Tuesday, July 19, 2005

How To Get Tech Deck Games

Bin Laden? Need to find work

The day before yesterday evening in a restaurant in the center of Assisi came two types. Drunk, told the operator: "We are a cell of bin Laden, for tonight we will be working here" (.. also said to have a bomb). Obviously, the manager called the police and the two are escaped (for a while, then they caught). Of course if you think it is funny ..? Sad? Bow Wow than half the world has become a way to get a job ..

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Healthy Eating Catchy

I do. Notice to users

I feel the pungent odor that rises from the nose to the brain when I inject.
I feel and I would not disappear in a few seconds.
comes the buzz in the ears.
I always get this effect.
Thomas told me that your voice is like honey. The words flow
As if you were here to stroke his head.
I try to calm down.
you continue to breathe.
seem sticky paste.
We went inside.
penetrates you like a knife into the skin.
Like a knife in the flesh.
dig with your fingers to find you. I
red thread to sew and keep us united to my lips.

Scavami. Scavami hours.
Now I feel the breeze in the veins open.
Scavami. Scavami hours.
Now that the aftertaste of gasoline I took the palate. A

Maurizio Fiorino. To its beauty.
With true love. Angela

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

New Client Form Salon

Now Chic Trills has a mailing list .
just a few clicks to register:

a) using the appropriate banner to the right;
b) by sending an email (blank) to: ct-subscribe@domeus.it

What are you waiting?

Gratis Solo Incesto Italiano


someone explain to me what's the censor swear words in the songs in foreign languages \u200b\u200b (see Eminem Song & co), and let those in Italian roam free and happy (see songs Masini, or one that turns on the radio these days I do not know the title and singer) ? What then often the songs in English feel uncensored version, as long as someone does not understand that contain a myriad of profanity (see American Idiot by Green Day).

Monday, July 11, 2005

What Is The Best Way To Hang A Owl Box

Fragments of history: MADONNA

images scroll across the TV. E '1985. A succession of singers involved in a mega success for Africa. Suddenly, there she is: she is just twenty years ago, and it does not seem real. Unrecognizable, were it not for the attitude and always excessive movements a little more 'decomposed, away from those that characterized his career thereafter. Here are the pictures back today. E 'July 2, 2005. It 's always you that on stage. Unbelievable. He seems to have made a pact with the Devil, or who has found after centuries of research, she alone, the elixir of eternal youth. Better yet: it seems that over time has managed to become more beautiful. Madonna sings yesterday and today at the Live Aid and is always steel. Our Lady of the scandals. Chat. A model, icon, idol, mocked and desecrated. No half measures with you.

Let's face it: the look of 1985 was not helped her own. Ample skirts, shoulder high, no, VERY HIGH. Jackets horrific, excessive and kitsch. Crosses hanging everywhere. Big hair and stringy so that we could plant and cultivate the zucchini with excellent results. Exaggerated makeup, without harmony, entirely devoid of personality and logic. Madonna looked like a scarecrow at the time, but liked it. After all, it was the Eighties. Launched a fashion, and we felt so taste over time was not tired and has assets and virtually all crossing. Always accompanied by scandals, appurtenances, and deluged with critical praise, outrageous and self-centered, very shrewd and very good manager of itself.

But today? After twenty years and a thousand and a thousand fashion trends outdated? Today is simply beautiful. Perfect. On July 2, presented with a complete simple and sexy, totally white. Ash-blond hair, make-up slightly earlier, in better shape than ever. M A diamond in the neck ornarle. Performance of dance and song, including fuck inevitable. Beside him on stage while singing Like a Prayer, the girl who accompanied her twenty years ago, only three years old, became a symbol of hunger and despair of Africa, which today has become a beautiful black rose. A miracle. Meanwhile, Madonna has abandoned necklaces bracelets exaggerated hideous fuchsia lipstick on necklaces earrings necklaces tarot gel for hair and clothes three sizes too big. And we finally say THANK YOU. Sober is much better.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Breast Feeding By Man Images

Alessandra Amitrano, Broken Barbie Chic Trills

: Broken Barbie , sensational literary debut of our Alessandra Amitrano , is in all libraries. Here is the plot:
Stella is a broken girl, even if nobody can see it. Spends his life obsessively trying tirelessly those like her, of his race, broken inside. He hates his home town of Naples, the smell of the streets, the people who live there, the sea, Mario Merola, Roberto Murolo, the moon, the sun, the fans. Devour disproportionate amount of food or not eating anything. Two monsters living inside her, the elf and the devourer, one that loves and one who hates. Moves from one story to another and moves constantly from town to town, from square to square, stubbornly refuses to grow and is chained to his adolescence. Perhaps because the man wants to please beautiful and sad, his dad, who is morbidly attracted to her.
The book, Chic Trills had the privilege of reading in the preview will do a lot to discuss. The Amitrano, with its stark language, fierce like a bullet, is success in the enterprise (not easy) to get us into the life of Stella, let us live out his problems, his inner torments, his most secret perversions. What comes out is a tough but honest novel, wonderfully lyrical and sensual to read and reread until exhaustion.
Alessandra Amitrano will be the undisputed star of the upcoming issue of absolute and Chic Trills.

Buy Broken Barbie on Ibs - Buy Broken Barbie Bol

Saturday, July 9, 2005

Dongle Emulator Cubase Sx 3

of July is on line ...