I understand that we are a people forced to live under the clutches of the Vatican, but Judas pig, possible that politicians should to pay their respects and all that tells us the Church? Point one, I'd fire the Osservatore Romano. If only that "newspaper" to inquire, discover that the word stands for civil unions Civil Solidarity Pact, a legal arrangement introduced in France October 13, 1999. On 9 November 1999, the Conseil Constitutionel gave the green light, recognizing the constitutional conformity. The Pac is a contract entered into by two adults, homosexual or heterosexual, in order to organize their life together, but does not change the marital status of the parties. To subscribe to a PACS for both partners must have a common life (not just shared interests and cohabitation, but also the residence and shared life as a couple ) And provide each other support material. Partenaires I have no obligation of fidelity, aid or assistance, but only that of mutual contribution. It therefore becomes an asset. Peer support and material is a duty, without which civil unions are not.
But you would like to do a search on the internet that we can put two seconds when m * rda spread far and wide!
Second: I read in the Corriere della Sera (I can not find the article and then you point out that from GayNews ) that gays were going to vote Mastella (I'm not one who never would vote if you type his name on google in the first place you see a site bath supplies, but so) because he had the clear openings on civil unions ... if so how is it that after the famous opening of the Prodi coalition threatened to break up and still breaks the p * lle? The other day arrives
Rutelli (but back to Magna bread and chicory!) Proposes that the CCS, contracts, social coexistence. Would it be? Someone will explain to Rutelli that civil unions are not forms of marriage like gay marriages and even less comparable to, and you can not adopt children ? Casini, said that "as a Catholic I oppose the ban on" ... Where was your opposition when you're divorced and have begun to live? Okay then Calderoli that goes with the Celtic rite should not even own tacere.Ruini the comment: ok that everyone is entitled to express an opinion (and God forbid) if the Vatican as a sovereign and independent state claims that pedophile priests are not processed ( and get it! ), Ruini not break ic * pavilions and well to remember that Italy is an independent and sovereign state (at least should be) on matters of law and Ruini should not put your mouth (and leave them alone, do you know that can do this because it's just an opinion. With all those politicians deferens do you really think Ruini expressed only review?)
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