrivassi. >> sincere confession. I

's sweet smile without being able to do without looking in his eyes. I am looking for something in his irises that I clarify the situation, I calm down .. Ginny told me that it was he the first to realize that Ron was falling down. I'm sure he will tell me more about what happened. I'm about to open his mouth and with questions .. But he anticipates and start talking.

<< Herm, Ron per quanto imbranato possa essere, non scivola giù dalla scopa senza motivo.. E io credo di sapere perchè oggi durante gli allenamenti si è lasciato sfuggire il controllo del manico. >> explains flattened against the seat slightly uncomfortable.

I look at him intently, I do not understand .. Why look away? It seems almost embarrassed .. Possible?!

<< O-Ora ti racconto tutti gli ultimi cinque minuti prima che Ron cadesse.. O-Ok? >> pronunciation uncertain flustered .. I nod.

<< ..Allora, gli allenamenti procedevano come al solito, a un certo punto però la Brown - che si trovava proprio vicino agli anelli - s' è messa a strillare "..NON E' POSSIBILE!!! MA COME HA FATTO QUELLA SECCHIONA DENTONA E GOBBUTA AD OTTENERE UN APUNTAMENTO COL MIO TENERO ZAB-ZAB?? IO LO LOVVO DA UN ANNO A QUEL GRAN-FIGONO-DA-PAURA!!!" ..A queste parole Ron è caduto dalla scopa. >> ends the story and a dare 'ochi in my direction ..

<< Quindi, secondo te, Ron è caduto perchè lo ha sconvolto la notizia del mio appuntamento con un ragazzo? >> wonder cautious but hopeful to my best friend.

<< Si Herm, e mi sa che oltre a farlo cadere dalla scopa, gli hai anche fatto perdere dieci anni di vita!! >> Harry laughs merrily, leaving behind the initial awkwardness.

.. But I'm no longer listening: they are super-hyper-mega-archi-strategic happy! Of course I had no idea

that my Ron slid the broom to the shock, but I'll try to forgive me! .. Still can not believe it: my plan has failed to get me out! .. Ron loves me and is jealous of me! Perhaps this is so long and I like a good complexes can I never noticed! .. I just have to take the initiative and declare now that I have the chance, I know that he is too shy to come forward! ..

I come back to reality by the sound that announces the return of Ron in the room.
I spun around in his direction to see how he is.
A little bit I feel responsible for his downfall ..

Before my eyes is a guy with the right half of the body buried under bandages, gauze and bandages various .. My poor Ron!

How To Make A Wearable Spartan Helmet

Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 4

Impatience & Ideas (to be ordered!)

+*°*+*°*+ Draco +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 --- 8 ---- 8 <(@

<< Blaise!!! La smetti di guardarti allo specchio ogni dieci secondi?? Sei insopportabile più di quando ti metti a cantare sotto la doccia e pure più di quando mi fai arrivare in ritardo a lezione! >> exasperated say to my best friend.

<< Ma Dra', fra qualche ora arriva qui Hermione!! Ti rendi conto? E poi io canto benissimo! >> answered almost indignantly.

<< Appunto, arriva fra qualche ora! Per adesso datti una calmata.. E poi dato che sei così convinto di cantare benissimo perchè non accogli la Granger con una bella canzoncina? >> wonder with a malevolent grin, amused at the same time.

I see Blaise whiten and harden at the thought that someone could feel how much 'is out of tune, but this is not enough, in fact, continued ...

<< Sono sicuro che adora le canzoni italiane e poi se la delizi con la tua melodiosa e armonica voce forse non presterà attenzione al brufolo che hai sulla fronte. >>

the word "pimple" eccentric and vain my friend opens her eyes from 'horror and catapult in front of the mirror so fast as to suggest that it is dematerialized within the walls of Hogwarts. Seeing him so seriously concerned about his appearance I have not stood up to take it around a bit .. Let's be clear I did not want her to die of a heart attack, is just that - friend or not - take the piss is a hoot!

<< Dra, questa me le paghi!! Non ho nessun brufolo! >> exclaims angrily turned to scowl menacingly in my direction.

Now, with that face pissed even more funny than before, so no longer able to restrain him burst out laughing in the face.

He stares at me puzzled for a moment and then shakes his head muttering << Che razza di amico mi è capitato! >> but then he smiles and sits down on a chair waiting for our guest.

+*°*+*°*+ Hermione +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 --- 8 ---- 8 <(@

After Parvati finally decided to run towards the Quidditch pitch I took a deep sigh of relief and went back to my room to finish studying. Sitting at his desk, however, I suddenly realized that I no longer wanted to open the book, but felt the pressing need to think and clear my head. Making common cause with two Slytherin boys I was in trouble and that I was 100% sure. What's more, one of them seems interested in me and I do not know if this is a good thing or a tragedy: on the one hand Blaise I like it because is kind, friendly, gallant .. On the other hand, however, self-reproach me, saying that it is not advisable for a partner Slytherin - for a thousand and one reasons not waste time to list - plus I really feel something for Ron! Every morning before breakfast to get fingers crossed and pray that after some kind of miracle, Ron to notice me. But every morning after he fell in the Great Hall I realize that no miracle has happened and that he is the same as always .. I wonder how to please a guy who s'ingozza of food every three hours, which has a head full of Quidditch, which of feelings, we understand less than a teaspoon, which often makes me angry .. Then the night before adormentarmi, in my mind all the answers. I like for its simplicity, as it becomes red in a flash, for its large blue eyes when I would sink to the sweetness that those eyes can make shine, to the joy and determination that define it for as he begins to stutter when you touch the topic "girls", as I apologized to her in that awkward way that simply love it!

Suddenly the bedroom door swings open and making me jump interrupting my thoughts on Ron. I turn around troubled in that direction and I see all Gin panting while clinging to the handle tries to catch his breath.

<< Ehi, ma che ci fai qui? Non dovevi essere al campo per allenarti? >> wonder surprised to see her.

<< H-Herm! Non s-sai che ca-casino è succ-cess-so!! >> stutters with shortness of breath. Worried me jumped up and flush in front of her to know the reason for his upset.

Tongue Exercises To Correct Rhotacism

& Answers revelations.

+*°*+*°*+ Draco +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 - - 8 ---- 8 <(@

Ugh, Blaise is glued to the window and wait for the response of the Granger .. But I say, can be reduced to this state for a girl to be so little known?! Maybe he liked her even before .. Bho!

<< Dra! Dra, vieni subito qui!! >> Blaise calls me all excited.

<< Che vuoi? E soprattutto, che hai da saltellare? >> we lack a little and turns into a dog! Wags his tail and jumps back as if it were the master ..

<< Non lo vedi??! Sta arrivando il gufo con la risposta di Hermione!! >> here .. As I suspected, Bla has been "tamed" by the Half-Blood!

<< E allora?! Aspetta di leggere quello che ha scritto prima di cominciare a sbavare! >> Blaise since yesterday has become pathetic ..

<< Ehm.. si, hai ragione! ..Pensa se mi dice che non verrà! >> says all concerned.

<< Ma non eri tu quello che fino al giorno prima della festa di Lumacorno diceva "Sono così figo che nessuna può dirmi di no!" ?? >> I hope you come back soon to say things like that .. This his crush on the Granger rincitrullisce!

<< Ma Hermione è diversa!! E' la Regina dei Grifondoro, la miglior studentessa che sia mai passata a Hogwarts.. La ragazza più dolce, bella e intelligente che io abbia mai conosciuto! >> blech .. That corny!

<< Blaise, smettila! Rischio il diabete dopo tutti i complimenti e le cose mielose che hai detto!.. >>

toc toc.

is the long awaited (by Blaise only) owl! However, I am almost certain that she will not refuse .. All his friends are at the Gryffindor Quidditch pitch for training. And 'logic that takes!

Blaise Hello!
My day went so well .. (
Then I'll explain why ...
Turning to more cheerful things: Of course I AGREE!
As you see, I have many things to talk about!; P
What time do we see?

PS I will be pleased to give you a hand in the Transfiguration theme!: D

Your new friend, Hermione.

And you felt that there had nothing to talk about! The shortage of the arguments, and once playing there is no way to talk silence her .. Suffice it to say that last night spoke almost as long as her!

Who knows what to tell ...
But that stupid! I should not matter!
.. Blaise is now so serious that now I risk of infection? I am seriously concerned ..
With these thoughts in mind I lie down comfortably on the bed and unroll the note came in response to me.

Mmm that smell .. E 'ink! Strawberry ...

.. Strange that Blaise did not notice anything!

Okay, we see that it says ..

Ferret Hello!
's always a (dis) pleasure to hear you!
To be honest I do not know why bother to respond your note! ..
.. Maybe because I was very surprised that you are able to write! Hihihi: D

(and other Griffindor I have always had a strong suspicion that your teacher was the same as Crabbe and Goyle!)

However, serious things going on ..
I still can not comprehend that you had offered to give me a hand to win Ron.

.. I mean, try to put yourself in my shoes!

You have to admit that is quite disturbing to see their enemy as long as all of a sudden he has to solve the problems love!
If we then add the fact that we had fought heavily during the party ..

whole thing I do not own square!

I do not buy your excuse: "I just see their faces" ..

Blaise is easier to trust, but you do not like you at all.
I consider deceitful and untrustworthy.

In any case,
thanks for the advice you sent me ..
I hope it works!


Magnifico! (Ironically NdDraco)
Now I can not even do a favor to my only friend who already believe that everyone knows what I've concocted!
And what the heck! I'm not a monster .. or maybe you?
With these new thoughts in his head threw the letter in the air, but bad luck does it land on the face of Blaise. The latter even before reading the content darkens and mutters something that looks like a "not fair, I wrote more stuff about me!"
What an idiot! Bla before the party was not so deficient, I swear!
It 's true, the Granger wrote me rather than God, sin, however, that the letter was written to take the c ** o!
.. And to make me angry (success by the way).

That story about the prof in common with Crabbe and Goyle was a clear challenge to my patience!

+*°*+*°*+ Hermione +*°*+*°*+
@)> 8 ---- 8 --- 8 ----- ----- 8 - - 8 ---- 8 <(@

still happy for the invitation received by Blaise and the jokes sent in response to Malfuretto, I proceeded to implement the council sent to me shortly before. Just as I was puzzled to find a way of alerting Ron without necessarily talking to the person concerned (with whom I was still upset) I scontrai with Parvati. What luck! That is, it could happen to me a better person in order to inform Ron that I shall spend the afternoon with two snakes! Cali is slightly inclined to gossip (or maybe it's better to say that he spends his days in sparlottare) and is just getting off the Quidditch pitch to watch the workouts ..

<< Ciao Calì! >> greet the radiant.

<< Oh ciao Herm! Come mai così contenta?? >> perfect, I knew I was intrigued with my happiness!

<< Mah, niente di che.. >> I like to keep on your toes, smiling happily ..

<< Come niente di che?!! Si vede che sei contenta per qualcosa! Su, su raccontami tutto!! >> is curious to the core!

<< Ehm, no.. Calì vorrei dirti tutto, credimi!.. Lo sai che per me sei un'amica importante! ..Però proprio non posso!! Si tratta di un segreto!!! >> are sadistic ..

the word "secret" Parvati brought out the typical view: "I-know-even-a-cost-to-break-nail!"
And her nails are sacred! Indeed ..

<< Ma Herm!.. Non ti fidi di me?!! >> Demands hungry for news, making the eyes as a puppy to get me to confide in her.

I only answer I pretend to be on the verge of surrender. So she
things worse!

<< Dai, lo sai che io ti voglio bene tanto-tanto-tanto !!! ..Non ti metterei mai nei pasticci rivelando il tuo segreto!! >> who loves me is true, but which will keep your mouth shut no!

<< Oh Calì! Questo lo so.. Anche io ti voglio bene! ..Ma ho paura che il segreto lo venga a sapere Ron!!! >> exclaimed to be 100% sure that the news reaches him.

<< Ed io non gli dirò niente! Sarò muta come i pesci! Fidati!! >> oh is that I trust! .. I trust that tomorrow you will have lost his voice in anger to tell! .. Indendiamoci Cali does not do so badly, just can not help myself!

<< Ok, mi fido! Mi raccomando non dirlo a nessuno.. Pomeriggio ho un appuntamento con Blaise Zabini!! >> the last sentence I also called goose-style excited! .. But they are magnificent! Interpretation from Oscar! .. Oops, I think the company of those two snakes vain robbed me of modesty! Hihihi ..

<< BLAISE ZABINI!!!??? >> here, I knew you would have shouted from the rooftops .. Indeed, the four houses!

<< Si Calì !! Proprio lui! Ma ci pensi?! E' bellissimooooo!!!! >>

<< Hai ragione Herm! Non sai quanto vorrei essere al tuo posto!! Su su, corri a truccarti!!! >> makeup?! Oh no, now shooting a bale, and mail it as far as possible .. I will not wear makeup! First of the four (now with the appointment Blaise) I want to finish my book on the history of magic!

<< Ma certo! Allora vado.. E scusa se ti ho fatto perdere tempo.. Sono certa che adesso per colpa mia arriverai tardi al campo! >>

Hopefully you drink my dancing that I'm going to wear makeup .. Cali Let it go .. Please, please! .. I do not want to bury myself behind two inches of foundation!

<< Oh si, hai ragione!! Sono in ritardo! ..Allora, io corro al campo da Quidditch, ma tu truccati! D'accordo?! >> Cali says all thrilled.

'd better go along with that ..

<< Si si, certo che mi trucco! Tu vai, che sennò fai tardi! >> say pushing the portrait hole ..

you are about to leave when suddenly has second thoughts and come back. I just have

time thinking "Merlin, but when we go to 'I'm blessed Quidditch pitch?" she jumps on me to embrace urlandomi ear

<< CONGRATULAZIONI, HERM !!!!!!!! >> At this point I can not help but smile and think that if sometimes you act like a goose, Cali is a treasure! .. If you put around to tell of my appointment, it does so only because he is happy for me. That love of friends! How can you not love her?!